Nothing gets past the Cold Field.
Sorry I deleted my post, it got fucked up for some reason. I will repost it again later.1st I think Cold is more deserving to be in this game over Frost but Ill play Devils Advocate
-Killer Frost can create ice beams ice dagger icicles ect offensively she's does damage and shes a cryokinetic so theoretically they can make her do anything with ice.
-His design isn't mega different it and if he gets in Mirror Master won't which means he got redesigned for a couple of comic apperances, I think reskins are just to fit this world not really cus they're making the character playable(Cheetah and Boomerang also looked a little different iirc)
-Cold isn't the only Flash villain they could put in this game
As for the Mirror Master "Redesign". If he was in a design that was more detailed and related to his original costume then yes I would speculate he would be in. But it's a black ops uniform...Nothing to fancy about that.