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Did the 90`s suck?


Kanaida (MK9 Dashboard for android)
Hell yea, I got it to record all my episodes on DVR :) got like 200+... It was just such a good show. I can't remember any really bad ones.



People generally forget that the 90s was also the last era of the traditional tv sitcoms.

Fresh prince, family matters, seinfield, friends, frasier, full house etc. Etc.

90s was also the last era where most kids knew how to just go outside and play.

90s was the last era where saturday morning cartoons were a BIG deal.

The 90s were about bright colours and moon shoes. Also, super soakers.

The 90s gave us the first great console war, it gave us the greatest system of all time...the snes.

It gave us the n64 and the psx.

The 90s were awesome.

Ps: I was born in 88, so i experienced alllllll of the 90s.

TakeAChance on tapatalk
This dude is a god lol


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
It was probably the best time in basketball too. Michael Jordan dominated and it was the last time we had good centers.
Hakeem Olajuwan, Patrick Ewing, Brad Daugherty, Dikembe Mutombo, Shaquille O'Neal, David Robinson, Vlade Divac, oh my shit the list just keeps going... :(

RIP NBA centers.

And 90s have cartoons on lock. You could really never go wrong with almost any 90s kids show or cartoon.

Being born in 1989 was a glorious time. It's really unfortunate to see what kids now have. Only a couple good cartoons, shitty music, a lot of forgettable games, no one goes outside, etc. Le sigh. :(


From a technological standpoint, the 90's were interesting. Computers and internet became mainstream, small cellphones replaced huge cellphones and beepers. We went from analog to digital (VHS to DVD, Casette to CD). We saw a huge and radical (pun intended) technological advancement.

Economically, we were doing pretty bad in the early stages but then saw a boom in the mid 90's.We were better off economically than we are today.

Culturally, we were a little better off than today. IMO, We were in the early to mid stages of becomming the paranoid nanny state that we are today. People began getting more "health conscious" and eco friendly, The tobacco witchhunt (the war on tobacco companies and tobacco users started gaining strength), The war on drugs and brain washing propaganda was also becoming more intrusive (Remember D.A.R.E?), worse than it was during the 80's, being under surveillance was becoming the norm (although nowhere near the unconsitutional level of the patriot act era). Everything was becoming corporatized and commercialized. The middle man was slowly but surely being put out of business. There was resentment and lots of countercultures as a result of this and violence was becomming more prevalent in entertainment.

mainstream Metal/Rock went from generally happy to Doomy and gloomy (grunge etc), hardcore gangsta rap became popular, mortal kombat forever changed the gaming industry, they pretty much caused the rating system. There was also fear of the world ending in 2000, we also had the Y2K crisis. Times were changing and very fast.


UPR DanableLector
I was born in 86, so i cant speak too much on the 80's but the 90's were pretty bad ass. Megaman, Mario, Early MK, goosebump books, better cartoons, better nba, better toys, NOT better music though.. Man I could go on and go about the 90's. I think everyone is partial to the decade they grew up in because shits just better when you're a kid. Holidays suck now too. I dont live near any of my friends anymore, I have bills , and responsibilities. If I could travel back in time and start over in any decade, I'd just do the 90's again, and this time i'd avoid acid washed shit.


Filthy Casual
There's no stupid hobby/trend associated with the 90's unlike every other decade.

00's = Soulja boy and "reality t.v"
Ever heard of something called "The Real World?"

Grunge was a massive trend in the 90's.

You NEEDED a DYNO! Huffy? pls... Do kids even ride bikes anymore?!



Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
The 90's were the best time period ever! So glad I got to grow up in the 90's.