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Dealing With the Runaway Problem, and Growing Our Sport

GGA Saucy Jack

The artist formerly known as ImNewbieSauce
If i can chime in from the perspective of a nobody:

Like any argument, both sides have valid points. But for us crap players who just want to get better, wading through drama is tedious, and leaves a bad taste in peoples mouths. This falls on the community. Not top players, not moderators, but the community as a whole.

I dont understand why so many posts on here are self serving. Someone seeking glory for themselves. Whether its who discovered some tech, or who said what about who, who put who on blast. Its obnoxious. Im a nobody, but for a long time i just lurked and would ignore the site for months because of it all. Its not just the top players, the nobodies leave too. And my guess is there are a lot more of us than people think.

And this isnt just the players...i was shocked at the moderators in this very post. "any reason we chose was a good reason." that statement wont help keep the peace.

I dont know. My opinion carries no weight, but i hope this thread is constructive. We all need to look in the mirror. All of us.

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
argh I don't get it!

Why is everyone getting so butthurt over getting moderated in posts that have nearly nothing to do with MK?

Like 16 bit no offense, but when you make whole threads about how good you are, yes you are going to be moderated.

And of course REO is going to be angry, he's made TONS of threads strictly to create drama or to make the game look bad, all because he loves to troll.

Tom is always emo and creates a lot of drama too.

etc. the list of top players like this is extensive.

I would like for someone to find me a single freaking thread where someone posted a new combo, new tech, info for a tournament, match videos, etc. that was moderated for a reason other than posting in the wrong forum or a thread for that already existing.

All of the threads that have been moderated were completely about something else, so who cares in the first place?

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
If i can chime in from the perspective of a nobody:

Like any argument, both sides have valid points. But for us crap players who just want to get better, wading through drama is tedious, and leaves a bad taste in peoples mouths. This falls on the community. Not top players, not moderators, but the community as a whole.

I dont understand why so many posts on here are self serving. Someone seeking glory for themselves. Whether its who discovered some tech, or who said what about who, who put who on blast. Its obnoxious. Im a nobody, but for a long time i just lurked and would ignore the site for months because of it all. Its not just the top players, the nobodies leave too. And my guess is there are a lot more of us than people think.

And this isnt just the players...i was shocked at the moderators in this very post. "any reason we chose was a good reason." that statement wont help keep the peace.

I dont know. My opinion carries no weight, but i hope this thread is constructive. We all need to look in the mirror. All of us.
ahhh it's you! you are awesome and this post is awesome!

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Don't see what that has to do with anything I said. Moderators aren't really allowing any of our lovable shenanigans to continue.

Extrapolate your ideas because I do not see where I devoted a single fuck to any of those people, besides responding to you.

I love MK and don't need a website to compound that. Why I love[d] TYM is that it was really entertaining, and felt like more of a kommunity as opposed to a strategy guide. Your last two quips were really cute, helps out with the high school vibe.

woah nenray sure is a dick
I might have read u wrong

I thought u meant it wasn't happening cause those people were not here but see what u mean now cause of the MOds

Well honestly some of us r just f ing tired of it and have better things to do so we realized . I get nothing out of flame wars


Blue Blurs for Life!
I'm pretty sure that sentiment is exactly the problem that a lot of people have with the mods
What Tim meant by his post is not that we moderators always make the correct calls, but that whenever we develop concern over something and choose to address it, it's always with intentions to achieve common grounds for all parties involved. We do not seek to abuse our privileges with the intention to serve oneself.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
If i can chime in from the perspective of a nobody:

Like any argument, both sides have valid points. But for us crap players who just want to get better, wading through drama is tedious, and leaves a bad taste in peoples mouths. This falls on the community. Not top players, not moderators, but the community as a whole.

I dont understand why so many posts on here are self serving. Someone seeking glory for themselves. Whether its who discovered some tech, or who said what about who, who put who on blast. Its obnoxious. Im a nobody, but for a long time i just lurked and would ignore the site for months because of it all. Its not just the top players, the nobodies leave too. And my guess is there are a lot more of us than people think.

And this isnt just the players...i was shocked at the moderators in this very post. "any reason we chose was a good reason." that statement wont help keep the peace.

I dont know. My opinion carries no weight, but i hope this thread is constructive. We all need to look in the mirror. All of us.
You're just as important to me as REO or CD Jr. Online warrior, Mortal Kombat Super Bowl Cup of the World Champion or Mr I-just-bought-a-MK-game-for-the-first-time-today. We're all of the same.

Also, just throwing this out there, since I don't really think everyone has read them...

#1. Respect the mods/admins. We want you here, but this isn't your house, it's ours. We try to keep the rules clear. If you cross a line and get called out, take it like an adult. We reserve the right to edit out posts/comments that are clearly trolling, off topic or flat out offensive or derogatory.


Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
d1 spear is the shit not gonna lie

i mean when it doesn't land, you can subtract the "the" part but when it does... dem feels

On topic though idgaf what happens.. TYM is a great place and whether it be only sparingly or constantly, I will continue to visit and support this website. #captainasiasigningout

GGA Saucy Jack

The artist formerly known as ImNewbieSauce
Wonderchef - haha yea it is me. Thanks, just sharing my thoughts.

Timstatic - thanks for the response. I just want to be clear i wasnt bitching about how you guys do your job, i was just commenting on that one line. I guess i just found it a little coarse. I just wanted my post to be constructive. I dont care about the past. I just want this site to be better. I love this game, i love this site, and i love talking to anyone who will listen about this game. I just want us all to be better. As a community.

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
The whole drama thing is nothing new. Sure, it is worse at some particular times but I am not surprised by it. I know how frustrating it is to get into arguments over MU's, tech, etc... but I really do think that it keeps the game developing so long as it does not become derogatory or hateful. It seems to me that most of the top players who have left have done so mostly because they have gotten tired of arguing, which is fine. I just don't know how they expect people to level up if they cannot hash it out with the best in the game. I will never leave TYM, even if I do become an elite player. The forums have helped me level up and always provide me with fun.

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
And yea I will agree with Pig- the whole alternate accounts thing is disgusting and pathetic. It is a shame that top players are big contributors to the trolling that they claim to hate.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Man, having everybody together in this thread made me realize again how much fun it is when everybody's here and working together. I remember why I started lurking here in the first place.

I love you guys. (Even you Enenra)

In any case, it's a positive step for everyone to air out and discuss their concerns here instead of sniping at each other from around the corner. No situation will ever be perfect, and people will not always agree -- but if everyone can talk things out with each other in a civilized matter, that's already a start towards making progress.

Overall, people can't have it both ways; if you're going to troll, you can't complain when people troll you back. If you're going to contribute, you have to respect the fact that some people might disagree with you. It's critical to know who to listen to and who to tune out.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
My issue was you guys [moderators] are killing the fun, and drama/flaming is a lot of fun. Who cares as long as it's harmless and everyone is enjoying themselves.

And yeah, it's harmless. If you get butthurt about a gaming forum calling you out I don't think we'll miss you.

Then again, that was when I cared. Now I don't care if this turns into a brony site as long as I can pop in the low taste joke every now and again to see my like count increase. It grows my epeen.
If only you knew how far some of the calling out went PRIOR to MK9. Tim Static Juggs

GGA Saucy Jack

The artist formerly known as ImNewbieSauce
Damn wonderchef, i thought you were president of mine! /drama

PS...does the woundcowboy one have an app? Id like to apply for membership.

Im glad to see this thread continue to be positive. Baby steps?

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
Damn wonderchef, i thought you were president of mine! /drama

PS...does the woundcowboy one have an app? Id like to apply for membership.

Im glad to see this thread continue to be positive. Baby steps?
I wear many hats. My future dreams is to have you commentate a WoundCowboy match, that will complete my life.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Something I don't think I'm getting. Okay some of the top players say they wish they could have serious discussions about the game without trolling or whatever. Then when we attempt to create an environment to make this possible, the same people say that we're "over moderating"? How can you expect us to make TYM a better place when you have these unrealistic expectations? The only way to accomplish having serious discussions is to get rid of the off-topic and trolling posts. But when we do that, we're over moderating. It's the same problem with closing threads. When we close a thread, it shouldn't have been closed. When we leave a thread open, oh it should have been closed. There's rarely, if ever, a thread closed that doesn't deserve to be closed. But if you feel that the closed thread doesn't deserve to be closed, why make status updates saying "oh the mods are killing the community" or throw a fit about it on twitter? What does this accomplish other than creating more drama and negatively affecting the community? Why would you not talk to the mod that closed it? Or an admin or lead mod? I just don't understand this drama craving everyone has. Everyday this community reminds me why we're not ready for major exposure, everyone needs to do a lot of growing up before that happens.

Also, this site isn't for any specific "group". It's for all of them. We're not going to only cater to top players because that's not what this site is about. We're not going to only cater to the average players because that's not what this site is about. And if a top player doesn't want to participate on this forum that's completely fine. We're not going to beg anyone to stay if they don't want to stay. It would be better for the entire community if you did stay or at the very least tell someone on the staff why you're leaving if it has to do with the site, but you're not obligated to do so.

All we have wanted from the beginning is to help grow and evolve the offline community. Since then TYM has become more than just that. Now we want to grow the entire MK community and the FGC as well. Online players, offline players, tournament players, casual players, competitive players, etc... all of you guys. We want the entire community to grow and become the biggest force in the FGC. In order to do this we need communication with one another. Not people being assholes to each other and people just peacing out. I just don't get why you'd rather have drama over a strong, tight nit, amazing community.


I only use characters with wakeup scoops.
Stumbled across this generic funnypic on the net a while ago. This thread reminded me of it. Just replace "Designers and Developers" with TYM.
Can we get a thread on how to improve the Mortal Kombat community in the fighting game community? Ironically being friendly and hunky-dory is detrimental to the scene in most cases. youtube.com/watch?v=nG8sLRF7NI8 - Look at these guys popping off and everyone getting psyched. Its part of the fun. Of course you should be friendly to new people in the community and help them, but when the big boys want to play let them.

Perhaps I just missed the point of this thread? There is an off-topic sub-forum right? Dont delete (unless necessary) threads, just move them there. Problem solved. Or make a Hype and Drama sub-forum. Solutions are easy, its getting people to get off their high horse and distribute the power equally.

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
why do people think that hype and drama are the same thing?

I mean look at the really successful esports games. Do you see people popping off, talking shit, or almost getting into fights all the time with Starcraft or League of Legends?

A little bit is inevitable in anything competitive, but saying that drama is something that helps a community is absolutely wrong.

The game is hype when we see Tyrant make a comeback, when DAB pulls a bunch of upsets to win breakout player at Dallas, or when Pig and Cowboy have one of the closest matches I've ever seen, etc.

THAT is the stuff that makes people come to tournaments. THAT is the stuff that people will watch streams for, not drama.
You also dont see huge payouts and major sponsors for the FGC controlling their actions. This has only been happening recently, Triforce has been talking about it and if you watch the Capcom streams youll catch top players like fchamp apologizing or correcting people whom he has on streams for saying something out of place trying to get rid of the publicity.

The Tyrant match at SCR was hype as hell, of course. Watching two nemesis who hate each other (drama) can also bring hype. Watching Pig pop off because no one else can get top 8 with Kenshi is hype. You dont have to have negative drama to bring hype but it IS exciting nonetheless. You can never refute that.