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ask johnny cage thread

umm i use this combo just for stylin but it actually is useful ,safe on block ,builds meter and gives u a breather if you are being rushed ,can be used in corner combos (less damage)
and most of all it's good against characters with missed up hit box aka reptile/ermac ,it starts with a jab that can whiff and the next 2 hits will always hit any character.
in theory it can be very annoying against reptiles and ermacs close to the corner ,but i might be wrong i didn't actually test it.


Wondering if 132 has any use. It has range and the execution is 8 frames according to the frame data guide and note that it looks very cool, but doesn't seem to be useful in any situation unless you know it'll kill. I also see some people use 13 en fireballs. Can it be more useful than f3 3? You can use 13 nutpunch or 13 en fireballs but I don't see how it can be of use and if they don't block the 13 the fireballs will whiff. Any info would be appreciated
13 is only good for pressure. Don't finish with 132, just use 13. It works well against crouching, it hits pure mid. Not overhead though, but useful. Is neutral on block I believe, so you can D+1 to stuff pokes. D+4 for uninterruptable F32 or f32. 13 on hit, like you said won't grant ex-forceball trap, so only on block. But F33 and F33B3 are better for the ex forceball trap anyways..

in the corner you can do 132 D+1 and go into a juggle I believe. Not tested so I'm not sure but you can try.


i think it's usable against reptile/ermac even if the first jab whiffed ,not sure though can some one test it?
yeah sorry I should have gone into more detail, 1 will whiff anyone crouching(even crouch blocking) and 3 will hit anyone crouching no matter what.

Dat Al

Stay Frosty
Is there any way to guarantee that 2 1 f2, dash, f3, nutpunch will connect? I can pull this off no problem offline, but can rarely land it online. I feel like im dashing far enough, but the f3 ends up just wiffing. Quite frustrating.


Is there any way to guarantee that 2 1 f2, dash, f3, nutpunch will connect? I can pull this off no problem offline, but can rarely land it online. I feel like im dashing far enough, but the f3 ends up just wiffing. Quite frustrating.
You need to do a full dash. Don't cancel the dash with the F3.


how can i beat a good sub with jc?
try to land the first hit and gain meter lead, don't ever trade but throw a projectile if you spot the chance(he ice clones at full screen)

basically just gain life lead and back off. his meter doesn't mean anything if he keeps throwing ice balls at full screen if you have more health. It makes him come to you and when he does that cage wins. standing 44(first 4 whiffs) will beat out D4 from subby. life lead = back off.

edit: 11 will beat out 21(interrupt here)4/2[at least pre patch, i heard something changed but I haven't played a sub offline since then, so I wouldn't know]

watch for ex slide to escape pressure because it sets up zoning. don't ever jump but that's just against sub with any character..


watched a stream where marvaz was playing with his Johnny,

he makes great use of the unblockeble back 2

in the corner:

B3/F4/21F2 - 2-2-2-2-21F2 B2 21F2 2-2-2-2-114Nutpunch.

All credits goes to Marvaz.

If it works it's like 36% + 37+ plus you ended in a nutpunch so you've got some gaurantued chip damage.


watched a stream where marvaz was playing with his Johnny,

he makes great use of the unblockeble back 2

in the corner:

B3/F4/21F2 - 2-2-2-2-21F2 B2 21F2 2-2-2-2-114Nutpunch.

All credits goes to Marvaz.
It's something you can only really use once in a match set, or even in a tournament in general. It's a trick and helps nonetheless, but used sparingly.

It's not new but it's used so little that not everyone knows about it.

Dat Al

Stay Frosty
I wouldnt really call this a question, but does anybody else have a huge amount of trouble getting the f33 ex FB string to come out online? No problems offline, but I cannot get this string to come out consistently to save my life, literally.


I wouldnt really call this a question, but does anybody else have a huge amount of trouble getting the f33 ex FB string to come out online? No problems offline, but I cannot get this string to come out consistently to save my life, literally.
Everytime. I have to mash out the input for it to come out.


I wouldnt really call this a question, but does anybody else have a huge amount of trouble getting the f33 ex FB string to come out online? No problems offline, but I cannot get this string to come out consistently to save my life, literally.
I never had this problem, try to be more careful

Dat Al

Stay Frosty
It feels like to window to input is either really strict or just awkwardly timed. Guess I'll just have to play around with it.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
What is JC's optimal JIP air trade? F4 requires the correct distance - so this is obviously a hit and miss. Is it dash 2s 44 nut punch?

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
A2APunch 1 1 2 44 Nutpunch]
Cool thanks, I'll have my fiancee jump at me a bit later in the trainer. I'd imagine you can land a 2 2 2 44 nut punch for more damage; since 2 is only 1 more frame. I personally use 2 2 2 2 44 nut punch for my AA for the added damage.


Cool thanks, I'll have my fiancee jump at me a bit later in the trainer. I'd imagine you can land a 2 2 2 44 nut punch for more damage; since 2 is only 1 more frame. I personally use 2 2 2 2 44 nut punch for my AA for the added damage.
I tought you meant that you and your oppenent both jump at eachother but you win the AA battle in the air. and than 1-1-2 44NP as a follow-up.

1 is a better AA than 1.

after 1-2-2-2-44NP.