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Two more character slots left


Scary Bat
That's 29 right there.
Damn, I though I was at 30. Okay so then add Swamp Thing, I've heard more than a few requests for him, oh bloody hell MARTIAN MANHUNTER OBVIOUSLY, god he has loads of fans! Also quite a few wanted Doctor Fate initially, so we throw him in as well.

I think Batman fans have enough... I know they want all the villains, but do they really need them.

So 32?


Damn, I though I was at 30. Okay so then add Swamp Thing, I've heard more than a few requests for him, oh bloody hell MARTIAN MANHUNTER OBVIOUSLY, god he has loads of fans! Also quite a few wanted Doctor Fate initially, so we throw him in as well.

I think Batman fans have enough... I know they want all the villains, but do they really need them.

So 32?


Nothing gets past the Cold Field.
I feel like it would make more sense if Doomsday wasn't on that roster, Unlockable most likely.

So let's say three left.
-Captain Cold
-An Aquaman Villain (Black Manta or Ocean Master)

Doomsday is unlockable
Ares is a boss

Robotic Shark

you can never have too much honey
What about Flash, Aquaman, GL, etc? ... Why do those three need multiple villains? Does aquaman even have... one?
They are the Trinity they are special when it comes to DC comics they usually get special treatment
Aquaman might not get one because some people think hes a joke


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
I just hope to see Juggs get Martian Manhunter at some point and after that anything goes. My top hopefuls are Animal Man, The Ray, Red Hood, Constantine, Lobo, and Swamp Thing. My top villain hopefuls are Captain Cold, Ares as a playable, Cheetah, and Mirror Master.

I'll take anyone though considering the roster is so solid right now that anything else at this point is icing on the cake.
Why no mention of Blue Beetle? Him and Static need a spot IMO. Hopefully DLC alongside of Lobo and MMH. The game will have 28 slots. In an interview with Hector, he said that they found a sweet spot with MK9 and the select screen was a decoy.
I'll take whoever the unknown woman in the achievement pic is. Black Canary/Circe/Killer Frost. Either will do. I think I'll like either more than Raven. As for the last, dont care about Ares - but its probably him.


Scary Bat
Alright, where was I? 32.
Throw in Blue Beetle (Reyes) YJ fans and comics fans like him, throw in the Main Man Lobo as he also has pretty big demand from fans. I'll put in Black Canary as well.
Now we enter dangerous territory, 17 slots remain, we can't be frivolous, so who really needs to be in to keep fans happy?

adding killer frost to your list makes me hate it
I'd get more hate if she wasn't in, you get Captain Cold, be happy! This way you get to kill her over and over again in the game, think of it that way!

In all likeliness she's the one in the middle, seems like the only people who are seeing Circe are Captain Cold fans
The only ones seeing Killer Frost are delusional, there is the barest of evidence for her. Mind you, there's just as little evidence for Circe so... SPECULATION YAY!


I DO think it IS killer frost in the middle, congrats KF fans :-D

But I would love to have Circe in.

WHY? Circe is awesome .... one of the main antagonists and perfect antithesis of Wonder Woman, she is a master manipulator who operates behind the scenes.... is a powerful sorceress/goddess, and is/was the consort of ARES, and is sexy to boot! Plus now that we have raven on the Regime side we need a spellcaster on the villains to balance her....!!
And to be honest as part of the trinity WW needs her villain dues.


You. Are Not. Alone.
Alright, where was I? 32.
Throw in Blue Beetle (Reyes) YJ fans and comics fans like him, throw in the Main Man Lobo as he also has pretty big demand from fans. I'll put in Black Canary as well.

The only ones seeing Killer Frost are delusional, there is the barest of evidence for her. Mind you, there's just as little evidence for Circe so... SPECULATION YAY!
Id love to be wrong and it be Circe but it looks nothing like her to me and I don't think Wonder Woman well get two villains, she may be part of the trinity but she's not the big 2 and she isn't known for her gallery of baddies.

Would love to see Jaime(minorites yay!) and Black Canary get in


You. Are Not. Alone.
Okay here's the deal with Killer Frost and Captain Cold in Injustice.
Captain Cold has Evidence, Killer Frost doesn't. That achievement pic is probably the only thing leading into that Speculation.

I know some people won't take me seriously because I'm Captain Cold fanboy, but whatever I'm just trying to defend him

Let's Look at the evidence
The Ice Beam shooting the Flash in the announcement trailer
View attachment 4187
I know some people will say "But, that could be any Ice Character" or "It doesn't even look like ice"
I've seen Killer Frost manipulate ice but never seen her blast it in a beam form before.

Captain Cold heavily Resigned in the comic.
Uh, I don't think they would give him a huge Redesign just to give him 1 or 2 appearances in a comic.
View attachment 4188

Every major Justice Leaguer has a villain of their own in Injustice
The only ones left are Flash and Aquaman.
I don't think Doomsday will have a slot on that roster we're currently seeing. He'll most likely be Unlockable, but not in any of those slots we see (it's what I'm guessing. So it might be three slots
Which leaves room for Both a Flash and Aquaman Villain
Unless it's true that the roster is more than 24, but from what I keep reading no one is 100% sure.

Killer Frost Evidence

Just this...
1st I think Cold is more deserving to be in this game over Frost but Ill play Devils Advocate
-Killer Frost can create ice beams ice dagger icicles ect offensively she's does damage and shes a cryokinetic so theoretically they can make her do anything with ice.
-His design isn't mega different it and if he gets in Mirror Master won't which means he got redesigned for a couple of comic apperances, I think reskins are just to fit this world not really cus they're making the character playable(Cheetah and Boomerang also looked a little different iirc)
-Cold isn't the only Flash villain they could put in this game