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Question Reptile Q and A Thread


This one's for you
Here's a couple things that I noticed recently...
Ex forceballs are only +2 if you let go of the input immediately. If you don't let go it will act like you're still charging the forceball and it is pretty punishable.
The invisible forceball glitch is still in the game but idk how to set it up. I did it completely on accident yesterday and it ended up winning me the round :D
I'm sure this has been discussed somewhere in the 23 pages of this thread, but can somebody help me out with the Freddy MU and the Mileena MU? These seem to kill me the hardest.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Frederick is indeed a dickhead for sure lol. I wish I could give you some help in that MU, but I'm lost in that one too haha. Joker8417 THTB m2dave help pls?
The biggest thing is to catch onto the Freddy's zoning tendencies. Honestly, in this matchup, a Freddy that will use spikes on Reptile is a Freddy that is likely going to lose. Blocked spike = free dash in, unless in actual dash range. So really, your biggest worry is glove and fingers. From full screen, it can be a nightmare to get past this without some good guesses on your jumps. Up close, NMS shenanigans in footsies are limited with well-placed uses of dashing. I'm pretty sure reaction dashing NMS is possible.


The biggest thing is to catch onto the Freddy's zoning tendencies. Honestly, in this matchup, a Freddy that will use spikes on Reptile is a Freddy that is likely going to lose. Blocked spike = free dash in, unless in actual dash range. So really, your biggest worry is glove and fingers. From full screen, it can be a nightmare to get past this without some good guesses on your jumps. Up close, NMS shenanigans in footsies are limited with well-placed uses of dashing. I'm pretty sure reaction dashing NMS is possible.
Good advice. I've played a shitload of good freddys over the last couple months. I look for spikes, bait wake up ex spikes, dash punish every teleport at worst. And as you said, make sure he knows you do.t give a shit about nms. Also jip wiffs a lot when he is still in nms so go for jik to open him up.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Good advice. I've played a shitload of good freddys over the last couple months. I look for spikes, bait wake up ex spikes, dash punish every teleport at worst. And as you said, make sure he knows you do.t give a shit about nms. Also jip wiffs a lot when he is still in nms so go for jik to open him up.
Yeah, baiting EX spikes = he loses out on damage for when you do come in, because he has no meter for it.
This probably has been posted somewhere but I got a few questions about a blocked Ex elbow dash.

Does Reptile get a guaranteed standing 1 after a blocked EX elbow dash if they don't neutral duck? Since his 1 comes out in 6 frames and most d1s are 6 frames does player side matter or will standing 1 always lose because d1 is like neutral crouching? Can standing 3 go over d1s? If I d3 d1 or d4 can they jump that before it hits? Whats his main mixup after a blocked EX elbow dash?


Zoning Master
Frederick is indeed a dickhead for sure lol. I wish I could give you some help in that MU, but I'm lost in that one too haha. Joker8417 THTB m2dave help pls?
You have to be able to neutral-crouch gloves on reaction every time full screen away to limit Freddy's meter building. Reacting to fingers is possible but very difficult. If you jump forward early, Freddy cannot AA you. But if you are slightly late, you will get punished.

Freddy has no reason to use spikes versus Reptile outside of AA. If Freddy is spamming gloves and fingers, Reptile cannot move. Like THTB said, you have to take risks by jumping or elbow-dashing. If you guess right, you will most likely win. If you guess wrong, you will lose.

From my experience, it is easier for Freddy to keep Reptile full screen away than it is for Reptile to lock Freddy, which is why my impression is that Freddy has an advantage.


You have to be able to neutral-crouch gloves on reaction every time full screen away to limit Freddy's meter building. Reacting to fingers is possible but very difficult. If you jump forward early, Freddy cannot AA you. But if you are slightly late, you will get punished.

Freddy has no reason to use spikes versus Reptile outside of AA. If Freddy is spamming gloves and fingers, Reptile cannot move. Like THTB said, you have to take risks by jumping or elbow-dashing. If you guess right, you will most likely win. If you guess wrong, you will lose.

From my experience, it is easier for Freddy to keep Reptile full screen away than it is for Reptile to lock Freddy, which is why my impression is that Freddy has an advantage.
I agree. Full screen, I literally feel locked.
No other character keeps reptile motionless like that at that distance.


This one's for you
This probably has been posted somewhere but I got a few questions about a blocked Ex elbow dash.

Does Reptile get a guaranteed standing 1 after a blocked EX elbow dash if they don't neutral duck? Since his 1 comes out in 6 frames and most d1s are 6 frames does player side matter or will standing 1 always lose because d1 is like neutral crouching? Can standing 3 go over d1s? If I d3 d1 or d4 can they jump that before it hits? Whats his main mixup after a blocked EX elbow dash?
Idk if this is what everyone else uses but my mixups after ex dash are...
-1 if I think they will jump out. You can follow it with 32~fastball for a full combo. The other player can jump out of basically anything you followup with except 1, 2 or NJP but I like using 1 since its the safest/leads into pressure/leads to the most damage. You can be poked out of it though.
-d3 if I expect them to poke.
-Throw if I expect them to block or in special situations like Cage's ex nutpunch.
-Block if I think they will use armor.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
This probably has been posted somewhere but I got a few questions about a blocked Ex elbow dash.

Does Reptile get a guaranteed standing 1 after a blocked EX elbow dash if they don't neutral duck? Since his 1 comes out in 6 frames and most d1s are 6 frames does player side matter or will standing 1 always lose because d1 is like neutral crouching? Can standing 3 go over d1s? If I d3 d1 or d4 can they jump that before it hits? Whats his main mixup after a blocked EX elbow dash?
False, his St1 is 11 frames and his D1 is 9frames. D3 I believe doesn't have enough range.

You're at +5 after a blocked EN ED and since a lot of his normals are slow you're going to have to make a read to see if they jump out or not.But EN ED is interruptable anyway so you have to prepare yourself when people start interrupting that shit.


False, his St1 is 11 frames and his D1 is 9frames. D3 I believe doesn't have enough range.

You're at +5 after a blocked EN ED and since a lot of his normals are slow you're going to have to make a read to see if they jump out or not.But EN ED is interruptable anyway so you have to prepare yourself when people start interrupting that shit.
I believe he meant that once you factor in the +5 advantage its 6 frames. Also d3 will work.



I've literally done ex dash ex dash ex dash to chip someone out to win a match. I did ex dash to ex dash to beat a raiden player, of all characters, on stream at summerslam.

Hey guys I'm at work but have an idea for a cross over or lao tele aa.
Can you do d1 d4 ffb?
I can't ever get d1 321 or d1 ffb to hit. Always whiffs. Can anyone try for me?


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
So I have some questions, and instead of making a whole thread about it, I decided to drop them here.

I need help with Reptile's spacing. I end up accidentally dashing and getting full-combo punished way too often. By accident, I mean that I mis-judge the space between myself and my opponent more than I should. Is there any technique to try and remind yourself of the distance?

Also, I feel like outside of getting a forceball on screen and dashing, Reptile has trouble following up or coming in. I may be wrong, but at some distances trying to drop a forceball will only get you murdered.

Which leads to my next issue: Reptile's normals. Is it just me, or is there a distance where every one of his pokes, normals, etc simply can't reach the opponent? I feel like there is a part of the screen where I have no safe options and am at the mercy of my opponent.

Just in general, how do you teach yourself the spacing of Reptile's dash/normals?