Uh, that's exactly what it does. If you wanna tear down other heroes and ignore how absolutely absurd yours is, you are a fanboy of the highest order. And the part where you've been patrolling every Injustice thread since announcement to remind us all how much better the Flash and his exaggerated and frequently unexplained feets of speed are than the entire rest of the DCU isn't helping.
I'm the first one who will hint out that DC writers are stupid and that DC heroes are stupid in general.
Why else would a 10 year old be able to fight Gothams most terrible villains and kick their asses like it's nothing?
I was also the one who invested time to showcase how ridiculous Flash is as a character and how overpowered the DC writers made him. I don't like his level of overpoweredness and I don't consider myself a fan of him.
I like Wally West from JLU, because he is funny and even when he is as his most powerful (the fight against Brainiac-Lex), he still has limits, since he actually needs time to circle the globe.
When I tell people that they're wrong, then I do it to tell them more about comics, since I'm into comics, no matter how stupid they can get. I'm not doing it to showcase how much more I know about comic books and that their opinion is wrong, while mine is always correct. I do it, because I enjoy writing about it and telling people about comics.
If you have a problem about that, then stop reading my comments, as soon as you realize that I'm starting to talk about comic books. Shouldn't be a huge deal, right?
Back when the Flash was just a fast guy who had some cool speed related powers, he was fine. He wasn't faster than the entire universe. He wasn't some scientific impossiblity. He wasn't a god. Ever since Wally came around and rewrote flash physics in a vain attempt to explain how Speed Force bullshit exists within the real world
I agree with you 100%. I like him as a fast runner, but I don't like him as the unstoppable monster that he became.
the Flash has been elevated to Golden Age Superman levels of stupid. He can turn people to stone. He can make solid matter explode. He can predict the future. He can carry any number of people any distance at any speed without ANY consequence to any party involved. He can vibrate so fast he literally phases out of reality and recreate himself in the future past maybe whatever. And that's not even considering what absurdities its forced his villains to become.
And since I like to talk about comics ... I think you messed some things up.
The Golden Age Superman was perfectly balanced. He couldn't even fly. The first superhero who had the ability to fly was Captain Marvel.
The ridiculous Superman you're talking about is the Silver Age Superman, where the writers really went over the top with shitty writing.
Kryptonians have limits. Lanterns have limits. Even BATMAN has limits. While the Flashes power set at this point exceeds even Dr. Manhattan's and at least Manhattan got wrote in a way that addressed how mentally fucked a character with that kind of power would become. Flash on the other hand gets to be god whenever the plot needs him to and still crack jokes with the family over supper.
Seriously, fuck the Flash.
True, true, true, true. I see that you understand it, so I don't know why you have to flame me, because I say that the Flash is the most powerful hero on DC Earth.
As already said: It has nothing to do with me being a Flash fanboy, but more with the feats Flash has in comic books which put him above everyone else. I'm just hinting them out, while not agreeing with them, because judging by them Flash could always save the day without even trying.
Oh and I'm not so sure about Batman having limits: He did take out the entire Justice League (including the Flash) :-|