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Vote on which defeated Battle Arena Character didn't get their "fair shake"

The Injustice: Gods Among Us Facebook is turning to the community and asking us to vote on who we feel, didn't fully get their fairshare in the spotlight! So if one of your favorite characters lost in the Battle Arena, they still might have something special releasing for them!

To Vote visit the following link -- http://www.facebook.com/injusticegame

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
Hawkgirl, of course.

But Sinestro is a close second. I think his match with Superman was disappointingly underwhelming.


Bzzzt *Paging Doctor Fate*
I voted Captain Marvel, I felt they didn't display his moves very well at all. He had one combo, and the rest was just a few 2-3 and the occasional special after that. Same with Sinestro really, but I went with Cap anyway.


Batman of Zur-En-Arrh
Lex Luthor. Seriously, how the hell did these people think an insane clown could defeat a man in a mechanized suit designed to be able to go toe-to-toe with Superman?


too smart to play MKX
Bane. Definitely fucking Bane... it's not even debatable. He did absolutely nothing in his match. Like... nothing at all. It really looked like they just did some normals and his super and called it a day. Lex Luthor follows closely.

But I'd rather see more of Sinestro...

Lex Luthor. Seriously, how the hell did these people think an insane clown could defeat a man in a mechanized suit designed to be able to go toe-to-toe with Superman?
Because The Dark Knight was better than Superman Returns.

Even though Kevin Spacey was a better Lex Luthor than Heath Ledger was a Joker. The latter just looked better because he was the only interesting character in that movie aside from Alfred.

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
Lex Luthor. Seriously, how the hell did these people think an insane clown could defeat a man in a mechanized suit designed to be able to go toe-to-toe with Superman?
You don't read many comics, do you? I'll let Mr. Moki enlighten you.



Justice 4 Firestorm
Bane's only notable thing was that "Move Bitch special and his Super.

BUT, I'd rather see more Hawkgirl, Captain Marvel, and Sinestro.


Batman of Zur-En-Arrh
Green Arrow wouldn't beat Hawkgirl.

It's popularity and nothing else.
I know, but I wish people would just say that they're voting for a character because they like them rather than trying to convince everyone that their character would totally win. I'm okay with someone voting against Lex because they like Joker more, but they shouldn't try to act like he would actually win in a fight.
Hawkgirl. I still feel she was fucking robbed. I love Green Arrow, but I still think she showed plenty of potential.

And my rationale for voting Joker was this: Lex Luthor is a genius. One with that level of intelligence has a very ordered mind. An ordered mind is frequently frustrated by a disordered and insane mind, which Joker is. Lex can fight Superman because Superman is, and always will be unless pushed to his limits(such as in Injustice), predictable. The Joker is not. That said...a stab to the dick was a pretty mean move on the part of Mr. J.


draxx them sklounst
Bane. Most definitely Bane. We didn't get to see shit from him and I'm still butthurt about it. But I'd probably go with any of them except Harley/Cyborg/Grundy. Love all those guys, but we've seen way more of them than the others (well, maybe not quite as much Grundy, but still, I'd rather see more Sinestro or Hawkgirl).