Source:, the neatest thing I saw in the demo was, believe it or not, the game’s stage-select screen. I asked how stage selection would be handled in tournaments since stage hazards will vary so much, and the answer was simple. Both characters get to choose the stage at the same time! If they both agree to a stage then that is the one that will be played on, but if they disagree, the game will choose between the two stages selected at random. Simple, ingenious, and guaranteed to make tournaments run smoothly
second paragraph from the bottom of the article
What does everyone think about this? Think about how this would work in MK, if you had Kabal vs. Cage. Kabal picks rooftop day, Cage picks The Pit. 50/50 shot of who gets the map that helps them in the MU. What does everyone think about this?
You've gotta understand the game isn't out yet and we can't know blah blah, but it's an interesting topic. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet, what are your opinions?