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Fat Kombat - 995Phil's chronicles in weight loss.


first of all good progress.

second, there are 2 kinds of people

those who eat breakfast and feel great

and those who eat breakfast and feel hungry an hour later

in the seconds case not eating at all ive found keeps your stomach from "waking" up, no food enters, nothing gets done there.

try it.
That's kind of what I do. I eat a VERY small portion in the morning. 1 cereal bar. Usually a Special K 90 calorie bar... and I still drink lots of water.


Joker waiting room
That's kind of what I do. I eat a VERY small portion in the morning. 1 cereal bar. Usually a Special K 90 calorie bar... and I still drink lots of water.
try going without it, leave it empty and see what happens.

im fortunate enough not to get hungry till 4 hours after im awake


try going without it, leave it empty and see what happens.

im fortunate enough not to get hungry till 4 hours after im awake
Again... pretty close to what I do. I am up at 7am, but don't eat/drink anything until 9:30 when I start work.


Joker waiting room
Again... pretty close to what I do. I am up at 7am, but don't eat/drink anything until 9:30 when I start work.
if you ever get tired of eating chicken fillets and sorts, try adding buns and a low calorie sauce, works wonders btw.


Phil when are we going to some pictures of this incredible feat of yours?
Also I'm really proud of your accomplishment
I'll have a new comparison pic to add soon, but if you go back one page, you'll see my last comparisons which are from right before the holidays.


Twitter: @xxQUANTUM
first of all good progress.

second, there are 2 kinds of people

those who eat breakfast and feel great

and those who eat breakfast and feel hungry an hour later

in the seconds case not eating at all ive found keeps your stomach from "waking" up, no food enters, nothing gets done there.

try it.
I can't eat Bfast I feel really heavy after. I work out fasted in the a.m., supplement with some BCAA's and then eat around 12:30-1pm (big protein meal). Kinda just naturally slid into it and it works.

Phil, just make sure you're not doing something too top-down controlled. That is bound to fail. Little changes here and there and a feeling like you aren't even trying are what tend to make you stick it out in the long run. Great job so far by the way, looking forward to some progress pics


I can't eat Bfast I feel really heavy after. I work out fasted in the a.m., supplement with some BCAA's and then eat around 12:30-1pm (big protein meal). Kinda just naturally slid into it and it works.

Phil, just make sure you're not doing something too top-down controlled. That is bound to fail. Little changes here and there and a feeling like you aren't even trying are what tend to make you stick it out in the long run. Great job so far by the way, looking forward to some progress pics
That's the great part about this. Nothing has been so drastic of a change at any one given time...however the way I eat HAS changed drastically from the time I started to now.
How to lose weight easily:

1. Lift weights (most important part, THE MOST IMPORTANT PART),
2. Take less calories than your body needs,
3. Do the intermittent fasting,
4. Profit.
Not everyone responds well to this. But definitely worth tinkering with. There's also different protocols one can adhere to as well.
I think it's pretty effective if you do it correctly, even for people who do have problems with it. (But yeah, there are always some people who will respond better to it)

What I would recommend is:

1) Don't do the full 8 hours, do less ... 4-6 hours and try to stop at 6 PM so that you go to bed with a fairly empty stomach.
2) On workout days more carbs, less fats - on rest days more fats, less carbs.
3) Stay active, since that's the time where intermittent fasting really unfolds. Staying at home, doing nothing is not the way to go.
4) You need to lift weights, because there are so many benefits ... (A full body workout is good, a good 2 split workout routine is even better).

(Lifting weights burns the most calories overall. Much, much more than running or something like that. The best is rope jumping. That burns a ton of fat in a short amount of time. But it's also the hardest cardio.)

Have one cheat day per week, or if you're a will stronged badass mofo, have one cheat day every 2 weeks and eat whatever you want to eat!


Twitter: @xxQUANTUM
I think it's pretty effective if you do it correctly, even for people who do have problems with it. (But yeah, there are always some people who will respond better to it)

What I would recommend is:

1) Don't do the full 8 hours, do less ... 4-6 hours and try to stop at 6 PM so that you go to bed with a fairly empty stomach.
2) On workout days more carbs, less fats - on rest days more fats, less carbs.
3) Stay active, since that's the time where intermittent fasting really unfolds. Staying at home, doing nothing is not the way to go.
4) You need to lift weights, because there are so many benefits ... (A full body workout is good, a good 2 split workout routine is even better).

(Lifting weights burns the most calories overall. Much, much more than running or something like that. The best is rope jumping. That burns a ton of fat in a short amount of time. But it's also the hardest cardio.)

Have one cheat day per week, or if you're a will stronged badass mofo, have one cheat day every 2 weeks and eat whatever you want to eat!
Sounds like Martin Berkhans protocol. Something I would suggest Phil check out once he gets to intermediate stages of weight loss and fitness. But I suggest you start lifting ASAP, the benefits are immense (this is the athletic therapist in me speaking), not just for weight loss but for a number of other things
Sounds like Martin Berkhans protocol. Something I would suggest Phil check out once he gets to intermediate stages of weight loss and fitness. But I suggest you start lifting ASAP, the benefits are immense (this is the athletic therapist in me speaking), not just for weight loss but for a number of other things
100% correct.

A perfect two days of trying to lose fat:

1. On one day eat from 1 PM up to 6 PM (you can drink water and sugarfree liquids during the remaining time of course - no calories is the first rule).
2. Go in the morning to the gym and train fasted, 1 hour weight lifting, 20-30 minutes of light cardio.
3. Eat again at 1 PM and stop at 6 PM.

The results are coming so damn fast it's not even funny anymore.
I'm not kidding, but you're losing fat at a ridiculous rate.

But why the weight lifting?

1 hour of weight lifting burns around 1000 calories, while with cardio you barely manage to burn 500-600 calories per hour.
You also have to do cardio for 20 to burn the energy reserves in your body and only then the body starts to burn fat for energy, so that means the first 20 minutes do nothing for your weight loss, but the first 20 minutes are huge when you lift weights, since you have more energy.

The only - THE ONLY thing that determines the rate at which you los... ah what the fuck am I talking about. I'll link you two videos, check them out!

The first video ... don't pay attention at what stands in the description or the text at the beginning of the video. That's unimportant, what's important is the information that comes during the animated scenes:

And the second video, which everyone should look who works out / wants to get in shape and is trying to increase speed of the process:

21 minutes are long, but the video is worth every single minute of it.


We should discuss this in another thread so as not to derail Phil's.
I do appreciate all the tips...

As I've said in the past, there are just certain things I have to be aware of. I'm simply not going to wake up 2-3 hours earlier just to do an hour of working out... It's not an excuse... it's reality. Like many people, I work 40+ hours per week... I have household responsibilities to handle, and then I can worry about working out/gaming/extra stuff. What WILL make me stop though, is feeling like any of it is forced... like having to wake up at 5am just to work out. I'm simply NOT going to do that and I know that doing it will be something I view as a chore, as something undesirable... and what BETTER way of failing at weight loss than for it to seem undesirable?

I will find the time.. but for now, that part just doesn't fit into my life. There are other factors as well that you guys don't know about. I have impingement syndrome in both my shoulders, and my right knee has a torn meniscus, ACL and PCL. That means little to no impact training on the knee as well as very little lifting before my shoulders are in agony.


Twitter: @xxQUANTUM
What kind of impingement Phil? There are different types of sub acromial impingements that you can remedy (seeing an AT or a PT is better but if that ain't in the cards you can to a certain extent help yourself). Also, what degree is the torn meniscus? And are we talking 3rd degree (full tear) or less for your ACL/PCL?

Pm me if you want, free consult, no charge ;)

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
Phil, getting an exercise bike or elliptical for home would probably be great if you don't have time to go work out. The elliptical makes it so that you can burn fat and calories as if you're jogging but without the impact on your knees.

Also there's great diet alternatives to unhealthy foods that actually taste good. Greek yogurt can be used in place of sour cream as one example. Feel free to call me if you need any help with anything.
Almost every single research that's been done on the matter proves you wrong,it is a matter of cals in vs cals out.

Eating healthy is also a myth for weight loss,only thing that matters are healthy fats,otherwise it doesn't matter where you get the rest of your macros.

20 years a bodybuilder and so confused?Check out BB.com
you are definitely wrong on this one man.....
and i have about 7 links to recent researches that back me up + results from an entire forum following that belief.

what do you have?

macros matter, not food.
Quark are you still of the belief that proper fat loss is only tied to calories in calories out and that hormone maniupulation has no role in it?