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Injustice - Speculation leads to 'Raven' and 'Killer Frost' being possibly leaked in achievements


Scary Bat
It either her alt and for some reason she the only one wearing her alt costume or it not her..
Could be that the red skin appearance in the comic is the alt in the game but I really don't think it's her on this pic, the evidence of her being in the game is extremely strong, but I sitll don't think it's her...
*sighs* I hate myself for saying this, but I'm going to go ahead theorize that if she's in it's an alt.
The red skinned Raven or the pale? Cause if you're saying the pale, then that makes no sense. Everyone else, including Luthor, is in their primary in that screenshot. However, looking at Raven in that shot, even as blurry as it is, it matches up with her comic's design with the somewhat revealing one piece. I mean geez, I thought her leotard in the cartoon left little to the imagination. :p


Eternal student
Time for C-Sword to get involved with the search

Top right: ECLIPSO (WW's villain)
Good find. I'd rather have the top right be him than get a manly Raven. Plus he has Shadow Manip- OH SHIT!
Can a boy hope for an puppet master playstyle, or even an eddie-esque playstlye?


Could you fine gentleman stop talking about CCs and Ravens comic design and post freakin pictures in a spoiler?! >B-(

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
I don't think it is her in that pic, have you seen her in the comic? her skins not pale, she's bright bloody red!
this is true her skin tone is really dark/reddish in the comic but either way she's playable she's a JL member in this continuity so all the Raven fans can rest easy even if that isnt her in the top right


Thanks Paradoxxs.

I like Captain Cold's design <3
Raven on the other hand doesn't look that special. Will she really be playable? Ooooooooh Raven fans, your trembeling isn't over yet!


You. Are Not. Alone.
Captain Cold(who was using a gun :() didn't look any more special than the other rogues that showed up


Part-Time Kano Hostage
Hmm, so Mirror Master doesn't get murdered in the comic and he's in a redesigned outfit alongside Captain Cold. I just don't know anymore.

And Raven is red.... even though the outfit on the top right in this picture matches her outfit in the comic. Just more questions....

Something would really have had to happen to Raven between this comic and the actual game for her to turn pale AND turn evil. There is still no 100% that it's her in this image, but I think she might of just took the lead on the most likely list.


bye felicia
well, in the comic she's a hero and in the picture she's standing with clearly defined villains. I am guessing SOMETHING is going to turn her pale and villainous between issue 8 and issue 18. That makes WAY MORE sense than the notion that there are two characters with the exact same look and distinct hood design varying only by skin tone.
well, in the comic she's a hero and in the picture she's standing with clearly defined villains. I am guessing SOMETHING is going to turn her pale and villainous between issue 8 and issue 18. That makes WAY MORE sense than the notion that there are two characters with the exact same look and distinct hood design varying only by skin tone.
Or there's no reason for her to be red in the first place outside of artistic license. After all, they colored Nightwing like GL and GL like Nightwing in one panel.


bye felicia
That was one panel, she's consistently red the entire book and she's with heroes. Something is going to happen to Raven.


Dojo Trainee
The costume in the Injustice image looks the same as the Raven comic costume. The only difference is the pale skin vs. red skin:

Maybe an alt color pallet?
That was one panel, she's consistently red the entire book and she's with heroes. Something is going to happen to Raven.
Odd assumption, to be honest. Batman is already starting to show that he doesn't believe what Clark is doing is the right thing and by the time the game starts, is actively working against him, yet in the hero achievement, they're standing side by side.
And I think something has already happened to Raven. When Wonder Woman mentions heroes that should be there and won't be any more because of the bomb, there is a panel where Nightwing looks at Raven with a sad/concerned expression. The former Teen Titans have probably lost someone.


Dojo Trainee
The CC image stood out as having a new and highly detailed look....this suggest to me that he's playable rather than Killer Frost. I'm going to guess Circe for the middle achievement pic.


Burn in my Light
The CC image stood out as having a new and highly detailed look....this suggest to me that he's playable rather than Killer Frost. I'm going to guess Circe for the middle achievement pic.
New yeah, but it wasn't anymore detailed than Grodds face or Mirror Master, and I kinda got the one a done feel from his extremely lame showing in this, I feel like MM is in this game but Grodd is who I really want as the Flash villain


bye felicia
Odd assumption, to be honest. Batman is already starting to show that he doesn't believe what Clark is doing is the right thing and by the time the game starts, is actively working against him, yet in the hero achievement, they're standing side by side.
But Superman isn't a villain, at no point has he been painted as such. At odds with Batman, misguided at best, but from the presentation of the comic and the game so far, all we've seen is that Superman is still a good guy. Unless you're gonna throw GL, WW, Cyborg, Flash, and everyone else we've seen on his side under the villain bus too, which would still make that icon accurate.

While I do agree with your spoiler'd point, it doesn't change the fact that its heroes on one icon and villains on the other, so no matter what the prequel comic says, Injustice says she's a pale skinned villain.