Says "we need to quit being babies" yet antagonizes someone who came back to the boards to talk about INJUSTICE (not MK9) makes senseWe need to quit being babies. Ppl that trash the game (especially someone go has large audience in the fg scene ) do nothing but hurt the scene.
Mk did not die thanks to the hard work of the community. We did it without his help. So for me not to be happy about him returning and making a thread if we miss him is understandable.
Him saying mk9 does not deserve the MLG attention we got (even though our community earned it with its support )
Sometimes we just need to stop trying to be the better person and call ppl out on bullshit.
We're is my thanks and own thread about my support ? Attending numerous majors outside of my state. Starting a stream for mk9 and streaming mk9 tournaments in my local area for everyone viewing pressure. As well as bringing the Houston crew together. Opening my place for casuals and streaming. As well as sponsoring blake to go to tournaments in order to support the scene?
I just don't get what the big deal is, who cares if he trashed MK9, he's talking about Injustice now. You guys get so upset when people trash MK9, as long as you keep going to tournaments for it who cares who trashes it? UMVC3 is one of the worst games ever and everyone knows that and plenty of people trash it, you think they care? They're still having tournaments for it and there's still MK9 tournaments with good turnouts.
I'll say this again because clearly it's going over people's heads but Joe is here to talk Injustice, his views on MK9 shouldn't even be a problem