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Did the 90`s suck?


I had a x486 DX. 300 MB HD, 32 MB RAM. Ran Windows 3.1. Played Doom with the sound and shadows disabled to improve the frame rate. Shit was cash.

I don't remember doom having an option for shadows.. and I recently have been playing the original via dosbox.

But ya, great times in the 90s, nirvana, doom, Mk, and political correctness hadn't taken hold yet.

Oh ya, I forgot about late 90s, play three wave ctf quake in dorms, great times.


Oh yeah, forgot to mention... kids who used to buy chemistry sets and electronic componets at radio shack were called 'nerds'. Now they aren't called anything, because there aren't any (that I know of), and if they're found -they're a threat to national security. Freedom was something we didn't even have to think about back then, we just did whatever we wanted. Now everything seems to have greater than needed consequences and over reactions.

My parents got me those. Chen and electronics sets are still in my dads basement iirc.