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Final Patch before Evo2k13?


Being at Evo for the third straight year is a huge accomplishment for the MK community. All year there was a lot of speculation that it would not have made it in but those doubts have obviously been put to rest.

But now that the game will see the main stage for a third year in a row, I noticed that after the announcement that it was going to be at Evo, a lot of people were calling for NRS to develop and release one last final patch for the game.

Is it fair to say that at this point, NRS at least owes us this? Or is it just the community still hanging on to some kind of hope that they have not completely abandoned this game and will grace us one last time with an update to get rid of small things that still plague the game?


Man of Tomorrow
We've dealt with the game so far, why should it change when this probably the last "big" year for MK?


If I never see another patch thread again, it would be too soon. People have no idea how much a patch costs, the kind of money that WB/NRS will not be willing to shed out on MK just because it got added to EVO for a third year (and tournament players, in the grand scheme of things, don't represent the majority of their customers), especially since for them, they have a bigger fish to fry in Injustice. Think of all the promotional campaigns and advertising they will be doing for Injustice soon, and the kind of resources it requires.

Please, enough with this.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
We've dealt with the game so far, why should it change when this probably the last "big" year for MK?
Just like last year was the last big year of MK9? :p There's no reason to think MK9 won't be at Evo 2014...if the community continues to be strong, it will show up at Evo.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


Salt Proprietor of TYM
I honestly think that one more patch wouldn't just be good for the game, but for the community as a whole. It would give us a chance to actually make this game legitimately good again, as well as give players new things to explore. Why would you not want change for the positive progression of this game?


Man of Tomorrow
Just like last year was the last big year of MK9? :p There's no reason to think MK9 won't be at Evo 2014...if the community continues to be strong, it will show up at Evo.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
A patch is not gonna help our numbers, let's put it like that. The people that are willing to play MK are playing MK.


no patch please, we dont want someone to suddenly win evo because everyone didnt figure a character out yet because of some stupid buffs or nerfs on other characters.
I wouldn't mind a couple patches. If I could patch the game myself this is how it would be: (quick and easy)

Nerf Kabal (make him still top 5 or something but not #1)
Buff all bottom 10 characters
Fix meter drain glitch
Fix input bug

Than this might actually be a perfect game


I wouldn't mind a couple patches. If I could patch the game myself this is how it would be: (quick and easy)

Nerf Kabal (make him still top 5 or something but not #1)
Buff all bottom 10 characters
Fix meter drain glitch
Fix input bug

Than this might actually be a perfect game
Once again, those last 2 bugs require adjustments in the code of the game itself which is impossible with a patch.
Those things could have been fixed with the release of Komplete Edition and would have sold a lot more copies.

They'll be busy creating patches for Injustice, that's their new baby.
I wouldn't mind a couple patches. If I could patch the game myself this is how it would be: (quick and easy)

Nerf Kabal (make him still top 5 or something but not #1)
Buff all bottom 10 characters
Fix meter drain glitch
Fix input bug

Than this might actually be a perfect game
no I dont think they should make him top 5. imo nr1 should stay nr1, just close the gap a little, it wouldnt be fair for kabal players.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Kabal should stay powerful, but some stuff needs to go for sure. Flash parry and 2NDC's frame advantage need to go. Maybe lower damage on iaGB. But that's it.

He should stay number 1. Any extra changes would be stupid.


If there is a patch then it should be for input bug, meter drain or anything that's weird

only characters that could get buffed are the fish ones

The only nerf I'd give is kabal. Keep his flash parry but get rid of 2ndc inf and make iagb 6% and same properties/hitbox of kitanas iaf. Nerf his zoning a bit and make him a true rushdown character

Cyrax and smoke obviously lose their resets. That goes without saying


no patch please, we dont want someone to suddenly win evo because everyone didnt figure a character out yet because of some stupid buffs or nerfs on other characters.
Translation, "I play Cyrax please don't change anything." ;D

Seriously though... It's incredible that the things being asked for don't include a cyrax nerf. Every measure was tried to remove bomb traps from the game TWICE. Both times it failed. It wouldn't make sense for any patch not to incude another shot at removing bullshit resets.

Best thing that happened to this game was PL winning Evo last year without using some broken frame trap or bullshit reset.

My ideal pach would include everything Forever King listed, but would also include a shortened frame advantage post Cyrax command grab. Even if it can be read and teched, almost every other safe jump in the game was removed and the loop is bullshit any way you look at it.

Remove bomb trap resets (don't cry cyrax players, he still has a 84% non reset anyway).

Kabal is fine.

Buff the bottom tier players by giving them more armor. Bottom tier is bottom tier because of terrible tools for escaping frame traps.

EX Rune should knock you down. frame traps are stupid in a game with chip on normals and stupid teching. You shouldn't eat that much damage regardless if you block a normal or not.

Same goes for JC.

There's a huge number of things that exist in this game that are applied in a way they were never intended to be. Lost of them make the game hugely imbalanced and embarrassing.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
If there is a patch then it should be for input bug, meter drain or anything that's weird

only characters that could get buffed are the fish ones

The only nerf I'd give is kabal. Keep his flash parry but get rid of 2ndc inf and make iagb 6% and same properties/hitbox of kitanas iaf. Nerf his zoning a bit and make him a true rushdown character

Cyrax and smoke obviously lose their resets. That goes without saying
Input bug and meter drain are hardcoded into the game and are impossible to patch.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
They should fix: Cyrax, Jax, Quan Chi, Smoke, Kung Lao, and Johnny cage. That goes without saying

They should nerf everyone above and in A+ and buff everyone in and below B

I know this is a little extreme but they defiantly should nerf Kabal and buff C and D
no character in the A+ needs a nerf

Only the guys Below B needs a slight Buff


Agree. A patch wouldn't fix all of the problems wit the game, but there are definitely things a patch could fix.

It can't fix input bug and meter drain glitch. It CAN fix armor properties, frame advantage / disadvantage, and resets.

Instead of making inustice, they should have taken a look at what happened with MK and how each character's tools were applied, then rebuilt the game in a way that compensated for the short comings and implemented a design that allowed for future balance changes without breaking the rest of the game.

That way they would have been able to identify when the trememndous amount of tools possessed by one character compared to the other makes absolutely no sense at all and correct certain aspects of the game individually.

That is the type of design required for MK10..