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ask johnny cage thread

Doesn't work on Kitana and Jade in the corner (second forceball passes right through them). Doesn't work on Reptile at all. Works on Mileena just fine.

Also, it's f3, 2 not f3, 1
aw yea i havent played wit johnny in a while. good catch
New Cage player and MK9 player in general. Having trouble getting the timing down for Dash Cancels(guessing at the term) and the buffering system for inputing the basic combos(2,1, f2) and such. Any tips? Is the window the for the next input really early or should I be attempting easy hit confirm timing? It seems really strict and it's getting frustrating as hell.

It's aggravating when the only combos I can land are launcher in the corner 2,2,2,2,2,1,1. Lol.

And, pressuring blocks and staying close. This is how Cage is played right? Is 2 1 f2 safe on block?


Fish can hear you thinkin just before you sneeze
New Cage player and MK9 player in general. Having trouble getting the timing down for Dash Cancels(guessing at the term) and the buffering system for inputing the basic combos(2,1, f2) and such. Any tips? Is the window the for the next input really early or should I be attempting easy hit confirm timing? It seems really strict and it's getting frustrating as hell.

It's aggravating when the only combos I can land are launcher in the corner 2,2,2,2,2,1,1. Lol.

And, pressuring blocks and staying close. This is how Cage is played right? Is 2 1 f2 safe on block?
yo, transmetropolitan rules!
Is it performing the 2,1,f2 that your having trouble with? Or following it up with somthing else?
New Cage player and MK9 player in general. Having trouble getting the timing down for Dash Cancels(guessing at the term) and the buffering system for inputing the basic combos(2,1, f2) and such. Any tips? Is the window the for the next input really early or should I be attempting easy hit confirm timing? It seems really strict and it's getting frustrating as hell.

It's aggravating when the only combos I can land are launcher in the corner 2,2,2,2,2,1,1. Lol.

And, pressuring blocks and staying close. This is how Cage is played right? Is 2 1 f2 safe on block?
input the dash while the F2 is connecting, and you will dash. PAUSE for 1/2 a second, then input the next string, 4,4 or f3, or whatever.
iirc a johnny was shadow kicking me after he blocked my 2,1,f2 string... that was a few months ago, and i may not have been blocking. it is pretty damn safe on block though. 2,1 is for sure safe on block. and your corner combo can be improved. try launcher into 2,2,2,2,2,44,nut punch or 22222,114,nut or launcher into b3,1,2222,4,4 nut... endless possibilites. =]

the timing isnt strict at all, well maybe im used to it by now but keep playing him and you'll start to be able to hit confirm just with the 2,1 string before you continue, although there are mind games.. but thats another topic.
Alright thanks. Sounds like I need to just keep playing until I find it. Once I can land it a little i'll be all set.

Gunna work on that corner stuff. Been trying to go from the ones to nut punch, usually club the input cause I panic as they get low.

This would be so much easier to learn if I owned the game, lol. Right now I'be just started playing some with a friend that owns it and mains... Sub Zero. Uhg.


What should I be doing if my opponent is blocking a lot? rephrased: what is most safe on block? I'm not new to johnny, but new to doing longer combo's.

also, Bnb's? and what high/lows does Mr. Cage have? or just lows in general lol.. can't seem to find much besides the always-present b4. thanks in advance.
What should I be doing if my opponent is blocking a lot? rephrased: what is most safe on block? I'm not new to johnny, but new to doing longer combo's.

also, Bnb's? and what high/lows does Mr. Cage have? or just lows in general lol.. can't seem to find much besides the always-present b4. thanks in advance.
iirc safe strings are 2,1 - f3,2 - 111, - 11f1, - f3,3,b3, - 44
b4 can be a combo starter, check that thread out,
also im sure you know 2,1,b4.
also f3 is amazing for interrupting or pressure

as for blocking a lot... try mixing it up like 21, 21 pressure, then grab or sweep...
try meaty strings while they wake up, or block the wake up then throw, or f3, into f3,3 into sweep....
etc etc so many possibilities.

bnbs? the one i use mostly midscreen is 21f2,dash, f3xxnut

1meter - 21f2, dash, 44xx exnut

corner i do 21f2, 1, 2,2,2,2,4,4xx nut

jp, f4, 2,1 dash 4,4 xx nut

theres so much so much


Alright thanks. I always forget about my throws anyways though, so I guess I really just need to kinda' use those randomly to keep them from thinking the block button means invincible.


Guardian of Outworld
What should I be doing if my opponent is blocking a lot?
If your opponent is blocking alot, that's a good spot to be in. Either throw or chip at them to also build meter.

Get them to block BP, FP... and if they are still blocking, repeat another BP, FP, and occasionally do BP, FP, F+BP. I think I managed three sets of BP, FP before my opponent got wise. Then it was time to show them BP, FP, F+BP when they tried to jump out. ;-)

If you notice them blocking high only. Perform BP, FP, B+BK which hits low on the last hit. Take advantage of the stagger state on hit, dash in, and peform another combo string for chip damage. You can also do a sweep B+BK and if they block this, go into F+FK, FK, B+FK for chip damage.

If you see them blocking low. You can do BP, FP, then F+BP to launch them as its an overhead. Axe Kick, F+BK is also an overhead option, but it is slow - so good opponents can block on reaction. However if blocked, you go into F+FK, FK, B+FK for chip damage.

Best safe strings I find are: BP, FP, F+BP or F+FK, FK, B+FK because they hit mid, can't be ducked and have fast start-up.

On hit F+FK, FK, can be comboed into flip kick, which is good for moving them towards the corner.

F+FK, BP is also good - but I haven't been using it. If blocked, you can go into D+FP.


Guardian of Outworld
I'm having trouble with his combo : f+4,dash,2,1,f+2,dash,4/4,flip kick- this combo is in the guide , but i have trouble landing the 2 hit in the 2,1,f+2 because after it connects the firs hit the second miss and the third goes trough the opponent , i want to know if my timing is wrong , or if I don't have to dash after the f+4 .....????
From my experience, you have to dash after F+4, but then you have to pause for them to drop a bit, so thet 2, 1, F+2 hits fully. If you don't pause after dashing out of the F+4, the F+2 after the 2,1 will miss. I think they need to fall around Cage's midbody. The same principle applies if you start with B+3, the pop up launcher.

I actually get interesting results with using Axe Kick (F+4, F+BK) or Pop Up(B+3, B+FK), then dashing, and going into 2, 1, F+2.
Sometimes, I find I don't have to dash out of 2, 1, F+2, to be able to go into 4, 4.
Sometimes, I find I go underneath the opponent after hitting 2, 1, F+2, and switch sides with them, which allows 4, 4 to also connect without dashing.
Mind you, sometimes the combo gets dropped after 2, 1, F+2 when I cross them up, and 4, 4 doesn't connect.

To be more consistent, I've had to pause and time the start up of the 2, 1, F+2.
But because of this pause, the opponent may be too low to the ground to connect, a dash, 4, 4, Flip Kick. You have to use a dash, 4, 4, Shadow Kick instead.
From my experience, you have to dash after F+4, but then you have to pause for them to drop a bit, so thet 2, 1, F+2 hits fully. If you don't pause after dashing out of the F+4, the F+2 after the 2,1 will miss. I think they need to fall around Cage's midbody. The same principle applies if you start with B+3, the pop up launcher.

I actually get interesting results with using Axe Kick (F+4, F+BK) or Pop Up(B+3, B+FK), then dashing, and going into 2, 1, F+2.
Sometimes, I find I don't have to dash out of 2, 1, F+2, to be able to go into 4, 4.
Sometimes, I find I go underneath the opponent after hitting 2, 1, F+2, and switch sides with them, which allows 4, 4 to also connect without dashing.
Mind you, sometimes the combo gets dropped after 2, 1, F+2 when I cross them up, and 4, 4 doesn't connect.

To be more consistent, I've had to pause and time the start up of the 2, 1, F+2.
But because of this pause, the opponent may be too low to the ground to connect, a dash, 4, 4, Flip Kick. You have to use a dash, 4, 4, Shadow Kick instead.
after i get the f4 to hit them my way of timing the 2 1 f2 is i do a full dash into them til my face is basically touching them and then i do the 21 f2. i usually do it too early more often than too late so this is my way of alleviating that problem. after that, the timing on the 44 is much less strict than when you just do the 2 1 f2 without the axe kick before it
never used Johnny so I need some help. What are his mixups/best strings? I would look at the guide but they dont load on my phone. Would appreciate help.
never used Johnny so I need some help. What are his mixups/best strings? I would look at the guide but they dont load on my phone. Would appreciate help.
bro here are 2 posts from this page alone.

iirc safe strings are 2,1 - f3,2 - 111, - 11f1, - f3,3,3, - 44
b4 can be a combo starter, check that thread out,
also im sure you know 2,1,b4.
also f3 is amazing for interrupting or pressure

as for blocking a lot... try mixing it up like 21, 21 pressure, then grab or sweep...
try meaty strings while they wake up, or block the wake up then throw, or f3, into f3,3 into sweep....
etc etc so many possibilities.

bnbs? the one i use mostly midscreen is 21f2,dash, f3xxnut

1meter - 21f2, dash, 44xx exnut

corner i do 21f2, 1, 2,2,2,2,4,4xx nut

jp, f4, 2,1 dash 4,4 xx nut

theres so much so much
If your opponent is blocking alot, that's a good spot to be in. Either throw or chip at them to also build meter.

Get them to block BP, FP... and if they are still blocking, repeat another BP, FP, and occasionally do BP, FP, F+BP. I think I managed three sets of BP, FP before my opponent got wise. Then it was time to show them BP, FP, F+BP when they tried to jump out. ;-)

If you notice them blocking high only. Perform BP, FP, B+BK which hits low on the last hit. Take advantage of the stagger state on hit, dash in, and peform another combo string for chip damage. You can also do a sweep B+BK and if they block this, go into F+FK, FK, B+FK for chip damage.

If you see them blocking low. You can do BP, FP, then F+BP to launch them as its an overhead. Axe Kick, F+BK is also an overhead option, but it is slow - so good opponents can block on reaction. However if blocked, you go into F+FK, FK, B+FK for chip damage.

Best safe strings I find are: BP, FP, F+BP or F+FK, FK, B+FK because they hit mid, can't be ducked and have fast start-up.

On hit F+FK, FK, can be comboed into flip kick, which is good for moving them towards the corner.

F+FK, BP is also good - but I haven't been using it. If blocked, you can go into D+FP.


False Information Police Officer
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
Is there anything guaranteed after nut punch or EX Nut punch?
Cross over jump punch is always guaranteed. Tested offline against KL spin, fast uppercuts and fast down 1s.


Guardian of Outworld
cross over jump, 11 f 3,3,3. That is 9% chip on block and builds meter.
Hey, that's what REO does, and it works great.

I'm just wondering if they could duck the 1, 1 after blocking the cross over jump? I think whatever they block after the cross over jump punch, generally jails them, and keeps them in block stun. But not so sure about that.


Is it impossible to use a wake-up attack after JC's back-throw? It seems like the game forces me up before I can input one. I tried mashing it out, and still nothing.


Is it impossible to use a wake-up attack after JC's back-throw? It seems like the game forces me up before I can input one. I tried mashing it out, and still nothing.
Yes. You have to do it pretty fast.

If a 1,1 is guarateed then is a 21f2? If not I don't really get how the nut punch stagger works...
you do a crossup jump punch into 11 after a nut punch because its guaranteed chip and you're atleast neutral (+0) right in their faces. Not sure why you'd want to do 21f2.


Get staffed bro
Yes. You have to do it pretty fast.

you do a crossup jump punch into 11 after a nut punch because its guaranteed chip and you're atleast neutral (+0) right in their faces. Not sure why you'd want to do 21f2.
Ah it was made to sound like it was guaranteed hit rather than chip. Its seems like this is the only situation where 1,1 is used thats all and since f3,2 or 2,1 is only one frame longer on startup I thought people would use this instead.
what up guys ,i have been playing JC for a while now and i enjoy it a lot although subzero gives me huge trouble getting in ,i mean cage is at his best rushing in ,and that just can't happen against a good turtling subzero (i fuckin hate that clone)

any strategy against a good subzero?how can i get in safely?

btw my bnb against subzero : jp b3 dash 2,1 4,4 nut punch

it's good damage and keeps me in his face.