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General/Other Who Dares To Wield The Bow? - Arrow Players List Yourselves Here


A war is approaching and in order to be victorious we will need to stand united. We will take up our bows, quivers, and do some sick ab workouts, before heading into Injustice with arrows notched and targets locked. We will show these second rate heroes and villains that the will of man is much stronger than any alien powers, or magic wizards, or even gods themselves! List your consoles and gamertags that you will be representing the Emerald Archer on, and join "Queen Consolidated".


Console: Xbox360
Tolkeen - GT: Tolkeen
Juggs - GT: o Juggernaut 0 (letter o then number zero)
xInfra Deadx - GT: xInfra Deadx
ImNewbieSauce - GT: ImNewbieSauce
Wemfs - GT: WemfsFomer
I$aac - GT: ISAAC 813
Wildabeast - GT: wildabeast5
shaowebb - GT: Dynasty Penguin
Lyuben - GT: Lyuben

Console: PS3
Ribbz22 - GT: RiBBz22
xInfra Deadx - GT: xInfra_Deadx
Mulder - GT: Mike554545
I$aac - GT: theonlyone1980
Eddy Wang - GT: eddywangmk
NkdSingularity - (EU) GT: Nikolaos_
Wildabeast - GT: wildabeast4553
KillaByte - GT: playakid700
SpideR - GT: SpideRxS4


Well-Known Member
I will never succumb to your lameness GA! I pledge to never let you stay full screen from me. And I will never let you out of the corner. :D


I will never succumb to your lameness GA! I pledge to never let you stay full screen from me. And I will never let you out of the corner. :D
Don't come into my thread running your mouth Lantern. We all know Arrow is the best Green character in DC comics. All we have to do is put a yellow poncho on and you can't do anything!


Rejoice fellow Archers, we are the top 4 Arrow players on TYM (probably the world, cause I mean.... what's Europe gonna do about it?)


King of Heroes
I'm going to be playing as Green Arrow. Back when I bought comics I loved his series and his JLU-apperances were always amazing. Now if only he had The Question to bounce off of.


Purple balls covering the screen
Green arrow for sure...you guys think Freddy's zoning is tough to deal with wait till i can launch projectiles while moving and in the air...thats all im sayin lol


I'm going to be playing as Green Arrow. Back when I bought comics I loved his series and his JLU-apperances were always amazing. Now if only he had The Question to bounce off of.
Green arrow for sure...you guys think Freddy's zoning is tough to deal with wait till i can launch projectiles while moving and in the air...thats all im sayin lol
You guys can't join Queen Consolidated if you don't learn to read lol. Leave your consoles and gamer tags so I can add you to the list, otherwise you might as well be another hunger games fanboy :p.


So far we have 6 players on xbox and 5 players on psn (some are duplicates). Looks like everyone else is too distracted with the new characters to want to try out the Archer.

Just so everyone knows, I'm calling perma dibs on the "Arrow" costume for tournaments. I've been watching that series religiously, so you can all choose old man GA kthx :p.


PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
Green Arrow appears to be wielding a playstyle not yet seen in an NRS game.
It is for this reason, and several thousands of others (Personality, badassery, likeness)
that I, playakid700 of PSN will be attempting (and succeeding) in main-ing Green Arrow.