has anyone found any use for his buttslam unblockable? i ask because i havent heard anything good about it and i use it in my game but i only use it after i end a combo with his forcepush. for oki it helps get that lil mmph if someone tries to wakeup attack because ur fullscreen. and against players like raiden i found its a good way to bait his charge since its cancellable by tapping down down. granted characters like noobs teleport can grab u outta it from fullscreen but thats y i mix it up with cancels or not. does anyone else have any experience with using this move?
Yes, people and most Ermac players are unaware but his buttslam IS useful trust me....Thing is you can't use it often and you MUST be far when using it. There's a few reasons for this, one after a far away knock down say after a force push for example, immediately buffer the levitation and do a butt slam. It's a good mix up when used rarely and being as how dashing isn't equivalent to the "run" in UMK3, your foe can't get you in time unless they have a teleport.
Secondly, another thing that nobody mentions and is not mentioned in the guide on here. I'm thinking of making my own at some point, is that you can CANCEL the levitation, after you hit D,D,U you can cancel it immediately by hitting D, D...you can also stay up in the air by holding block for mind games, then teleport or shoot an air blast from the levitation(you DO NOT have to do the butt slam) once you levitate you have options, you can cancel, butt slam, teleport or air blast.
Thus why this move is not useless, I've fooled tons of people online at a far by mixing up the butt slam with canceling it making people jump thinking I'm doing to the butt slam and I can snag them out of the air with either a TKS or force push, if you're fast enough....
Most Ermac players sadly either don't want to be bothered with it or don't know how to utilize it but it is useful if you know what you're doing, think of it like sindel's UMK3 levitate, pointless to most and hardly used but GOOD players have used it, cancelled it for head games and it can work if you know what you're doing.