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Injustice - Speculation leads to 'Raven' and 'Killer Frost' being possibly leaked in achievements

Shadowknight1 A girl can dream.
You really do dislike that Raven...
Yes, Killzone does. And it's getting rather annoying. I know you dislike how she's mentioned a lot, but come on. I personally don't want her to be revealed just yet and my reasoning is twofold. Firstly, I really want her to be in and confirmation of such will make waiting for April that much worse. Secondly, we need villains. The roster is really lacking on villains right now. Doomsday, Captain Cold, Killer Frost, hell, I would take Mr. Mxyzptlk if it would mean adding a new villain to the roster.
While on the topic of the story.. It would be funny if the whole story is about Ares tricking superman into killing his own wife so he would start a war against the world..

Edit: While on the villian thing hopeful cheetah might be in the game but I can only hope.. :(


bye felicia
The roster is really lacking on villains right now.
I'm confused is this just because you don't accept that Catwoman and Bane are villains? Or because you're pretending Ares and Black Adam and Doomsday don't exist?

While on the topic of the story.. It would be funny if the whole story is about Ares tricking superman into killing his own wife so he would start a war against the world..

Edit: While on the villian thing hopeful cheetah might be in the game but I can only hope.. :(
Superman didn't start a war, though. He knows there isn't a force in the world that can rise against him and his goal isn't to just oppress people, its to stop crime. Maybe one or two people here and there will challenge him, yes, but it wouldn't be as full scale as someone like Ares would want.
I'm confused is this just because you don't accept that Catwoman and Bane are villains? Or because you're pretending Ares and Black Adam and Doomsday don't exist?
Ares could be a end game boss like Shao Khan, Black Adam could be an alt skin of Shazam(doubtful), and if no one else wants to believe Doomsday's playable, why should I?


Most of the people here believe that that's only a villain based picture.
What if it's more about the two main factions (could be more of course because of potential intrigues and so on)?

What if these few characters on that picture belong to a much larger picture, that includes few regular superheroes including Batman and Nightwing who lead them?
All the characters on the list, I could see them being against Superman and therefore the "villains" in the story, because Batman is once again the vigilante who breaks the law / Supermans law.

Let's say it's Circe and Raven on that picture:
Lex Luthor hates Superman, teams up with Batman.
Joker is afraid of Superman, he teams up with Batman.
Circe hates Wonder Woman, teams up with Batman.
Sinestro hates Green Lantern, teams up with Superman.
Raven is Nightwings old team mate, so she sticks together with him and is on Supermans side.
Deathstroke and Bane are there, because they dislike Supermans methods.


Here's why I think that's Raven in the picture and she is a villain (spoilers from comic 7 and 8 below):

We saw the image posted above of Raven in game in the watchtower against Bane and Lex with Nightwing
In the Bane/Lex announcement picture we see them in the watchtower and Nightwing laying on the ground
This makes it clear that Raven failed to stop them, either on purpose or not, yet we do not see Raven laying on the ground
Joker has clearly come back to life from the comic assuming that he actually died (evidenced by the gov't in comic 7 saying so)
Raven clearly lost someone important to her in the explosion of Metropolis (comic 8) and the Joker has (or claims to have) a method of bringing people back
Raven would team up with the Joker in hopes of bringing back whoever she lost

The evidence makes it pretty clear that she's playable and a villain for at least the first act of the game


bye felicia
Ares could be a end game boss like Shao Khan, Black Adam could be an alt skin of Shazam(doubtful), and if no one else wants to believe Doomsday's playable, why should I?
So a leap of faith is acceptable for MMH, but villains can only be confirmed by law? All but 2 of the characters revealed at the exact same time have been confirmed.

The only shred of doubt is that Doomsday lives in a background, leaving his playability a question mark, but even that opens the door for Grodd and now Darkseid as well.
So a leap of faith is acceptable for MMH, but villains can only be confirmed by law? All but 2 of the characters revealed at the exact same time have been confirmed.

The only shred of doubt is that Doomsday lives in a background, leaving his playability a question mark, but even that opens the door for Grodd and now Darkseid as well.
How is there a leap of faith for MMH? As far as I can tell, the fact that he's being considered for DLC means he's not in the game.


So a leap of faith is acceptable for MMH, but villains can only be confirmed by law? All but 2 of the characters revealed at the exact same time have been confirmed.

The only shred of doubt is that Doomsday lives in a background, leaving his playability a question mark, but even that opens the door for Grodd and now Darkseid as well.
doomsday is a fighter, it's not the same as grodd, the joker did his super on him


bye felicia
doomsday is a fighter, it's not the same as grodd, the joker did his super on him
Right, but he might not be playable. He may just be a boss. Meanwhile, Grodd, and Darkseid have also appeared "in backgrounds" and may only be stage specific bosses.


Part-Time Kano Hostage
Raven theory:

The NRS team has said many times before that there is going to be an incident that makes it so Harley Quinn, and others that clearly don't match up to Superman, get powers to match his.

Maybe after Raven gets her crazy powerup(and her heart is still broken from losing someone in Metropolis) she goes crazy because her body can't take the power and she becomes evil and joins Lex Luther. It wouldn't be too much of a stretch for her.
Or maybe Trigon takes over Raven body and make it so everyone have to fight on equal terms because his a all might powerful demon and he can do that...
Raven theory:

The NRS team has said many times before that there is going to be an incident that makes it so Harley Quinn, and others that clearly don't match up to Superman, get powers to match his.

Maybe after Raven gets her crazy powerup(and her heart is still broken from losing someone in Metropolis) she goes crazy because her body can't take the power and she becomes evil and joins Lex Luther. It wouldn't be too much of a stretch for her.
Not a bad theory. Mine kinda goes off of the idea that in the show, different colors for her represented her different emotional states, and I was thinking that maybe the red skin is a side effect of an almost irrepressible rage.


Not a bad theory. Mine kinda goes off of the idea that in the show, different colors for her represented her different emotional states, and I was thinking that maybe the red skin is a side effect of an almost irrepressible rage.
This is possible and would seem very possible when you consider that she needs to keep her emotions in check or else Trigon can take over. From the picture of her and Nightwing in the comic, she is definitely distraught from something which can make it possible for Trigon to take over.

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
Not a bad theory. Mine kinda goes off of the idea that in the show, different colors for her represented her different emotional states, and I was thinking that maybe the red skin is a side effect of an almost irrepressible rage.
Well, if she's super upset over that person(s)' death, wouldn't she be more likely to join up with Superman and stop it from ever happening again, rather than trying to oppose him just so Batman can keep playing Cops and Robbers?


Part-Time Kano Hostage
Well, if she's super upset over that person(s)' death, wouldn't she be more likely to join up with Superman and stop it from ever happening again, rather than trying to oppose him just so Batman can keep playing Cops and Robbers?

Well if we combine my thoery and her red-rage theory then it could be that at first she is really upset that someone passed away and wants to help Superman, but once everyone gets superpowered to stand a chance against Superman like Harley Quinn (we have no idea why or how this happens yet), she turns evil and is taken over by her father because her body can't take the rage of the death + the immense new power.

We know Lex joins Batman to eventually stop Superman, but we don't know most of the other villains agendas. Maybe there is something else we are leaving out that would give the other supervillains something to do. Raven could end up joining forces with Deathstroke and Bane, or just go crazy and do her own thing.
Well, if she's super upset over that person(s)' death, wouldn't she be more likely to join up with Superman and stop it from ever happening again, rather than trying to oppose him just so Batman can keep playing Cops and Robbers?
Very likely. I would presume Cyborg would also side with Superman, at least at first, out of loyalty to the JLA. The wildcard is Nightwing. Just how long will he go along with this?


Tired, But Strong
Definitely liking Captain Cold's chances after reading that comic.

The thing about the raven's skin thing is that the colorist for the IGAU comic has definitely had... problems before. Case in point: GL's consistently black hair in the issue where he tried to stop Superman.

That said, I actually like red-skinned Raven. Shows her heritage. If she had some kind of Demonifying trait in-game I'd be pretty stoked.
His new design was jagged and rough, he was dealt with way too quickly and it had a one and done feel, and he had his gun, I dont like that for ice powers in a fighting game