Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
X-Ray will lose its armor/projectile invulnerability up close, and I think at certain ranges, the X-Ray gains an extra startup animation, so it lands even later than usual.Johnny Cage is beyond broken with the new patch. His block strings are insane now and he seems to have the advantage on everything. Armor on shadow kick is Granted I was playing REO but chrisg had the same problems as well.
Something definitely happened to reps xray. Both scoot and I experienced the same thing. I tried to go through a shadow tackle and I got poked out. Scoot got ice cloned... Scoot great meeting ya man hope to catch ya next week.
Cage always had those strings. It was never the patch that buffed him. Just no one knew about it. I knew he was sick up close, but I didn't realize until last night. This character is just dumb...