10 million guns were sold last month in December 2012, the previous all time high was about 5 million in a single month. I think this is a wonderful thing because more guns into the hands of law abiding citizens makes the world a safer place.
Here's a great video. From one of the pro gun rallies over the weekend.
*Looks at American vs Canadian crime rates...*
I am shocked that judging by these statistics (
http://www.nationmaster.com/compare/Canada/United-States/Crime) that Canada and the US are quite similar in crime rates but there are a few telling categories. Please take note that I have no idea how legit these stats are, and I also do not know the year published.
Canada has higher victims of assault at 2.3 percent than the U.S.(1.2%) (this shocked me)
The U.S. Has 7 times more car thefts and jackings than Canada (Could be due to having more guns, which makes it easier to jack)
Canada has an absolute rediculous ammount of drug offenses. (92,590 per 100,000 people...I have a hard time believeing this statistic) compared to 560 out of 100,000 people from the U.S.
The U.S. has 5x more people in prison than Canada.
Canada has higher suicide rates (very marginal. The difference is not very much)
We Canadians sure do like to pirate software.
The U.S. Has an absolutely ASTOUNDING total crime count for that particular year: 11,877,218 compared to Canada's 2,516,918 count.
Canada however has a 2% higher count of total crime VICTIMS.
Judging from these stats, you can see that guns COULD (correlation does not prove cause) be the reason that Canada has a higher victim percentage compared to the U.S.
The spin side of that is that guns COULD (once again correlation does not...) be the reason the total ammount of crimes is 5x higher than Canada's and #1 in the world.