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Justin Wong gives us his thoughts on "Injustice: Gods Among Us"


The newest title coming from the studios of NetherRealm is surely to bring in a hefty crowd of both comic book fans and overall fighting game community players. But just how big will it be on April 16th/19th? With the most popular games in the community currently being of Street Fighter and Marvel, we took it upon ourselves to ask a Street Fighter and Marvel veteran, Justin Wong his thoughts on the game so far. It should be noted that Injustice fans may currently be split a little by whether they're reading the prequel comics that lead up to the in-game story or not. Fans that have been reading the comics and hungry for the 4th comic to hit this Tuesday. I wonder why?

Check it out below as we ask Justin a few overall questions surrounding Injustice.

1. TYM: After hearing more and more about Injustice: Gods Among Us, what is your current feeling on the game - will you be playing it on a competitive level and what character are you currently eyeing up?​
JW: To be honest I haven't seen a lot of gameplay from it yet but they concept of Injustice has made me a fan of the game. And the character I would love to play would obviously be Batman. Some of the people who watches Floe stream should know why I pick Batman.​
2. TYM: How do you feel about all of the tournament-friendly features that are going to be added to Injustice from the FGC's feedback?​
JW: Its awesome that tournament friendly features will be added to the game because it shows that the creators of the game really would love to see the community grow even more​
3. TYM: What have been your longest running competitive series of fighters and why? Mortal Kombat for instance, you no longer play it, correct? There any particular reason why?​
JW: Longest competitive series of fighters for me would be the Marvel series. It is what I grew up on in the arcades and on Playstation 1. Its pretty much what got me sucked into the FGC. I use to play MK and I stopped for a couple of reasons.​
1. I wanted to focus more of my attention on the Capcom games​
2. The area I am from is mainly focused on AE2012/UMVC3 players.​
3. The online is terrible.​
4. TYM: Do you currently have any concerns with the game, for example: the interactive environments (which, I'll add that they can be turned off)?​
JW: I don't mind the interactive environment just because they have similar things like that in DOA5 or even SCV(Ringouts) so the rules at the moment might be sided with leave the environment on or not but I am sure the community will come to a mutual agreement on what the ruleset should be.​
5. TYM: Have you checked out the Injustice comics by chance or seen the most recent story mode trailer? If not, we strongly recommend it! The story will engulf you!​
JW: I have not but I loved the MKvsDC story mode and the MK9 story mode was ridiculous. Everyone has been tweeting that the story mode for this game is going to be a lot better and if thats the case then I will have to beat the game and go with the story. I am a sucker for endings and cut scenes in fighting games.​
6. TYM: If you could have one personal pick at a character that would be in Injustice (someone who hasn't been revealed yet), who would it be and why?​
JW: One personal pick? Thats kinda hard. I mean Batman/Harley Quinn/Night Wing and Flash are already in the game and those are my favorite DC Super heroes but I would want Darkseid (Darkside) in the game. He is like the Thanos equivalent and it would be awesome to have him as a playable character.​
7. TYM: Thanks, Justin! And remember, no more block button!​



Administrator and Community Engineer
With all these capcom guys being hype over Injustice, I think the IGAU community is going to be diverse and vast. Cant wait.
My only concern is that people will jump up and down now when a Capcom player says something positive about Injustice; and then have their feelings hurt a few months later when the same people say they're dropping the game because it's too different from Marvel.

So my attitude is: take everything with a grain of salt, and be willing to support your own game no matter what anyone else says about it, and no matter whether other people like or dislike it. It's time to make our own superstars :)


Man of Tomorrow
I retired Justin from MK, never forget!

Seriously though, most top players tend to pick up newer fighters even if they're mildly interested, it remains to be seen how many stick with it.
My only concern is that people will jump up and down now when a Capcom player says something positive about Injustice; and then have their feelings hurt a few months later when the same people say they're dropping the game because it's too different from Marvel.

So my attitude is: take everything with a grain of salt, and be willing to support your own game no matter what anyone else says about it, and no matter whether other people like or dislike it. It's time to make our own superstars :)
But just getting people to give the game a chance is a really great thing.


I liked the MK vs DC story mode. I am a fan of DC Comics, so any story mode with MK and DC characters in it together was awesome to me.
The interaction between how everyone allied themselves was cool don't get me wrong..But that rage mode magic spreading around just messed it up for me.. It was a random Idea that didn't really make sense to me
Idc, I applaud anyone who has the skill and desire to try and possibly pick up new Fighting Games because they're FG fans.

That's what's good about Capcom players is they try everything, I mean FFS, MK players don't even wanna blatantly try out Injustice because it's "Back to Block" or w/e, even tho it's a friggin NRS game at heart. Lol.


Idc, I applaud anyone who has the skill and desire to try and possibly pick up new Fighting Games because they're FG fans.

That's what's good about Capcom players is they try everything, I mean FFS, MK players don't even wanna blatantly try out Injustice because it's "Back to Block" or w/e, even tho it's a friggin NRS game at heart. Lol.
Honestly right there with ya I mean a lot of them tried scv skull girls and pa4 and I guess if there isn't a scene to fight for it it dies out like justin said. Now I seriously think a better netcode will help us in the log run but offline is alwas going to be the best now I hope alex valle will run it at wnf or the runback to test socal popularity....as for block back who cares I play ttt2 and kof we ain't go no block button and no way in hell am I passing up nightwing and green arrow lol

Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2


Great interview STORMS It'd be cool to interview other top capcom players and see what they think of injustice. Maybe philipino champ next?
I would welcome that as well. FilipinoChamp said that he is interested in Injustice.
Fanatiq is there as well, who didn't actually mind Mortal Kombat, but he didn't play it because of it's demonic side (Fanatiq is very religious, I think).
With Injustice he won't have that "problem", so he is interested as well, he said.


Better person to interview would be Valle, PR Rog, or even Ultradavid. Fchamp has already given his opinion of the game and thats

1) I don't like the game, i think its ass
2) I'm going to enter just to win the money
3) I like Green Arrow.

All of it is in his twitch archives.
Isn't there a recent tweet from him saying that Injustice is his game?