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CEO 2013 FighterMania "Injustice" Concept Match Idea - MK Community vs Capcom Community 3v3?


Joker waiting room
Not to go. To take bias. Apparently, I should praise some MK scrub just because he is a lead mod. Apparently, being a lead mod equals having undisputed opinions. Apparently, I have to lick his ass just because he is a mod.
Meet the new in-game DLC, the one and only
TYM:Injustice (Mods among us).
One of the first rules in this site is to respect moderators.

I highly suggest you do.

VGB Joe Kerr

Insane Brilliance
What Juggs for example fails to realize is that with his so called "hype" he is splitting the communities further.
In my opinion there should be a specific Injustice community that combines the best out of the two worlds: the players.
It's just like with SFxT. I don't consider that one particullary a Capcom fighter, because the game does differ from other Capcom fighters. It's like SFxT is a game on it's own and has a standalone community, where many different people play, including Capcom players.

Forcing the MK9 community into a battle against the Capcom community in Injustice could create more animosity and not hype.
I completely understand what you are saying, but this "event" if you want to call it that is not splitting anyone imo. I'm speaking as an injustice guy if you want to put it that way. This is the upper tiers of MK players that have been here for years against the upper capcom players that have been there for years. It's like in wrestling when they combined brands like everybody wanted to see wrestlers that would otherwise never ever face each other go head to head. Jwong would never ever play perfect legend in the same game at the same level unless one put so much work into the other's game just to catch up. Now with injustice we get to see that, and the fact that (even if it's pretend) they are so at each other's throats about being the best, that makes me want to watch because now I want to know. I wish I could be a part of it tbh. That doesn't make me pick a side, I want to play injustice. If this whole thing means I have more people to play with that's great! Also, I feel like I'm welcomed somewhere. The MK/NRS community marked territory on injustice and now their leads are going to defend everyone's honor in an epic battle that we probably won't see for long. I want to play MK now, I want to be good like these guys too! When it's all over I still won't have a side, because if champ or anybody else has information i can use to get better I'll ask him or watch his videos. As an outsider I feel this grows the mk community right now, and it will be a starting point for the injustice community to grow when it begins to do so. I feel the fgc doesn't have that competitive fire like it used to and this will start it up again. it used to be everywhere vs everywhere and everybody wanted to be the best. now we have stream monsters, pot goblins, trolls, and top players. I welcome the return of competition!
This is a great idea and the hardcore
I fail to see the bigger picture. Probably, because it's not even there.
All I personally see is patheticness. Why? Well ...

... The Capcom community didn't challenge you. FilipinoChamp did, a famous trash talker from their community.
You all get hyped up, start creating threads about it and gatheting people, theorycrafting about match ups and so on and so on, which is funny in the end of the day, but it kinda is pathetic and I don't want to insult anyone right now.

The problem is that they probably don't even give a damn about you. Chances are high that not even FilipinoChamp gives a damn about you and that he has already forgotten what he has stated during that video.
But you keep on going, bashing them, calling it a challenge, even though there was no challenge at all. It was just FilipinoChamp talking out of his ass once again.
lol this is a competitive game. Hating the person you are playing against for whatever arbitrary reason is what drives competitors to get better. Not only do they want to win, they have to not lose to some jagoff they hate with all the fury of Hades. Back in the SF2 days the NorCal and SoCal players fucking despised each other and the benefit was the game was pushed to it's absolute limit and the best American FG players were born. You need to stop being a pussy.


You need to stop being a pussy.
You need to start thinking, before you post something.

... but this "event" if you want to call it that is not splitting anyone imo. I'm speaking as an injustice guy if you want to put it that way.
This now is going to cover up your post, but also mention once again what Juggs fails to see.
And I agree with Deyrax, that just because someone is a mod, doesn't mean that they need to be right by default like it's for Tim Static the case, who doens't see it as well.

This "event" is splitting everyone and there are no real "Injustice guys".

The "real Injustice guys" would be people who start with the game, just because they're fighting games, or just because they liked Batman, Catwoman and Bane in DKR. And don't expect to see too many of them here, because they're probably not that much into fighting games and are happy enough with button-mashing.

You all need to keep in mind that NRS is bringing out a game named "Injustice" and people are looking forward to that game.
Capcom is not the company who is coming up with a game that everyone is hyped for, NRS is.
And it should be obvious that TYM will be the site to go to, if you want to get better at Injustice, because ... at least in the beginning (I guess it will also stay that way) - SRK won't cover up the game to such an extend.
It should be obvious that many Capcom players will register on this site, if they get into Injustice and have the desire to get better at that game.
Imagine them coming over and seeing all the shit-talk we have now about them and their games; calling them bad, also saying that MVC3 doesn't require skill and so on.

FilipinoChamp, Justing Wong and so on have more "fans" / "followers" than people in this community have. It will create animosity, if you insult FilipinoChamp and the others, call them bad and say that they should stay by their own games.
That's not competition, it's not hype - it's bullshit at its finest.

Also, imagine you want to get better at a Capcom fighter and register on SRK. Would you like seeing your community getting trash-talked, without actually having anyone there to defend it and if some neutral people state their opinion you call them fanboys of that particular company and keep on insulting even them, even though they're trying to become a part of your community?
It is and stays bullshit. And this part now was directed mainly to you Juggs - a mod, who I just called out, trollololololo!

Ah, I'm such a smart person <3


The Netherrealm beckons
This is one of the most ridiculous arguments I've ever seen on TYM.

This is just the 2-decade old SF/MK rivalry becoming relevant again thanks to MK9 and Injustice, and personally I think it's great. This isn't splitting anyone apart, it's an opportunity for everyone to come together to play a fucking video game, WHICH IS THE WHOLE POINT OF ALL THIS.

And if you can't handle some trash talk like this, then chances are you're a hippie and shouldn't be playing fighting games anyway.


The one guy hoping for Kai
hell yes I posted on FB that I want this to happen.
IMO it should be Chris G,PR Balrog and JWong vs REO,CDJR and Perfect Legend.


Shouldn't we wait to see who's going to be good at injustice in the MKC side before we put a team together? Just because they were good in MK9 doesn't necessarily mean they'll be good at injustice.
Imagine 16 bit becoming the actual big thing in Injustice. Everyone figures out that MK9 was holding him back the entire time.
Oooh, THAT would be hype. The pop offs!


Imagine 16 bit becoming the actual big thing in Injustice. Everyone figures out that MK9 was holding him back the entire time.
Oooh, THAT would be hype. The pop offs!
Yeah, MK has held back a lot with all those top 8's he made at virtually every single tournament he played in.


Where's TJ Combo?
Yes. Let's all listen to Tim Static, a guy who constantly beats guys like Champ, Chris G, Yipes at Mahvel, saying that UMVC3 requires no skill.
.... that's because it doesn't lol.... ask J. Wong he has no problem admitting that umvc3 is garbage, he only plays the game for the money.

The Borax Kid

I have a feeling Injustice is going to be its own thing and any NRS v. Capcom rivalry will have to be settled with MK10.

Even so, too many people are being dicks in this thread with no cred in this game to back it up.


TYM White Knight
Long Post
This is the most single handedly one sided argument I have ever seen. Do you not even consider the other side when you post a rationale?

Let me just point this out to you. You are saying that FChamp does not represent the Capcom community, but yet the Capcom community shit talks MK and our scene like no other. You then say that by replying and garnering hype about our own community vs Fchamp and the Capcom community, which is a rivalry dating back to the early 90's, we are making ourselves look bad.

Then, in the same sentence you say that the best course of action would be to just ignore these challenges and bashings when we have the opportunity to make a name for ourselves...

So, in your world...if someone calls you a shit head, you shouldn't say anything back because that would make you look bad. You should instead ignore the person calling you a shithead, while they go around telling all of their friends that you are a shithead until everyone is in fact calling you a shithead.

That makes no sense.

It's selfserving, irrational, and illogical and in our current realm of opportunity, we have an avenue (an exhibition, tournaments, etc) where this can all be settled...that creates rivalries, that creates tension, pressure, and most important of all hype. This is probably the absolute most legit source of hype this community has ever seen.

And your choice in all of this is to...ignore it?



Where's TJ Combo?
Also, imagine you want to get better at a Capcom fighter and register on SRK. Would you like seeing your community getting trash-talked, without actually having anyone there to defend it and if some neutral people state their opinion you call them fanboys of that particular company and keep on insulting even them, even though they're trying to become a part of your community?
It is and stays bullshit. And this part now was directed mainly to you Juggs - a mod, who I just called out, trollololololo!

Its painfully obvious that you have never been to SRK.com lol... MK community gets trash-talked in a daily basis on that site!

also umvc3 is garbage.
I don't know anything about FPChamp and MvC3, but it was pretty sweet seeing him call us out, love the hype. Can't wait to watch all the MK players and Capcom players take this game seriously and see who has the better players!


It blows my mind that anyone thinks that anything in f champs comments make any sense at all.

First he called Marvel a hard game. haha. You could have just stopped right there.

Then he said the only reason MK players win is because good players don't play it... If capcom players played MK then MK players wouldn't ever win.. Uh yeah.. Ok.. If I played Marvel then F Champ would never win.

You know... No intention of ever even trying to back up that statement or anything... But apparently that's somehow calling the MK community out? Yeah that makes no sense at all. Maybe we should prove it by uh.. playing a different game? what?

"hey F champ you suck at marvel if I played it you'd never win I'm calling you out... but you know... I'm not gonna play marvel." That's not calling out anything. That's just making yourself look like a complete dumb ass.

In the end nothing will get solved. Capcom players will get stomped in injustice, they'll quit playing it, then they'll just say that people who play it only play it because they are bad at other games, and if they played it then we wouldn't win. Then we'll be right back where we've always been.. Capcom players being elitist dip shits and claiming our games are inferior without trying to back up their trash talk, while the MK / NRS community just acknowledges that different games are different.


Hype is only legit if there's genuine bad blood. Are we supposed to back down from a challenge? Are we supposed to ignore the opportunity to prove ourselves? Not only that, but this is an opportunity for incredible hype and promotion. Do you guys not see the bigger picture here?
Prove ourselves to who exactly? Considering the guy who plays Capcom game sstarted all this fiasco, why shouldn't he be the one trying to prove himself to us? Afterall, aren't we the ones who stuck with NRS' game all this time? Wasn't he the one who said that if he kept playing noone from the MK would have ever won anything?

I guess I'm trying to figure out what it is exactly that we have to prove to these guys.


Not to mention what he did wasn't calling us out at all.

And he conveniently left out the fact that Chris G (who I'd consider a better capcom player than him) plays MK and hasn't won shXt. If this concept match happened and I personally had to pcick the top 3 capcom players, he wouldn't even make the top 10. Nor would Tom Brady on the MK side.

Lastly, Jwong was one of the top MK9 player at release. Guess which community evolved to the point where he became obsolete in MK9. Nothing suggests that MK players are worse fighting game players than capcom players. Actually quite a bit says otherwise.