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Ermac General Discussion Thread


Loud and Klear~
idk, corner doesnt seem that great with Ermac, he doesnt really need it.. if anything it holds him back >_>

best corner combo i found is this:
2,2 xx FL d+2 1 2,2 xx FP - 45%, 60% if you end with X-ray instead of FP

there's pretty some better combos out there considering Ermac can reach 50% meterless midscreen so he can probably net around 60% in the corner.

jp ftw

I"m fairly new to MK, I haven't played since Deadly Alliance and even then I only played on my dorm at school. Ermac is my boy but I'm having a hard time opening people up. I don't want to get in the habit of just guessing correctly and getting a combo off a lift especially when starting with normals adds a good 10-12% dmg for free. So in your opinion, what are his best openers? 2,2 is solid, and I've had some luck with b+3, 4 but I was just curious as to what the community thinks as a whole.
Wow these double teleport combos are a bitch, the second one always whiffs or hits too low to the ground. For those who can do it any tips? I don't know if I'm not doing it fast enough or what. Whenever I try and do an kick instant kick then tele off the ground the kick wont come out.


Loud and Klear~
use the buffering trick, if you just go j.4 d,b you should get a jump kick cancelled into teleport. also, there's a very slight pause between the first j.4 xx Tele and the 2nd one, the pause is kind of what decides the spacing, coz if the spacing isnt right usually the d+1 will whiff even after you get the double teleport..
its an annoying combo to get down but once you do that meterless damage is so worth it =D
can Ermac's levitate(cancel into air fireball) be used as a semi-safe wake up move? since even on block air fireball pushes em back a little bit? Off the top of my head i can see it losing to your opponent jumping, which leads me to woud wake up teleport be the counter to that?

I plan on tinkering with it when i get home from work but just trying to get a head start haha.


Hey guys. Just wanted to let you know that Ermac is next on my frame data testing, so I should have the startup frames for your character's moves posted this evening.
Re: corner combos

If your opponent is totally in the corner, just do the usual force lift, jump 4, teleport, dash 2, 2, force push combo, but position the jump so you corner yourself. Then the teleport will put you back on the other side and they will stay in the corner. Then you can run your high/low/throw/unblockable mixups ad infinitum.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Yeah, Ermac in the corner has some nice combos. Unfortunately, I've noticed as an Ermac player myself and my main guy online and off that his combos that can be done offline most of the time can't connect or be done online. I have gotten 46%-50% though online which IMO for Ermac is a feat considering the lag/delay lol...
Yeah you basically have to input the combos online like you are wearing a blindfold. (i.e. go off muscle memory and disregard the visual)

You beat me once last night on XBL! I want a rematch :-P


Hey everyone. Sorry this isn't complete yet, but I figured I'd share what I had time to work out thusfar.

FP 10
BP 12
FK 12
BK 20

b+BK 15
d+BP 13

f+FP 18
b+FP 21
f+BP 21
b+BP (fastest) 19
b+BP (max) 51

b+FK 12
f+FK 12
f+BK 14
u+BK 25

Throw 10

d,b+BP 19
j, d,b+BP 10

teleport punch: 33
j. teleport punch: 29

d,b+FP 13
wake up options

I been having problems with people who rushes me down with great high and lows. Its so hard to block it too. what can i do? his wakeup options is weak. u cant force lift cuz its too slow and they can just jump kick u. u cant force push because it comes out too slow. is there any other options to get away beside blocking? im tired of lui kang or kung lao just mashing combo strings on me and i cant do anything. if i press a button i get hit first cuz there normals are fasters than mine..


Hey everyone. Sorry this isn't complete yet, but I figured I'd share what I had time to work out thusfar.
Absolutely no need to apologize Lomyn!

The work you are doing on frame data is greatly appreciated. Anyone that complains should take the time and trouble to do it themselves.

I like having the numbers to back up what I "feel" in game. I saw your thread in the Kitana forums too. Have you planned for how many characters you will find frame data? Any idea who is next?

Thanks again!
As far as I can tell X-ray is his only legit wake-up move versus well timed meaties. Please someone correct me if I'm wrong.

However, if you aren't in the corner and you roll, you can often wake up lift/push before your opponent has time to dash up to you.


Absolutely no need to apologize Lomyn!

The work you are doing on frame data is greatly appreciated. Anyone that complains should take the time and trouble to do it themselves.

I like having the numbers to back up what I "feel" in game. I saw your thread in the Kitana forums too. Have you planned for how many characters you will find frame data? Any idea who is next?

Thanks again!
DrDogg and I are trying to get move startup information broken out and posted for every character. After I finish up Ermac, I’ll be moving on to Stryker, and then taking requests for whichever characters I do next. As with any non-official information, there may be some discrepancy but I’m trying the best I can to keep things updated and accurate.

The rest of Ermac’s stuff will likely be done later this evening.
TKP leads to rage quits in ranked lmfao. Just had 4 people quit in a row. Also the lag hasn't been too bad. I've been able to pull of ermacs BnB somewhat consistently. Also I've played like 7 scorpions in a row. Gonna quit playing on live until lag free or until lots of friends buy


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Yep I hear ya ^ lol

Yeah you basically have to input the combos online like you are wearing a blindfold. (i.e. go off muscle memory and disregard the visual)

You beat me once last night on XBL! I want a rematch :-P
Oh yeah I remember you, you left like right after that match I think(the room I mean) sometimes they can get laggy. I had a lot or rage quitters last night(I don't believe you left in mid match) I do remember the name though.


But yeah, his x-ray is great wake up and great for jumpers. I have found his force push is awesome wake up from mid to far range


has anyone found any use for his buttslam unblockable? i ask because i havent heard anything good about it and i use it in my game but i only use it after i end a combo with his forcepush. for oki it helps get that lil mmph if someone tries to wakeup attack because ur fullscreen. and against players like raiden i found its a good way to bait his charge since its cancellable by tapping down down. granted characters like noobs teleport can grab u outta it from fullscreen but thats y i mix it up with cancels or not. does anyone else have any experience with using this move?


Is it common-knowledge that Ermac's f+4 gives enough advantage to guarantee the unblockable version of b+2? Only thing that can stop it is certain moves with armour (and I assume most XRs) or a breaker on the second hit of f+4. I'm currently making a video to show it, but I won't bother if it's already known by most.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
has anyone found any use for his buttslam unblockable? i ask because i havent heard anything good about it and i use it in my game but i only use it after i end a combo with his forcepush. for oki it helps get that lil mmph if someone tries to wakeup attack because ur fullscreen. and against players like raiden i found its a good way to bait his charge since its cancellable by tapping down down. granted characters like noobs teleport can grab u outta it from fullscreen but thats y i mix it up with cancels or not. does anyone else have any experience with using this move?
Yes, people and most Ermac players are unaware but his buttslam IS useful trust me....Thing is you can't use it often and you MUST be far when using it. There's a few reasons for this, one after a far away knock down say after a force push for example, immediately buffer the levitation and do a butt slam. It's a good mix up when used rarely and being as how dashing isn't equivalent to the "run" in UMK3, your foe can't get you in time unless they have a teleport.

Secondly, another thing that nobody mentions and is not mentioned in the guide on here. I'm thinking of making my own at some point, is that you can CANCEL the levitation, after you hit D,D,U you can cancel it immediately by hitting D, D...you can also stay up in the air by holding block for mind games, then teleport or shoot an air blast from the levitation(you DO NOT have to do the butt slam) once you levitate you have options, you can cancel, butt slam, teleport or air blast.

Thus why this move is not useless, I've fooled tons of people online at a far by mixing up the butt slam with canceling it making people jump thinking I'm doing to the butt slam and I can snag them out of the air with either a TKS or force push, if you're fast enough....

Most Ermac players sadly either don't want to be bothered with it or don't know how to utilize it but it is useful if you know what you're doing, think of it like sindel's UMK3 levitate, pointless to most and hardly used but GOOD players have used it, cancelled it for head games and it can work if you know what you're doing.

Tom Brady

the f4 then full charge b2 used to lead to an infinite. its was patched in the day 1 patch and you can now recover from the stun.


the f4 then full charge b2 used to lead to an infinite. its was patched in the day 1 patch and you can now recover from the stun.
Yeah but the b+2 interrupts everything I've tried, except for moves with armour. Can't block (obviously), can't jump, can't backdash, can't duck, can't uppercut, can't spin with Kung Lao, can't do anything, it seems. Is there something I'm missing?