Alright this is carry over from SRK, it's for TYM-types to know, too. ESPECIALLY if you're on the Penninsula.
Alright, guys . . . here's the deal. We all have varying degrees of time in which to do things. I know Troy posts intermittently just asking "Yo who wants to game?", so does Aleri. Have we thought about addressing this with some level of flexibility? I don't want to go running over what we got going here that's already good to go. We have Blackula hosting every Monday and Friday, with Dsinnie hosting on Saturdays on the south side in Chesepeake. We've got Doza doing his thing in Yorktown for "Fatal Fridays" . . .
I know many of you are trying to find game sessions sometimes. So I know I'm on the Penninsula so it isn't practical for everyone, BUT I'm thinking about just running "Open House" here. I don't THINK the foot traffic is going to be real heavy throughout the week, so I just figure that if you guys want to run shit we can do that any time.
So here it is is kids. Sully is open most the time. If I'm not, I'm probably drinking a beer down the road, or out skating off, or doing a honey do list for the wife, or mowing my lawn (Fucking rain). However, I'll be at the fort often. MK is on my TV in the front room, but I can drag shit around hook stuff up so you guys can run whatever, okay? I figure if I get enough foot traffic through here and you guys dig it I can make accommodations for as small or as large as the group would like to get.
And I figure, Fridays you guys will be at Doza's in the evenings. Cool, I might even show up myself. I'm going to try to make Blackie's at least once a month, probably more, because he's got good people down there. It's such a fucking haul out to the southside and I want shit to happen here. So I'm trying to take initiative.
This initiative is in direct response to a good individual who sent me the following:
People don't come out because
a)they are lazy and like to complain
b)its too far away
c)they wont go to a new place if they feel no one else is going
Well, if that's really it. I'm giving you a solution. If this does not apply to you, then it's nothing personal. I want to fucking play.
757-672-7372 for Address info, and "Yo, Sully are you home?" check. Game on guys. Whenever. If I don't know the game, I'll at least try to dabble in it enough to know something. Sully's Skunkworks is open for just that, come out break some games.