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Do not touch me again.
BillStickers Dude, you are acting like a frighteningly insecure, passive aggressive little child. For the 10,000th time, we don't care what you say about Brady, he didn't GET TO COMPETE in 2012. He was doing commentary, and it was fucking awesome. Cry cry cry
Do you know what insecure and passive aggressive mean? Could you try to make sense before coming to Tom Brady's rescue, please?


Forecast calls for missiles
Do you know what insecure and passive aggressive mean? Could you try to make sense before coming to Tom Brady's rescue, please?
Harboring a massive grudge because Tom was too distracted to shake your hand = Insecure

And LBSH, Tom blows me up all the time unprovoked. It's what he does. He pokes me with a stick, I attack, he plays victim, and little shitheads come to his rescue. Tom 'damsel in distress' Brady.
= Passive aggressive, seeing as how Tom never provoked anything, you started it all, and then call him a "victim" and us "little shitheads."


Cold day in hell...
What are the odds that, if Tom had competed at MLG, he would have been able to break through top 16 at Dallas, when not even THE TWO TIME EVO CHAMPION could do it?
The logic behind that statement doesn't add up when someone who didn't make top 16 at EVO won MLG Dallas. PL's performance has nothing to do with how Brady, or anyone else, might have placed.


Do not touch me again.
Harboring a massive grudge because Tom was too distracted to shake your hand = Insecure

= Passive aggressive, seeing as how Tom never provoked anything, you started it all, and then call him a "victim" and us "little shitheads."
lol even the examples you use are incorrect usage of both words. Stay free.

Tom Brady

Short answer: Tom Brady is not a top 10 player in 2012.

Long answer: What I'm saying is, compare the resumés of the top 10 in the 2012 player tier list to Tom Brady's. Tom has placed top 8 in 2 large tournaments this year compared to the 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 times of others. Additionally, he has made top 4 in no relevant tournaments this year. Tom's argument is "yeah, but you're counting MLG for those guys and it's not fair." OF COURSE IT'S FUCKING FAIR! The world doesn't go on hold for Tom Brady just because he decides to commentate at MLG. FURTHERMORE, Tom performing at non-MLG events DOES benefit him because they're usually just following an MLG, and therefore not as many top players are able to attend (for example, MLG Dallas and NEC). What are the odds that, if Tom had competed at MLG, he would have been able to break through top 16 at Dallas, when not even THE TWO TIME EVO CHAMPION could do it?

What Tom thinks is fair is for us to say "ok he got 9th at Winter Brawl and 7th at NEC, so let's interpolate 3 more top 8 performances for him just because had he competed at MLG, he's almost certainly a shoo-in for top 16. Oh yeah and let's totally ignore his non-top 16 performance at EVO." Yeah, never going to happen. Tom can keep dreaming about being a top 10 player all he wants, but the numbers simply don't show it.

And LBSH, Tom blows me up all the time unprovoked. It's what he does. He pokes me with a stick, I attack, he plays victim, and little shitheads come to his rescue. Tom 'damsel in distress' Brady.
Besides NEC, there was also Power Up 2012...

Power Up 2012..

1. Ike
2. Chris G
3. 16 Bit
4. Tom Brady
5. Dizzy
5. MK_legend
7. Forever King

let me ask you.. how did I place over some of these players who have placed top 8 at EVO/MLG? I mean.. if I can place over players who place top at EVO or MLG.

I really couldnt compete at another major outside of EVO until now. My top 16 performance at EVO? players like REO and Denzell didnt make top 16 at EVO, but CURBO did.. he got 9th. You blow up someone like CURBO for losing at NEC, even discounting my win. Then in the same breath act like I could never compete with someone who got top 8 or top 16 at an MLG or EVO. You act as if I cannot compete with anyone who placed top at MLG or top 16 at EVO then have some excuse when I get win vs one of them or place top 8 at a major with many of them attending on how it doesnt mean anything.

I didnt get to compete for the entire second half of 2012 at any major besides EVO. All I had were locals.. locals like Chicago Heart where I managed to get a win over 16 bit. Can you imagine how hype the rematch of me vs 16 Bit will be at FF with the series tied 1-1? According to you, not very ype at all because my win doesnt count.. again, you pick and choose what tourney wins count and dont count. AGAIN you act as if I cannot compete with anyone who placed top at MLG then have some excuse when I get win vs one of them or place top 8 at a major with many of them attending.

NEC was the first major I could play in within the last 6 months.. so you crucify me for that? Look.. I dont want any credit from MLG outside of commentary. I am not saying what I could have done and want no credit for "what ifs".. YOU are the one who is playing that card by holding not playing against me, treating me commentating as me not delivering. I nor is anyone playing the "would have" card.. YOU are playing the "would have not" card.

why cant you get it.. I dont want ANY MLG props, I'm just saying me commentating shouldnt be held against me. cant you see past your hate goggles and understand that?

Tom Brady

why are we all arguing who are the top 10 players when there is nfg and a chart made for such things

this tier list is 99% based off of MLG performances. Remove MLG and REO, DJT, the CD bros, 16 Bit, Dizzy, etc all get moved to B tier. MLG is the MAIN qualifier for this tier list.. The tournaments that I couldnt play in are the main qalifiers for this list. Does no one see that.

I shouldnt even be on this list because I couldnt compete in the tourneys that make up the main qualifier. I couldnt play in a major for the last 6 months of 2012 besides NEC. How funny is it that you and Billstcickers and every other hater say that NEC doesnt count lol.
this tier list is 99% based off of MLG performances. Remove MLG and REO, DJT, the CD bros, 16 Bit, Dizzy, etc all get moved to B tier. MLG is the MAIN qualifier for this tier list.. The tournaments that I couldnt play in are the main qalifiers for this list. Does no one see that.

I shouldnt even be on this list because I couldnt compete in the tourneys that make up the main qualifier. I couldnt play in major for the last 6 months of 2012 besides NEC.
why does everyone think reo is only top because he won a mlg event. does everyone forget he won final round, ceo, toryuken etc. im pretty sure he would still be s because the qualification for s is winning majors i think

djt won that major in west cost forgot the name

maxter won flawless victory

dizzy won season beating


Tom Brady

why does everyone think reo is only top because he won a mlg event. does everyone forget he won final round, ceo, toryuken etc. im pretty sure he would still be s because the qualification for s is winning majors i think

djt won that major in west cost forgot the name

maxter won flawless victory

dizzy won season beating

That list put MLG and EVO over everything. Anyone who placed top 8 at multiple MLG's is over anything grass roots according to that list. Sonic Fox won 2 grass roots majors, why isnt he S or A? AAAHHHHHH.. no MLG's. MLG is the MAIN qualifier for that tier list, is what Im saying. OBVIOUSLY REO would be considered at least S by us, but by that lists qualifications, he would not be ranked above A.
That list put MLG and EVO over everything. Anyone who placed top 8 at multiple MLG's is over anything grass roots according to that list. Sonic Fox won 2 grass roots majors, why isnt he S or A? AAAHHHHHH.. no MLG's. MLG is the MAIN qualifier for that tier list, is what Im saying. OBVIOUSLY REO would be considered at least S by us, but by that lists qualifications, he would not be ranked above A.
so ur saying mlg events should just count as grass root events like flawless victory and season beatings because they arent that stacked


The Bat in the Hat
Btw, mk9 is a shit game, but marvel is great ? Oo;
Depends on your point of view. Yeah marvel has a lot of really dumb bullshit, A LOT. But it also doesn't have an input bug, nor player 1 advantage, nor a single character that does no worse than 6-4 versus the rest of the cast.
Do you know what insecure and passive aggressive mean? Could you try to make sense before coming to Tom Brady's rescue, please?
dude get over it, all these threads are not for you to complain about brady. we know you dont like him, so stop mentioning it and post relevant stuff.
what billstickers is saying is to put tom in top 10 u need to knock out one of the current players who proved thereself to be top 10. so which top 10 player should get knocked out and moved down?



Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
It's stupid to hold MLG against Tom considering he wasn't even ALLOWED to compete due to being in commentary. Fact is, Tom is, to this day, still one of the most consistent top 8 placers out there and has been since the beginning. Is he top 10? Possible, but there is still a number of cats vying for a spot in such a list.

Tom, just do you dude and ignore everyone else. It's pointless to even bother trying to argue with people about where you stand. People know you're good man. Just stop trying to make a case for yourself. It's not necessary and people will always try to shut you down man.
you put sonic fox in over Dizzy? Dizzy.. top 16 at 2 MLG's and top 8 at 2 MLG's. Wins seasons beatings, defeating both PL and CDjr.. and you put him out for sonic fox.

you sir are exposed and your "facts" and opinions are LOL
its my opinion i think sonicfox is better than givin credit for. he got top 4 at nec ffs. only person to beat him was reo who won nec... he also won 2 other majors in the year and placed top 8 wb

and he did it with a crappy char like mileena to boot

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Despite tom's lack of opportunities in 2012 9/10 top players would put him on their personal top 10 list and thats what matters\

Im one of them as well as 16 bit and others.

Tom gets blown up for being able to attend 3 Majors in 2012 and placing top 8 at 2 of them yet Detroit receives no flack for not placing top 8 at evo and raleigh (losing two 3-7 muS) and not attending dallas and nec

Nothing against him cause Detroit is beast but just keeping things in perspective

If you guys continue to talk about this LETS ATLEAST GET SERIOUS in here


Dojo Trainee
So just to let you guys know how other FG communities do it.

There is a list of top PLACING players and there is a top SKILL player based on potential.

For instance, Justin wong is probably low end of top 5 players now in UMVC3 player, but he will ALWAYS be top 3 because we all know if he dedicated his time in a game he will dominate.

Maybe its something you guys might need to do.
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