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CEO 2013 FighterMania "Injustice" Concept Match Idea - MK Community vs Capcom Community 3v3?

KH StarCharger

Not to go. To take bias. Apparently, I should praise some MK scrub just because he is a lead mod. Apparently, being a lead mod equals having undisputed opinions. Apparently, I have to lick his ass just because he is a mod.
Meet the new in-game DLC, the one and only
TYM:Injustice (Mods among us).
Who are you exactly to be calling anyone a scrub? I've never heard of you.... and neither has most of this site compared to someone who's given as much to the MK community as Tim Static.. Take your disrespect elsewhere scrub...


Skarlet who ?
Who are you exactly to be calling anyone a scrub? I've never heard of you.... and neither has most of this site compared to someone who's given as much to the MK community as Tim Static.. Take your disrespect elsewhere scrub...
I've never heard of you either. Your point ? Bah, nor did I heard of him being successful enough in Marvel to have right to talk shit about that game. INB4 blind fanboys get their salt level to maximum.


as a capcom fighter i personaly think the MK9 players are very skilled players EGP Tyrant PIG Reo and etc but if the capcom fighters played mk9 in a tournament level i think players like F.Champ PR Rog would win mk9 tournaments with out a doubt Justin wong actuly won a 10.000 dollar mk9 tournament if im not wrong


That's what I'm thinking. Look at the text under my avatar picture.

Its painfully obvious that you have never been to SRK.com lol... MK community gets trash-talked in a daily basis on that site!

I had an account there, before I had one here. SRK.com is allowed to have a lot of garbage-members, because it's SRK. It's known for that.
Do you want to drag TYM down to that level?

also umvc3 is garbage.
It's garbage that overshadows all of the MK games combined by a mile, without even trying in terms of everything. It's simply the bigger competetive fighting game.

If you think otherwise, then once again: Look at the text under my avatar picture.


I did before I responded, and seeing as you did not provide any counter information, I am assuming you have none. Your argument is one sided and faulty. Leave it at that.
I would like to know how old you are.
Either way, it's a loss / loss situation for you, so don't even respond to that.

you are retarded/ im done wasting my time with a fanboy like yourself.
You just called me retarded and a fanboy :-7 Basically two things I mentioned in my long post, where I adressed all of the issues.
You calling me "retarded" is a selfshot, because it shows you stupid YOU actually are for randomly insulting someone random person on the internet.
Secondly saying that you're wasting your time with ME, while you're one of the people who REFUSE to admit they're wrong, so they keep on talking and talking and talking.

Talking to these people is actually a waste of time and that's what I'm doing.

Just mash L,M,H(S) and get a cool combo!!!
mash in mk u get bodied.
L, M, H, S ... 4 buttons, still 2 or hell in some cases even 3 buttons less than it takes you to perform combos with a similar damage in MK.
L, M, H, S is harder to pull off than 1, 1, 1 or 1, 1, 2.


TYM White Knight
I would like to know how old you are.
Either way, it's a loss / loss situation for you, so don't even respond to that.
Seeing as you still did not counter argue or provide any sort of information, I can still correctly assume that you have none.

Also, I am married, have a kid on the way, own my own house, and have a full time job. I am also a certified teacher. How old are you?


Just mash L,M,H(S) and get a cool combo!!!
mash in mk u get bodied.
That is a universal series to get players started. You have to be a little more creative to get optimal damage and meter building. Show us that you can do a Hyper Grav loop, Flames of the Faltine loop, or a Shuma combo that can kill anyone with one bar and then your opinion may be valid. Just because it is easy to start in Marvel doesn't mean its an easy game.


How old are you?
I will turn 26 in May and I'm proud to say that I've learned what's important and what's not.

You on the other hand with your wife, a kid on the way (congratulations), your house and your full time job, as well the certification as a teacher are trying to preach that if someone calls you a dickhead you shoud totally call that person a dickhead as well and on top of that you should slap them in the face, to show them who the main man is.

What ever you teach, it's probably not math, since then you would be able to realize what comes out, if you face a community as big as theirs.
Just mash L,M,H(S) and get a cool combo!!!
mash in mk u get bodied.
lmhs is punishable.

you play mk, the game blocks for you lol.

its not even worth argueing with you because all you have have to deal with is high/low mixups lol . you dont understand execution or calculated risk or high level mind games.. you most likely dont understand the metagame or marvel or ae.

these mk guys might have a chance because we're playing their game your not playing ours, but i doubt it .. didnt jwong win the first MK tourney anyway ? lol


Comparing MK to AE is like comparing apples to oranges. Comparing MK to Marvel is like comparing diamonds to gumballs.

The only thing that's conclusive is that the capcom community claims that their players would win MK events if they played MK - this is purely speculatory and the only available evidence shows that this is not true. If you are going to make such claims, play MK and prove it or shut up. Making a claim like that and then refusing to do so isn't "calling us out." it's dodging.

Why does that even need to get explained?

Understand that Jwong winning the first MK tourny and then the MK community advancing while he failed to doesn't support the arguments in favor of capcom players. If anything, it demonstrates a greater ability on the MK side of things for its players to get better. MK blocks for you? I don't feel like explaining the fundamental differences in the games to you that demonstrate that blocking corss ups in MK is not in your best iterest because of 4 key fundamental game differences.

Since you are unaware of the fundamental differences, your arguments or claims are completely empty. Thanks for showing how ignorant and dismissive anythnign you have to say is.

Tom Brady

I would have never played Sub-Zero if I knew it would change how this community saw me. That character changed me from being a automatic choice in stuff to being "hmmm maybe Tom.. maybe not". You guys know I'm not using Sub-Zero in Injustice right? Because I wans't top 3 in MK9 mens I'm out for any Injustice stuff? What If I top 3 in Injustice? Didn't know MK9 dictated that.

I was disappointed that I was left out of USA vs UK, now even this lol


I would have never played Sub-Zero if I knew it would change how this community saw me. That character changed me from being a automatic choice in stuff to being "hmmm maybe Tom.. maybe not". You guys know I'm not using Sub-Zero in Injustice right? still get snubbed..
Clearly this topic is about you.

Anyway, back on topic, why are capcom players trying to act like if PL said, "If I played AE then you guys would never win I'm calling you out" that you wouldn't flame him for dodging if he refused to prove it? It's regod damn diculous.

Until F Champ picks up MK and wins an event, he's proven himself to be full of shit. Undeniable.


Well yeah obviously top MK9 doesnt mean top injustice so the picks at this point don't really mean alot, but people are just gonig off of the information as they have it currently. Obviously if you were top 3 in inustice then you'd get picked.

I'm still confused as to why this fiasco lasted longer than this.

"If I played MK then none of you guys would win."

"Then play MK and prove it."


"lol., dodging clown."

end of incident.


Where's TJ Combo?
lmhs is punishable.

you play mk, the game blocks for you lol.

its not even worth argueing with you because all you have have to deal with is high/low mixups lol . you dont understand execution or calculated risk or high level mind games.. you most likely dont understand the metagame or marvel or ae.

these mk guys might have a chance because we're playing their game your not playing ours, but i doubt it .. didnt jwong win the first MK tourney anyway ? lol
Yes I dont understand the meta game of sf or marvel because i didn't grow up on the arcades playing ssf2, mvc1, mk2, kofs and KI lol... your argument is retarded.

add me to your psn/live and lets play ssf4 ft5?


EX Ovi should launch
Tom Brady, PL and REO would be my team of choice, based on their results early in MK's life and their natures as fighting game player, they are going to be big hitters for finding tech and recognising the household strategies for characters, as well as being fundamentally solid players.

As for people bashing marvel, its probably far more beneficial to be playing that style of game prior to injustice than it is for MK. Adding left/right mixups into the equation, aswell as ambiguous crossupsand not being able to break combo's regularly, could be brutal.