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Injustice - New Character Reveal to Drop on Monday

KiD INsAnitY

Z of The Leaf -Team R.A.N
More popular characters? You serious? Like who? Raven? LoL!
Yup and MM I can guarantee you their fan base is larger then his just due to their shows. A majority of the causal scene wouldn't even know or probably care that he gets announced. The whole point of these reveals is to hype the game up most ppl would just be like Who the fuck is this!!!?? Or Who cares!!? I wouldn't mind but they are gonna reveal the more popular chars. Do you think he will have more of a hype reveal then Raven, MM or even HawkWoman?.


too smart to play MKX
Really, when you think about it, people should really stop asking for characters.

The roster is finished. It was probably set in stone before the game was announced.

Just sit back and save your fingers and lung capacity for DLC entitlement screaming.


We're talking about the Red Hood here,

- young kid who tried to steal the Batmobiles rims,
- became the second Robin,
- had anger issues very early on,
- got killed by the Joker,
- returned in the most stupid way possible,
- had a HUGE story in the Batman comics and was all over the place,
- had basically the main role in one of the best, if not THE best DC animated movie yet,
- was later on starred every now and then in the Batman comics, where he tried to take over,
- got his own comic books and in the end now his own comic book,
- has his own team.

And all that against Raven, a pale girl with father issues, who has fans, because people used to love the Teen Titans show.

Martian Manhunter is an iconic character for sure, he deserves a spot.
I'm not even gonna start talking about HawkGIRL, who was basically never important in the DC comics.

KiD INsAnitY

Z of The Leaf -Team R.A.N
Like I said at the end of the day these reveals are gonna go to whoever is the most popular that will raise the hype the most its all about marketing. He is a cool char to me but most wont even know who he is.


too smart to play MKX
wasn't one of the thing NRS wanted to do was to bring not so well know character into the spot light and yet where are they..
If you're going by comic book fans, there is no character obscurity. If you're going by people like me who have never read a comic that wasn't written by Alan Moore, it goes like this:

I had no fucking clue who: Green Arrow, Cyborg, Nightwing, Deathstroke, Doomsday, Solomon Grundy, or SHAZAM! were before they were announced in this game. And I only knew Raven from the rule 34. I'd also say I probably only recognize 15% of the names that people request for this game.

If they weren't in a summer blockbuster of some kind, they're pretty obscure to me. I'll bet a really sizable chunk of the people who will be picking up this game are in that same boat.

Somehow I actually knew who Hawkgirl was. Inexplicably had the action figure as a kid.
Snip snap
Well that the question, Well I have never read or seen a comic book before, the first one I read was the injustice comics, but because I grew up with DC show I know some of the names the only once I didn´t know was deathstroke and Shazam(captain marvel) So I guess it all about perspektiv.


Burn in my Light
We're talking about the Red Hood here,

- young kid who tried to steal the Batmobiles rims,
- became the second Robin,
- had anger issues very early on,
- got killed by the Joker,
- returned in the most stupid way possible,
- had a HUGE story in the Batman comics and was all over the place,
- had basically the main role in one of the best, if not THE best DC animated movie yet,
- was later on starred every now and then in the Batman comics, where he tried to take over,
- got his own comic books and in the end now his own comic book,
- has his own team.

And all that against Raven, a pale girl with father issues, who has fans, because people used to love the Teen Titans show.

Martian Manhunter is an iconic character for sure, he deserves a spot.
I'm not even gonna start talking about HawkGIRL, who was basically never important in the DC comics.
But half those points aren't even special


If you're going by comic book fans, there is no character obscurity. If you're going by people like me who have never read a comic that wasn't written by Alan Moore, it goes like this:

I had no fucking clue who: Green Arrow, Cyborg, Nightwing, Deathstroke, Doomsday, Solomon Grundy, or SHAZAM! were before they were announced in this game. And I only knew Raven from the rule 34. I'd also say I probably only recognize 15% of the names that people request for this game.

If they weren't in a summer blockbuster of some kind, they're pretty obscure to me. I'll bet a really sizable chunk of the people who will be picking up this game are in that same boat.

Somehow I actually knew who Hawkgirl was. Inexplicably had the action figure as a kid.
What you said about Hawkgirl, I can relate to in terms of Raven. I enjoyed her character before Teen Titans show. There are many people who only know characters from shows/movies but there are those who know and love a character before they became popular with everyone who never so much as picked up a comic.

On a related note: It pisses me off when I hear someone say Deathstroke reminds them of Slade from Teen Titans. Yeah, I know they're the same damn person but learn your damn history before you open your mouth! >.<


But half those points aren't even special
Not sure why you even expect it to be special. My point was that he was featured in much major stuff.
I would also go as far to say that there are more comic book readers than people who watched DC animated shows AND cared about them so much that they still remember stuff.

And that's the main problem with "you people". You think that Raven is a popular character, just because:
1) You know her from the animated Teen Titans show,
2) additionally to that you expect all the people who watched the show to also play Injustice and demand her as a playable character ...
... which is stupid, if you think about it.

It doesn't take a smart person, to actually realize that just by plain logic Red Hood would be the more popular character for this game, because it's a game that is based on DC comics and will mainly be monitored by people who:
1) Want to play as Superman, Batman, Catwoman and Bane,
2) Want to play as their favorite DC characters, if they're in,
3) Will play the game, because it's a fighting game and their into these kinds of games.

What do you think how many of them will actually buy the game, because Raven is in it? Don't be silly.
Judging by the customers logic Red Hood would potentially get them more customers, because he is the more popular character (if it's about the characters, this game and it's customers) and PROBABLY also one that more people identify with, because most of the readers are males and (now I'm guessing again) most of them are rather into male superheroes.


Lose without excuses
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I bet both of my testicles that he's in this thing, on the disc. Don't let Boon get to you...
Whether you like it or not, I'm holding you to that bet. You're either about be neutered, or I get to play as Martian Manhunter in Injustice. #FairTrade
What you said about Hawkgirl, I can relate to in terms of Raven. I enjoyed her character before Teen Titans show. There are many people who only know characters from shows/movies but there are those who know and love a character before they became popular with everyone who never so much as picked up a comic.

On a related note: It pisses me off when I hear someone say Deathstroke reminds them of Slade from Teen Titans. Yeah, I know they're the same damn person but learn your damn history before you open your mouth! >.<
I enjoyed Teen Titans and it actually made me look into the characters histories. Hell, I thought Slade was pretty badass, then I read up on him and realized he wasn't just pretty badass, he's VERY badass. Again, I see nothing wrong with being introduced to the DC Comics characters through their TV shows. Well, unless Adam West is your introduction to Batman, that could be a bit...yeahhhhh.

im pretty sure Green Arrow will be in the last fight,
since they have Stephen Amill as a Celebrity speaker
He's already had his bit though.


Play Monster Hunter!
Teen Titans is the worst show DC has done.

Raven is also a shitty character who only shows up in the comics because Trigon is Teen Titans only worth while villain outside of Deathstroke.

Terribleness aside, she could potentially have a cool moveset with unique powers, will be interesting to see if they stick with her canon powers, or make her an Ermac clone to appears a bunch of 12 year olds with poor taste in childrens cartoons.


Burn in my Light
Teen Titans is the worst show DC has done.

Raven is also a shitty character who only shows up in the comics because Trigon is Teen Titans only worth while villain outside of Deathstroke.

Terribleness aside, she could potentially have a cool moveset with unique powers, will be interesting to see if they stick with her canon powers, or make her an Ermac clone to appears a bunch of 12 year olds with poor taste in childrens cartoons.
You seem offended, is everything ok?