Wow, three cheers for gloriously unrealistic DLC expectations.
I'd be fucking amazed if they did more than six characters.
when did NRS count Ares as obscure a link would be helpful
also hes not obscure from what I hear hes a big part of the Wonder Woman comics and being a big part of a Trinity comic isn't obscure
Again, really got to point out to people that if you read comics of any kind you are in like <0.01% of the population. All Wonder Woman characters that aren't named
Wonder Woman are obscure to the general public since there's never been a legitimate Wonder Woman movie. I've known about her since I was a little, little kid and all the way up until like two months ago I never even
thought "hm, I wonder who her villains are...?"
It honestly never occurred to me she even had villains. Because I've never heard someone mention them. Even though I know how stupid that sounds. Then again, I've never actually held a comic in my hands. Why would I ever think about Wonder Woman's villains? They have zero pop culture presence.
Much like how so many people here WTF'd their pants when I said I had no idea who Nightwing or Green Arrow were before learning about Injustice. Why would I know that Robin got sick of being the definition of "not awesome" and became Nightwing? Never read comics, stopped watching children's cartoons around age eight, and that story arc never happened in a summer blockbuster, so why the hell would I know who Nightwing is? Same with Green Arrow. Never read the comics, don't watch cartoons, there is no Green Arrow movie and I don't totally hate myself so The CW is not a channel I flip to intentionally. Why would I know him?
But seriously people, of course no one is obscure to you if you're reading the comics.
You're reading the damn comics. The reality is that it's a
pretty big fucking deal if any issue of any comic sells more than 100,000 copies. To put that in perspective, there are like
three hundred and fifty million goddamn people in this country alone, and probably (I'll ballpark it to about) 3 million of them are going to buy this game. Most of them will be doing it on the basis of Saturday morning cartoon shows, general fighting game enthusiasm and the Nolan Batman franchise. Comic readers are going to form the minority of this game's player-base.
There's obviously going to be some overlap, but the majority of people playing this game are going to know fuckall about comic books and will be A-O.K. with that.