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Injustice - New Character Reveal to Drop on Monday

KiD INsAnitY

Z of The Leaf -Team R.A.N
But that's what I'm saying not many ppl find it ridiculous its for entertainment like I said Logic is bent. Look at Superman he could destroy the world if he wants ,he's an alien that just so happens to look just like us and is able to reproduce with us. Flash could kill everyone on the planet in a minute when you take a look at just how extreme DC Comics are its not that hard to accept the shit Batman is able to pull off.


Man of Tomorrow
But that's what I'm saying not many ppl find it ridiculous its for entertainment like I said Logic is bent. Look at Superman he could destroy the world if he wants ,he's an alien that just so happens to look just like us and is able to reproduce with us. Flash could kill everyone on the planet in a minute when you take a look at just how extreme DC Comics are its not that hard to accept the shit Batman is able to pull off.

Let me ask you, and you too BC, a serious question: do you think Batman can beat Superman with, or without, kryptonite? If you do please explain why.
What's left to debate?
Maybe your inability to realize when someone is serious about something and when someone is only trolling?

Me talking bad about Raven is trolling and everyone should be able to realize that.
But on the other hand me saying that Batman is a badly written character in a badly written and executed comic book universe? That's me being very serious about comic books, which I grew up with.
What do you mean he can't? Lois was pregnant.
Pregnant where? In the Injustice comics? -___-
Man you believe that Goku can defeat Superman, even though people a lot smarter and more dedicated than you put a lot more effort to prove that he can't. You should stop discussing about Superman.

OK, so why can't Lex Luthor who, as Batman himself said, is smarter than Bruce?
Because of Luthors ego. Luthor is his own worst enemy.


I am Arkham
Maybe your inability to realize when someone is serious about something and when someone is only trolling?

Me talking bad about Raven is trolling and everyone should be able to realize that.
But on the other hand me saying that Batman is a badly written character in a badly written and executed comic book universe? That's me being very serious about comic books, which I grew up with.
And I accept your opinion. Thank you for sharing.

I don't care to discuss that though, or debate it. I love the Batman universe. Grew up on the animated series, movies, and his comics are what got me into comics in general. The Long Halloween, Year One, Dark Knight Returns, are all on my list of favorites. I love all the villains, and the psychology behind them.

That's my opinion. It really doesn't bother me a bit that you don't feel the same. And isn't that what debating is for? Trying to persuade the audience? To get a point across or prove something? I have nothing to prove. Batman is an icon, with one of the biggest fan bases for a comic book character.

Why would I feel the need or desire to argue that to you, or have some desire to change your opinion, when I know that nothing I will or could say will change a single thing. We'll argue in circle for pages on end repeating the same stuff, with nothing being accomplished other than what has already been. Which is that you dislike it, and I love it. That's all that needs to be said.

You are welcome to mock it and post as many pictures as you'd like, "troll" as you will, cool by me. That last one got a good chuckle from me. I don't take things so seriously as to get bent out of shape over jokes and others opinions.

People can like/dislike whoever they choose. I don't need to write 30 posts explaining why a character should be liked.
No helping.
When it comes to prep and defeating Superman it's something like this:

1) Dr. Doom
2) Mr. Fantastic
3) Batman
4) Luthor

Dr. Doom has the advantage, because he is ruthless and also knows powerful magic.
Mr. Fantastic has built an Anti-Galactus-Suit, so that should be self-explanatory.

Batman has the advantage over Luthor, because he doesn't make as many mistakes as Luthor and he is far more strategic, when it comes to the prep and fighting.
Luthor is naturally a lot smarter than Batman. If Luthor wanted he could cure cancer, but he doesn't, because he is too busy with trying to find a way to expose and defeat Superman, yet he somehow never manages to, because there is that one tiny moment in the story and Superman takes advantage of it and wins, because Luthor was too busy with himself.


I am Arkham
Let me ask you, and you too BC, a serious question: do you think Batman can beat Superman with, or without, kryptonite? If you do please explain why.
With Kryptonite:
Well, he has. So yeah, I do.

Without Kryptonite:

But that's kind of Batman's thing. Always being prepared for anything. So who knows.

KiD INsAnitY

Z of The Leaf -Team R.A.N
Bruce knows more about supes though he knows EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM he could set a few traps and blam. Lex on the other hand usually has to go up against the JLA and not just sups but I'm waiting for the moment he does take him out.

KiD INsAnitY

Z of The Leaf -Team R.A.N
Lol at the Guy who thinks Redhood is more popular then Raven strong LOOOOL. But lets get back on topic we should make a separate thread for all this goodness.


Bzzzt *Paging Doctor Fate*
My guesses for the reveals are Raven and Doomsday, but I would just love a Black Adam and Martian Manhunter reveal! ;)


Man of Tomorrow

What did I say about not helping. I agree for the most part but I think Fantastic over Doom considering that it would be harder for Superman to defeat Mr.F and I've gotta factor that in over the magic.

Bruce knows more about supes though he knows EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM he could set a few traps and blam. Lex on the other hand usually has to go up against the JLA and not just sups but I'm waiting for the moment he does take him out.

Lex knows that Superman has an abundance of compassion to a fault, it's easy for him to set a trap with some woman that gets trapped in a lead safe at a bank only for there to be Kryptonite inside.

lol that's great.

But in all seriousness, Batman would obviously be preparing things in an area surrounded by material to block the x-ray vision.

Lex knows about the lead.
Batman has never defeated Superman in (canon) comics.
To my knowledge, they've rarely actually fought outside of hypothetical futures, and I only know of two off the top of my head, and that's Armageddon 1999 and The Dark Knight Returns, and Supes lost in both instances.


I am Arkham
Batman has never defeated Superman in (canon) comics.
Well, the question wasn't whether or not he has in canon comics or not. So if he has or hasn't in canon is irrelevant. However, when he has, it is a convincing scenario where I think he could. And that's what was asked, if I think he could or not. Which I do.

there's no right answer, it's an opinion question.

Really, comics in general are opinion. The writers could essentially write whatever they want to happen, as long as it gets the OK from DC of course. So it's not like anything is impossible. Batman is definitely built up through his history, to at least have it plausible that he could.

KiD INsAnitY

Z of The Leaf -Team R.A.N
I think Lex shoulda took sups out already but that's more of the writers fucking it up. I mean Lex had a golden opportunity to find out his secret id but refused to believe that he would disguise himself as someone so "puny"