TYM White Knight
Right, but this is a forum about video games. This is not a physical battle. It is no different than rivalries in sports. For you to say it's fine for one community to bash the other, but not the other way around is silly. There is no "slapping of faces". If someone in sports or the FGC says they or a group of players are better than someone else, we have an avenue to settle the dispute. Thats what our whole community is based around.I will turn 26 in May and I'm proud to say that I've learned what's important and what's not.
You on the other hand with your wife, a kid on the way (congratulations), your house and your full time job, as well the certification as a teacher are trying to preach that if someone calls you a dickhead you shoud totally call that person a dickhead as well and on top of that you should slap them in the face, to show them who the main man is.
What ever you teach, it's probably not math, since then you would be able to realize what comes out, if you face a community as big as theirs.
I teach all kinds of subjects, but specialize in common sense. While you try to insult me with your "life lessons" realize that I have already learned those lessons. I can also tell you that my posts contain far more logic than that contained within your posts.
It brings a community to arms when another says that they are shit. We have the opportunity on equal footing to truly find that out now with injustice. People are excited for that and they should be. You sir, are truly being a stick in the mud.
Just because you are 26 does not mean you have a firm grasp at what exactly is at hand here.