I know I am entering this discussion quite late in the thread and I will admit I did not read the entire 13 pages of this thread, well I just don't have that kind of time on my hands, but I would like to at least give my view of gun control and what not. Before I put that out let me at least show forth some credintials I served 4 years in the military (US Navy), two of those years was working as an analyst, and have obtained a B.S. degree in Criminal Justice recently, so this topic has been a long going topic in my classes.
Anyway, I do not feel that the 2nd Amendmant should be absolved, nor should we only ban certain weapons ( assault weapons), the idea that gun violence is caused by violent forms of media is absurd as well. ( I'm sure many of us have had enough of that scapegoat) What I do feel is that we should have a stricter background checks run on people trying to purchase a weapon and a there should be a way to track weapons being circulated in the country, because this can in a way be helpful to reduce the second hand sales and help better track those weapons that are stolen from prior owners and do wind up in a criminal's hands, I also agree with many of the exec. orders signed to allow sharing data between different agencies, because without that sharing often times certain warnings and information needed to investigate a case falls short, due to agencies refusing to share information between each other. There really is no way to stop gun violence in the country, there will always be people that will not obey the law for one reason or another.
What the country needs to do is to have stricter sentences for offenders of gun related crimes and I do agree about adding some extra security measures in our school systems. In the end though we cannot blame any one thing for a crime, but the perpatrator themselves. If this person commits an evil act and is young and under the age 18, then the parents must be given some shared blame. IMO and coming from experience of being a father it must crucial to educate and guide our children as they grow about weapons and violence, they need discipline and reinforcment of these things as well, we need to also teach them where the line between fanatsy and reality ends and begins.
Another issue here is the media sensationalizes a tragedy by reporting bad information and constantly talking about a tragedy for a long period of time, all this says is to every person who wants to get their 15 min of fame that that is what they must do.