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Guide Where we stand post NEC: Who's washed up, who's back and who's on the bubble.


if CD Jr had used Jax against Kabal, REO would have finished 3rd place. CD Jr just isn't that good with Kung Lao.


This is hilarious. I'm the reason he went to Kung Lao for the match up. I'm the reason people started saying "Kabal loses to Kung Lao" but I had to correct them. This is annoying when I stop caring as much then people sweep everything I have done under the rug like it never happened then I come back and start reminding you all what is really up. If and when I ever decide to do this again don't give me props because I will immediately tell you to go fuck yourself.
No, you're not the reason I went to Kung Lao for the match-up. Everyone and their mother already knew I was going into EVO as a 50% Kung Lao and 50% Kabal player months before the event. CURBOLICOUS was the first person to beat my Kabal 5-0 at MLG arena which caused the immediate rumors that Kung Lao beats Kabal to appear. Also A F0xy Grampa "made" me go to Kung Lao for the match-up long before you did at EVO.

Get off your high horse, you're just like every other top player in this community with their weaknesses and drawbacks. You bank off my weakness by playing me once every leap year. My adapting skills are slow so I respect what you do because I believe it would be different if we actually played long sets together and you would allow me to absorb your style.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
I don't owe you shit.

That Sonya was Riu48, the same Sonya player who made top 8, so don't make it seem like it was just an average Sonya player.

But I find it really funny how you can say all This shit about me now when you said NOT ONE WORD to me this weekend. You wouldn't even look my direction, even when I was in your room. So
ou went from saying nothing to me in my face to talking shit about me behind your keyboard. Cool

Also, weren't you the same person who delayed the tournament for 2 hrs because you didn't want to play me? Don't forget to add that.

I feel like you and a lot of others in the community feel like I'm trying to take your spotlight or some shit, when that's not the case. I don't care if I'm the best kitana or not, the fact that when people mention top kit players and I'm thought of is an accomplishment itself. I'm don't fish for props like you. I don't need people to tell me how good I am an whatnot. I know myself and I know what I'm about and I can care less what others think.

You just have some type of beef with me that I do not understand. Someone told me this weekend that you are mad at me that I didnt give you props for beating PL in that thread. Come man, out of ALL the comments and likes you got in that thread, why are you worried about me not saying anything? Why does my thoughts about you matter so much? I'm not gonna suck your dick man, that's not my way of life. Besides, you've beaten REO TWICE, who cares if you beat another Kabal player?

At the end of the day, I failed to deliver at NEC. But unlike you, I'm fine with that. I just mean I need to work more. I'm not gonna cry, become emo, say I'm washed up, none of that. I never went around saying I was gonna make top 8 and shit, all I did was say that I hope I do well.

I respect you as a player, always have, but I just don't like your attitude, especially towards me. EVERYBODY from GGA either spoke to me, played casuals with me or both, yet you couldn't do either, and run back to your computer and trash talk me. That's not cool man. If you had something to say, you saw me multiple times this weekend, you should've said something.

I'm not gonna blow you up. You can continue talking shit if you want, but at the end of the day, you avoided me all week, refused to play me,and s nnow talking shit behind your keyboard, so kitana just making you look bad.

To everybody else, I'm sorry I failed to live up to the hype. I fucked up real bad. I have no choice but to work harder and gain that hype back.

I don't even know what you look like. I'm not worried about talking to someone in person, ask Trepound. Why didn't you introduce yourself? Why is this awkward shit on me? The only thing I heard, like 30 minutes before we left, was that you didn't want to talk to me because you think I hate you. Get out of here man.

I demand props because I am a props fisherman. Don't give me the passive aggressive respect BS either. At least Trepound keeps it real.


Zoning Master


Galloping Ghost Arcade
Lies bro, Wafflez is in the same category as me but has not to worry about getting top 8. Maan I hope soonk really does take over and everyone else in GGA contributes to the fall of 16bit.

Also do krayzie, swifttomhanks ,khatoik ,tetraspirit ,Han, and noobe. I won't take any of this as a solid opinion but you do provide some good laughs. GO!!!
I'm not a top player tho


My mom tells me I'm pretty
To everybody else, I'm sorry I failed to live up to the hype. I fucked up real bad. I have no choice but to work harder and gain that hype back.
I'm not sure how to respond to this, so I quoted it hahaha. I was one of the people who expected Khaotik to make top 8, if not make it out of my pool in winners. I was extremely nervous about going up against him. Although his loss to Tetra was very surprising, do not sleep on him. A lot of people are only surprised about his loss because he lost to Baraka, but until you actually verse him, you wouldn't know how insanely good he actually is (which is why I was extremely surprised when I heard that). He will get back on his feet. I'm not putting anyone or anything anyone said on blast, I'm just trying to help Khaotik a bit because he did not predict himself top 8/16. A lot of top players and members of the community put him there, including me. What Khaotik said about not living up to the hype applies to me as well. I promise both of us will make the community proud :)

G4S Ermacio

Orbs... Orbs everywhere
I see.

Shit happens, I guess.

But I think your knowledge and execution with Cyrax is top notch. And you practice dirty psychological tactics too. You just need to work on your nerves and consistency at high-stake tournaments.
his tricks almost killed me in our set with those bomb breaker combos where if you break you go into a bomb if you dont you take more damage, they're really confusing if i hadnt watched so many cyraxs play on stream before i dot think i wouldve stood a chance


The Ignore Button Is Free
I don't even know what you look like. I'm not worried about talking to someone in person, ask Trepound. Why didn't you introduce yourself? Why is this awkward shit on me? The only thing I heard, like 30 minutes before we left, was that you didn't want to talk to me because you think I hate you. Get out of here man.

I demand props because I am a props fisherman. Don't give me the passive aggressive respect BS either. At least Trepound keeps it real.
What passive aggressive repsect? Trepound? The Guy who YOU called out for talking shit behind your back is keeping it real?

I'm as real as it gets man. don't say you know what I look like when you where right there watching my match with riu.

And yes, told Han that I wanted to play you but you probably wont because you hate me. He said you didn't, but after this blow up and the one you did last night on pigs stream, its obvious you have so type of problem with me and I don't know what it is because I never said a bad word about you.

I agree that you are a props fisherman tho. You're gdlk when it comes to that.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Now you gotta go racial with your bollywood reference. I am sorry bro but Blackula bodied wafflez in winners and barely lost to him in losers. Wafflez stock needs to go down more and also:

Blackula-Stock gone up, beating waffelz and getting third in your pool makes you second best kenshi , good shit.
Pokchop : Stock way Up - Bodied everyone in team battles at dallas but still doesnt know cyrax/lao MU which costs him in tourneys and did this with no offline mu or online mu exp cause because of his family/job schedule is always unable to come out and train


No, you're not the reason I went to Kung Lao for the match-up. Everyone and their mother already knew I was going into EVO as a 50% Kung Lao and 50% Kabal player months before the event. CURBOLICOUS was the first person to beat my Kabal 5-0 at MLG arena which caused the immediate rumors that Kung Lao beats Kabal to appear. Also A F0xy Grampa "made" me go to Kung Lao for the match-up long before you did at EVO.

Get off your high horse, you're just like every other top player in this community with their weaknesses and drawbacks. You bank off my weakness by playing me once every leap year. My adapting skills are slow so I respect what you do because I believe it would be different if we actually played long sets together and you would allow me to absorb your style.
You played him the first match with Kabal, he beat you, and then you went to Kung Lao. So technically, he "made" you go to Kung Lao in that particular set.
No, you're not the reason I went to Kung Lao for the match-up. Everyone and their mother already knew I was going into EVO as a 50% Kung Lao and 50% Kabal player months before the event. CURBOLICOUS was the first person to beat my Kabal 5-0 at MLG arena which caused the immediate rumors that Kung Lao beats Kabal to appear. Also A F0xy Grampa "made" me go to Kung Lao for the match-up long before you did at EVO.

Get off your high horse, you're just like every other top player in this community with their weaknesses and drawbacks. You bank off my weakness by playing me once every leap year. My adapting skills are slow so I respect what you do because I believe it would be different if we actually played long sets together and you would allow me to absorb your style.
I was talking about Jr going to Kung Lao not you for Kabal after EVO. I wasn't talking about you there. I'm not speaking on a high horse I am just tired of people trying to brush things under the rug. How is it my fault that we have only played 3 times total in tournament? Also I don't have any control on your adaptation skills. On top of that I don't have any sympathy for anyone who has a booming offline scene to learn every matchup while I have to find people to play me online. I can't even test shit I have to go to tournaments and get blown up to learn.

Also seeing as I adapt a lot faster than most players here I'm not sure how well that would go even in a long set. Unfortunately tournaments are not long sets.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Mannn biased detected. Sorry man, Kfrog stock has a huge rise since no one expected him to beat Han and then popping off on you only added to it. Him losing in pools does not really matter since he didn't act like he wanted to get top 8.
this is true


You played him the first match with Kabal, he beat you, and then you went to Kung Lao. So technically, he "made" you go to Kung Lao in that particular set.
Watch Team US vs team UK at EVO. Perfect Legend was not the first person to make me go Kung Lao. You guys can stop pretending like PL was the first person to beat my Kabal with KL now.

I was talking about Jr going to Kung Lao not you for Kabal after EVO. I wasn't talking about you there. I'm not speaking on a high horse I am just tired of people trying to brush things under the rug. How is it my fault that we have only played 3 times total in tournament? Also I don't have any control on your adaptation skills. On top of that I don't have any sympathy for anyone who has a booming offline scene to learn every matchup while I have to find people to play me online. I can't even test shit I have to go to tournaments and get blown up to learn.

Also seeing as I adapt a lot faster than most players here I'm not sure how well that would go even in a long set. Unfortunately tournaments are not long sets.
Just saying, it's easy to have a resume with no losses against me when we play once a year. If you were to play me every major like a lot of top players do, you would be bound to lose sooner or later.


My blades will find your heart
I'm not sure how to respond to this, so I quoted it hahaha. I was one of the people who expected Khaotik to make top 8, if not make it out of my pool in winners. I was extremely nervous about going up against him. Although his loss to Tetra was very surprising, do not sleep on him. A lot of people are only surprised about his loss because he lost to Baraka, but until you actually verse him, you wouldn't know how insanely good he actually is (which is why I was extremely surprised when I heard that). He will get back on his feet. I'm not putting anyone or anything anyone said on blast, I'm just trying to help Khaotik a bit because he did not predict himself top 8/16. A lot of top players and members of the community put him there, including me. What Khaotik said about not living up to the hype applies to me as well. I promise both of us will make the community proud :)
Tetra beat revolver at a tournament too. And almost beat Krayzie. To be completely honest with you, he is the best Baraka player out there right now, from what I have seen anyway.

Thats not saying much since there is only 4 tourney barakas and one never wins any games(me) but still.