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CEO 2013 FighterMania "Injustice" Concept Match Idea - MK Community vs Capcom Community 3v3?

Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.
Yeah, I'd leave out the whole, one game requires more skill than another game. Pretty counter productive. Instead just focus on Injustice.

Also, this whole 3v3 thing wont work if you do it just once. Maybe if you did it 3-4 times throughout the life of the game. Just sayin.


Ok let me try again: He made this claim how many days ago? Thats in "not feasible" part I was getting at. I'm done talking to you now. You seem to only operate on insults, and I'm not about that life. Least of all on the internet.
It's true that he just made that claim a couple of days ago. That doesn't change the fact that there's no validity unless he picks up MK and proves it.

You've obviously ignored all of my posts and everything that I've said. That's cool though, I shouldn't have expected more.

CEO isn't for like 2 months after release. I''mnot sure you can pick out the top players from each community yet. New games always see new people rising to the top.

Mt. Mutombo

Asshole by nature
That's a good one and something Juggs should realize as well.

I hate Cashcom as a company, because of what they're doing and coming up with more and more bad business practices, while I love NRS for what they're doing and offering more and more and putting the standard of fighting games higher and higher.
I'm neutral when it comes to the communities for the games of these two companies, while it should be mentioned that Crapcom unforunately simply has a bigger community. With a bigger community, it's easier to get more retards who trash-talk and so on.

What Juggs for example fails to realize is that with his so called "hype" he is splitting the communities further.
In my opinion there should be a specific Injustice community that combines the best out of the two worlds: the players.
It's just like with SFxT. I don't consider that one particullary a Capcom fighter, because the game does differ from other Capcom fighters. It's like SFxT is a game on it's own and has a standalone community, where many different people play, including Capcom players.

Forcing the MK9 community into a battle against the Capcom community in Injustice could create more animosity and not hype.
I kinda agree with all that you're saying...but you know stfu.

This game and this community needs all the hype it can get. And with little stuff like champ calling us out we get people more interested in the game and hell who knows a hype as hell match between their good players and ours.

So again i implore you sftu bro... and i mean it in the most polite way possible.


Eternal student
Usually I would agree with you, but it's not animosty it's hype. This even happens within communities and all it does is stroke their competitive nature and makes the players get better. No one is going to hate the other as a person.

@The Scrubs saying MK takes no skill
I've played almost all the major fighting games and gotten decent or tournament level at them. From my experience MK9, it without a doubt takes skill, and if you're saying otherwise you don't play the game and have one hell of a bias.
Play the game, and do well before you say that, or suck my extravagant nuts.


You. Are Not. Alone.
This "hype" is pretty one sided, with CEO so close to EVO and I don't really see the Capcom kids putting in the same work as MK heads and since its already and NRS game they should win any 3v3 pretty easy

Immortal Kombat

almost moderate success
Right...mk requires no skill.....thats why mlg gives us pots over 25k to play. My question to phillipino chump is this....if its so easy to win in mortal kombat, where the fuck are you capcom [ban incoming] at when were playing at mlg for all that money? Shut your mouth and show us bitch.


You. Are Not. Alone.
Right...mk requires no skill.....thats why mlg gives us pots over 25k to play. My question to phillipino chump is this....if its so easy to win in mortal kombat, where the fuck are you capcom [ban incoming] at when were playing at mlg for all that money? Shut your mouth and show us bitch.
Making more money playing Capcom fighters


Left/right mixups arent just from cross ups, theres plenty of ways to get them in SF/Marvel, im sure there will be in Injustice. In any case though, someone who is used to blocking 20 left right mixups in the space of a couple of blockstrings in marvel, aswell as having to read and react which way to block every time a new character comes on the screen, will definitely have the higher success rate when it comes to implementing these things, and someone who can defend against ambiguous safe jump ins in AE will also understand the concept.

Im not going to say that the MK community are going to lose due to it, i just think injustice mechanics arent as similar to MK as they could be.
I know there are other ways to get mixup setups. I was speaking only in terms of cross over defense. My point being that capcom players who've obviously never played MK seem to think that cross overs aren't part of the game, when they actually are a BIG part of it.

I don't doubt that your experience with the thingsyou've listed will help, but there are no assists and I'm not sure if there are safe jump set ups either. Not to mention I'm not sure how block stun is going to work. With a lbock button your block got dropped right when you let go of it reguardless of where you were in block stun frames, unlike AE where you can OS tech throws easily by mashing lp + lk while you were in block stun. Because MK had frame traps where normals did chip and it was always a guess when you tried to tech a throw, just holding block is almost never your best choice when someone crosses you over.

Again, fundamental differences. Not saying your experiences will hurt you, but without consideration of all of the other aspects of gameplay, I don't think you can say that capcom players have the advantage here. There's too many questions that need to be answered. Do you come out of block stun immediately when you input techs or counter hits or can you OS tech? are there safe jumps? is there chip on normals? do you get cancel advantage on blocked / hit cross over? How does throw teching work?

All of those need to be answered before you can determine who is going to have the advantage with the back to block.

I'm going to laugh if you can dash under cross overs and full juggle them like MK. capcom players would probably quit and say the game sucks. :p


My GT: UncappedWheel82
I'm going to laugh if you can dash under cross overs and full juggle them like MK. capcom players would probably quit and say the game sucks. :p
Lol! I'm looking forward to seeing all the subtle stuff as well. More like MK? More like something else?

Injustice's potential for HYPE! is of the charts right now!


My blades will find your heart
Its painfully obvious that you have never been to SRK.com lol... MK community gets trash-talked in a daily basis on that site!

also umvc3 is garbage.
And Capcom community gets trash talked daily on this website. See the problem? Capcom community isnt going to care if you trash talk them on a site almost none of them come on.


And Capcom community gets trash talked daily on this website. See the problem? Capcom community isnt going to care if you trash talk them on a site almost none of them come on.
Well the feelings mutual since I don't give a shit if they talk trash to me. I'll play the game fine and dandy regardless.
Correct me if im wrong here, which is possible, but why would anyone on here care if the capcom community insulted them? Im new, but hearing about stream raids seem very immature on their part, but why dignify it with a response? Someone ITT compared this scenario to someone calling you a shithead and you just sitting back and taking it like that was a bad thing. What are you going to do? Call them a shithead back? Hit them? Doing nothing seems like the correct response here.

VGB Joe Kerr

Insane Brilliance
Correct me if im wrong here, which is possible, but why would anyone on here care if the capcom community insulted them? Im new, but hearing about stream raids seem very immature on their part, but why dignify it with a response? Someone ITT compared this scenario to someone calling you a shithead and you just sitting back and taking it like that was a bad thing. What are you going to do? Call them a shithead back? Hit them? Doing nothing seems like the correct response here.
That works out great in the real world, but not in a competitive environment. If you're walking down the street and someone calls you a shithead and you don't choose to respond so be it, I would probably do the same. This instance is about being COMPETITIVE. The whole community got challenged by another community about who will be the best at a new game. Competition is about who will be the best. People should just stop arguing about this. There's nothing to argue about. there are people here who are not as competitive as everyone else that don't understand why this is good. Fine, nobody said you had to be, but don't argue with us that don't agree with you. There are those in the middle that just want to argue apparently, whatever. Then there are those that are super competitive and want this to go down, well get fuckin hype and let's do this!! Stop arguing with people about it, it's not goin to change their mind, we're on the internet. All of this in-fighting is splitting tym and it's times like this that we as a board should all be together in anticipation for a new game.


This is the most single handedly one sided argument I have ever seen. Do you not even consider the other side when you post a rationale?

Let me just point this out to you. You are saying that FChamp does not represent the Capcom community, but yet the Capcom community shit talks MK and our scene like no other. You then say that by replying and garnering hype about our own community vs Fchamp and the Capcom community, which is a rivalry dating back to the early 90's, we are making ourselves look bad.

Then, in the same sentence you say that the best course of action would be to just ignore these challenges and bashings when we have the opportunity to make a name for ourselves...

So, in your world...if someone calls you a shit head, you shouldn't say anything back because that would make you look bad. You should instead ignore the person calling you a shithead, while they go around telling all of their friends that you are a shithead until everyone is in fact calling you a shithead.

That makes no sense.

It's selfserving, irrational, and illogical and in our current realm of opportunity, we have an avenue (an exhibition, tournaments, etc) where this can all be settled...that creates rivalries, that creates tension, pressure, and most important of all hype. This is probably the absolute most legit source of hype this community has ever seen.

And your choice in all of this is to...ignore it?

Honestly dude, I stopped acknowledging him after what happened in the original F.Champ thread. This is like the 3rd or 4th time Juggs has clearly owned him, yet he still comes back acting like nobody is right but himself. He is too caught up in believing how golden the Capcom community is, to actually realize how they treat us(MKC), so his ass is ignored :)

It seems like what is going on, is the typical Fighting game dilemma BS. It is okay to bash MK but as soon as you even degrade SF, all hell breaks loose. Same shit here, bashing our community is alright, but a single negative comment towards the Capcom community is wrong and biased and ignorant. SMH....

Mr. Mileena

Yay, let's have a 3 v 3 to further divide the communities.

In my opinion, it would be interesting to create a 4v4 with 2 capcom and 2 MK players per team.
This not only eliminates some bias, favoritism, but allows for the communities to band together.

For example, if I am a Justin Wong fan, and Justin Wong is paired up with REO and CDjr for example, I will be rooting for Wong's team, while possibly start favoring, liking, understanding REO and CDjr.

This also creates diverse teamwork, where capcom players and MK players must work together, talk strategy, etc to make sure their team wins.
I could understand having a fun 3v3 like this IF, and a BIG IF, the both communities understood each other and respected each other.

Both communities at the moment are so divided, that this isn't really hype, it's the same concept, one side rooting for same people, vice versa

I would really like to see a mixed pair of teams to battle it out to further encourage intertwining of BOTH communities.

It'd be fun to have for example

TEAM A (Wong, CDjr, PL, Chris G) VS (Champ, PL, PIG, Ricky ortiz)



Meh. I care less about the injustice hype or who's gonna be good at it. People are ignoring the fact that Hr pretty much said wed never win at mk if he played it. I want him to prove that or shut up. If you say something like that, you can't expect people not to expect you to at least try to back it up. I'm guessing he just realizes that this was a laughable claim.