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CEO 2013 FighterMania "Injustice" Concept Match Idea - MK Community vs Capcom Community 3v3?


TYM White Knight
I will turn 26 in May and I'm proud to say that I've learned what's important and what's not.

You on the other hand with your wife, a kid on the way (congratulations), your house and your full time job, as well the certification as a teacher are trying to preach that if someone calls you a dickhead you shoud totally call that person a dickhead as well and on top of that you should slap them in the face, to show them who the main man is.

What ever you teach, it's probably not math, since then you would be able to realize what comes out, if you face a community as big as theirs.
Right, but this is a forum about video games. This is not a physical battle. It is no different than rivalries in sports. For you to say it's fine for one community to bash the other, but not the other way around is silly. There is no "slapping of faces". If someone in sports or the FGC says they or a group of players are better than someone else, we have an avenue to settle the dispute. Thats what our whole community is based around.

I teach all kinds of subjects, but specialize in common sense. While you try to insult me with your "life lessons" realize that I have already learned those lessons. I can also tell you that my posts contain far more logic than that contained within your posts.

It brings a community to arms when another says that they are shit. We have the opportunity on equal footing to truly find that out now with injustice. People are excited for that and they should be. You sir, are truly being a stick in the mud.

Just because you are 26 does not mean you have a firm grasp at what exactly is at hand here.


While you try to insult me with your "life lessons" realize that I have already learned those lessons. I can also tell you that my posts contain far more logic than that containted within your posts.
I'm not insulting you.

All I'm saying is that it sucks to bash their players and their community and justifying it by saying it's hype, even though it's not hype anymore, it's animosity for the most part.
I also said that it's NRS who is coming up with a new upcoming game and not Capcom. I also said that the chances are high that many of them will register here, because this will be the site to go to, when it comes to Injustice.

When was the last time you went to SRK to "insert random reason here". It has been probably a while, right?
MK9 players from the MK9 community probably don't bother that much about their stuff and don't go there, but since NRS is bringing out a new game, they will have a reason to come over, if they're not already here.

^ that is the reason to be smarter than them. I'm not saying that you're supposed to let them trash-talk and never fight back, but right now it would be a gentleman-move to be smarter and ignore the trash-talk, because if not many of them will come over and they'll find a community with a close mind who insults their games and their players. Not very nice.

And that all sounds pretty damn logical to me.


Tom Brady, PL and REO would be my team of choice, based on their results early in MK's life and their natures as fighting game player, they are going to be big hitters for finding tech and recognising the household strategies for characters, as well as being fundamentally solid players.

As for people bashing marvel, its probably far more beneficial to be playing that style of game prior to injustice than it is for MK. Adding left/right mixups into the equation, aswell as ambiguous crossupsand not being able to break combo's regularly, could be brutal.
Defense of cross ups is going to depend on how reliable AA is, if normals do chip, how throw teching works, if deep cross over hits even have cancel advantage. How those things worked in MK made cross over defense reliant on being able to hit your opponent out of the air. How throw teching and no chip on normals worked in AE made if more beneficial to block them if you ddidn't read the jump or AA it on reaction.

These ideas aren't new to MK players. We just realize that there's alot more that goes into deciding the best way to defend cross ups bcause we actually understand what the combination of all of those things plus a block button does.

These are important fundamental differences between MK and capcom games. MK players know the differences better, and the learning curve advantage on cross up defense actually goes to MK players because of it. Not the other way around, as these capcom fanboys have proven time and time again that they have no idea about how these mechanics work together.
Yes I dont understand the meta game of sf or marvel because i didn't grow up on the arcades playing ssf2, mvc1, mk2, kofs and KI lol... your argument is retarded.

add me to your psn/live and lets play ssf4 ft5?

where did you get growing up in the arcades from ? lol

warlord2277 xbl


All I'm saying is that it sucks to bash their players and their community and justifying it by saying it's hype, even though it's not hype anymore, it's animosity for the most part.
This is what started the FGC. Socal bashing on Norcal, East bashing on West, US bashing on Japan... That is what builds hype! It always ends in one side being salty and the other can gloat, rarely any true acts violence happens. If you are in the FGC, then you should be able to have tough enough skin to take all of the shots that FChamp made and what the MKC is making.

Bring on the hate and salt! This is only going to make this game and the capcom vs mk rivalry more hype!


TYM White Knight
I'm not insulting you.

All I'm saying is that it sucks to bash their players and their community and justifying it by saying it's hype, even though it's not hype anymore, it's animosity for the most part.
I also said that it's NRS who is coming up with a new upcoming game and not Capcom. I also said that the chances are high that many of them will register here, because this will be the site to go to, when it comes to Injustice.

When was the last time you went to SRK to "insert random reason here". It has been probably a while, right?
MK9 players from the MK9 community probably don't bother that much about their stuff and don't go there, but since NRS is bringing out a new game, they will have a reason to come over, if they're not already here.

^ that is the reason to be smarter than them. I'm not saying that you're supposed to let them trash-talk and never fight back, but right now it would be a gentleman-move to be smarter and ignore the trash-talk, because if not many of them will come over and they'll find a community with a close mind who insults their games and their players. Not very nice.

And that all sounds pretty damn logical to me.
I go on SRK everyday. I am learning SF X T atm.

What you are describing is the norm for Capcom players towards MK. If we do nothing to even rise to the challenge, they can continue saying it ignorantly. If we rise and play fchamp or have an exhibition and win, then at least we can say that we won. If we don't win, nothing really changes.

It hurts no one to have it out in a game.

If players from SRK come over here for injustice, they are injustice players, not Capcom players. Two very different distinctions. THTB, Myself, CharlieMurphy, Shogun, CD JR and a lot of us play Capcom games, but that doesn't make us Capcom players. It's a different mentality. Everytime MK is on stream you have dedicated trolls come on with "When's Marvel" and "this game sucks" etc. Here is an opportunity where it isn't MK and it isn't Streetfighter, but it is a game that both communities are generally excited about. They are going to clash, it is inevitable.


EX Ovi should launch
Defense of cross ups is going to depend on how reliable AA is, if normals do chip, how throw teching works, if deep cross over hits even have cancel advantage. How those things worked in MK made cross over defense reliant on being able to hit your opponent out of the air. How throw teching and no chip on normals worked in AE made if more beneficial to block them if you ddidn't read the jump or AA it on reaction.

These ideas aren't new to MK players. We just realize that there's alot more that goes into deciding the best way to defend cross ups bcause we actually understand what the combination of all of those things plus a block button does.

These are important fundamental differences between MK and capcom games. MK players know the differences better, and the learning curve advantage on cross up defense actually goes to MK players because of it. Not the other way around, as these capcom fanboys have proven time and time again that they have no idea about how these mechanics work together.
Left/right mixups arent just from cross ups, theres plenty of ways to get them in SF/Marvel, im sure there will be in Injustice. In any case though, someone who is used to blocking 20 left right mixups in the space of a couple of blockstrings in marvel, aswell as having to read and react which way to block every time a new character comes on the screen, will definitely have the higher success rate when it comes to implementing these things, and someone who can defend against ambiguous safe jump ins in AE will also understand the concept.

Im not going to say that the MK community are going to lose due to it, i just think injustice mechanics arent as similar to MK as they could be.


This is what started the FGC. Socal bashing on Norcal, East bashing on West, US bashing on Japan... That is what builds hype!
You don't get my point.

We're now talking about two different communities and not two different regions. Shit like this makes it look like people are fighting OVER Injustice and not IN Injustice.
Shit like this goes against what NRS hopes / intentions were for this game: to unite the communities.

People on this board want to gather 3 top MK9 players and body 3 top Capcom players and that's the wrong way, when it comes to Injustice.
The way it should be is that you encourage them. Create teams of Perfect Legend the MK9 EVO champion versus FilipinoChamp the UMVC3 champion and give PL two Capcom players like Justin Wong and Chris G and give FC two MK9 players like Pig of the Hut and CDjr to support him.

Injustice should unite communities and not separate them, you stupid ************S.

(The S at the end of the last word is the indicator that I didn't have you in mind, ninjay but all of the people here)


A prop on the stage of life.
------------------ oh...sorry didn't see you there...... I was just getting out my ruler. Epeens are getting a little big in here.


What's a Smarrgasm?
Why dont we just do 5v5 that way it gives a better range of players. And to everyone shitting their pants over the difference in the games, skill levels, players. Lets just wait til the game actually COMES OUT before we start spewing shit back and forth. It will take time for the story of the merging of the communities for injustice to unfold. So stop trying to argue with each other cause each of you is just being a brick wall cause you defend what you know and attack what you dont.


Alternative-Fact Checker
Lol at anyone who says Champ doesn't have skills because of Marvel. Dude has taken Daigo out in 1 on 1 competition, I do believe he's earned the right to say whatever the fuck he wants.


Sounds like a call out to me.....
If you still can't figure this out, then I'm sorry.

I'm calling you out capcom community. If I played AE then none of you would ever win a tournament. You play capcom games because you can't play MK. Let's prove it by playing ducktales.

That's basically what he did, like we weren't supposed to see him dodging his claims.

Make a claim, then back it up. If you don't back it up, get flamed. Welcome to the internet.


Lol at anyone who says Champ doesn't have skills because of Marvel. Dude has taken Daigo out in 1 on 1 competition, I do believe he's earned the right to say whatever the fuck he wants.
In the capcom community he does. Until he beats anyone at MK in an event, his commnets are dodging bullshit end of story.


In the capcom community he does. Until he beats anyone at MK in an event, his commnets are dodging bullshit end of story.
He is not dodging anyone in MK. He simply isn't playing that game :-7

Why? Because he already has his main fighting games which he has to train for to be able to get past the competition.
You loling around and talking bad about him, because he isn't playing MK a game where he would make less money and have less sponsors ... that's so unnecessary, man. Just stop it.


Mama's Little Bumgorf
Clearly this topic is about you.

Anyway, back on topic, why are capcom players trying to act like if PL said, "If I played AE then you guys would never win I'm calling you out"Until F Champ picks up MK and wins an event, he's proven himself to be full of shit. Undeniable.
The difference is PL had a decent Akuma in Super and proved himself in the past.


I understand your point. You want capcom and MK communities to come together and embrace IGAU as the game to bridge the gap for the two communities... and it's a great way to think that way.

You have to understand that the FGC as a whole is founded on competition and the "I am better than you" mentality. At first both sides will bash eachother until they earn respect for eachother. That's how it is and that is how it will always be.


A prop on the stage of life.
If you still can't figure this out, then I'm sorry.

I'm calling you out capcom community. If I played AE then none of you would ever win a tournament. You play capcom games because you can't play MK. Let's prove it by playing ducktales.

That's basically what he did, like we weren't supposed to see him dodging his claims.

Make a claim, then back it up. If you don't back it up, get flamed. Welcome to the internet.
No need to apologize. I'm just glad you can see into the future.


He is not dodging anyone in MK. He simply isn't playing that game :-7

Why? Because he already has his main fighting games which he has to train for to be able to get past the competition.
You loling around and talking bad about him, because he isn't playing MK a game where he would make less money and have less sponsors ... that's so unnecessary, man. Just stop it.
Stop trolling. Read what he said. Then use your brain.

I never talked shit about anyone because they didn't play MK. I laughed at him because he claimed he could beat any MK player and expected that no one would want him to back up his shit talking garbage.

It's really not an argument. I'm just clarifying facts for you at this point.


No need to apologize. I'm just glad you can see into the future.

"If I played MK then none of you would ever win."

He said that. He didn't prove it. He has no intention of proving it by actually playing MK and winning.

Figure out the rest yourself.


ҜømbÄŦ Ħøu&Ŧøπ
So, are we doing this or not? If so, I elect:

Pig of the Hut

to represent MK in this battle.


A prop on the stage of life.
"If I played MK then none of you would ever win."

He said that. He didn't prove it. He has no intention of proving it by actually playing MK and winning.

Figure out the rest yourself.
How long ago did he make the claim? Even if it were feasible, this is just the normal backlash one would receive for making a bodacious claim. Stop being a hardass plz, it doesn't do anything for you here.


...this is just the normal backlash one would receive for making a bodacious claim.
Oh my.. a brief moment of understanding? If it's not feasible to back upclaims, don't make them. Otherwise you deserve to be laughed at. Defending him after he put himself in that position doesn't hold up very well.

Again. If I was like, "man F champ you suck at marvel if I played it you'd never win." Do you really think zero people would tell me to prove it?


A prop on the stage of life.
Oh my.. a brief moment of understanding? If it's not feasible to back upclaims, don't make them. Otherwise you deserve to be laughed at. Defending him after he put himself in that position doesn't hold up very well.

Again. If I was like, "man F champ you suck at marvel if I played it you'd never win." Do you really think zero people would tell me to prove it?
Ok let me try again: He made this claim how many days ago? Thats in "not feasible" part I was getting at. I'm done talking to you now. You seem to only operate on insults, and I'm not about that life. Least of all on the internet.