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Match-up Discussion Johnny Cage Mu chart

J360 can vouch for me.

I am not a braindead f3 Cage and will tell you that Cyber Sub goes 5-5. Cage's low pokes? Ok we got, d4, d3, and sweep. Thats it. All do hella low damage.

Also Used For Glue and Foxy go head to head when they used Cyber and Cage. Dizzy also BARELY beat UsedForGlue at EVO. The parry is effects a lot more than you think. Cyber Sub-Zero also gets a free slide everytime Cage tries to throw something, or he wins the trade with the Freeze.
hmm, alright i'll change it back to 5-5 haha. I do want to play a CSZ if i ever encounter one though and see how it goes.


I miss you
The big thing with sonya is her d4/armor/instant dive kick/projectile. She has a swift projectile that cage has to duck and avoid consitently. Her d4 has great reach and she can cancel it into ms to f+1 for pressure and meter build. Her armor divekick keeps cage from pressuring like he usually would and her instant divekick is swift so he always has to watch that. Basically she is a better johnny cage, dizzy had it 6-4 sonya too so i took that into account as well and i have alot of xp vs cage with sonya at home vs denzell.
As far as mac goes, if he had his old force push, it'd be 5-5 without a doubt. The big issue for mac is his pokes really dnt help him get away from cage and he has a big hitbox.
I feel jax can still play footsies with cage and zone him some unlike a character like kano, which gives him a chance to make things happen.
Also thanks for the input bro, I'm trying to get everyone in on this haha.
About Sonya I agree that IADK and D4 are her best tools to keep Cage out, and her projectile. But from a practical point of view I think that once Cage gets in he just has to be a little more unreadable than against other characters, especially when he decides to take a risk and go neutral.

With Ermac the way I play the matchup is by not spamming TKP from anywhere other than max range, but rather to make the opponent respect it and get in for a throw mix-up. Still, I think that Ermac can spam TKPs, I just don't do it that much. He will get a nice chunk of meter for breaker while Cage tries to get in. And remember, Ermac's zoning is quite tricky because it's not just projectiles, but pushes, F4s, throws (more than other chars, because it sends you fullscreen), then balls and well-timed aa lifts.
Also I should repeat that Ermac's raw, meterless damage, really helps him a lot.

With Jax I believe he can play footsies, but that's just it. Not sure, but you tell me if Cage doesn't have the upperhand in that aspect. Jax gets fucked from JC's low hitbox.

Also, I forgot to say how happy you made me to put KL losing to JC.

Make it 5-5. Dude consider how you counter pick. You really don't have a solid 1 main, you switch from like 5 different characters. If you played 100% cage you would probably feel different. I mean jumping as crossing over. You can't time a standing 2 if I hit my jump in punch at the right time.
sure i counterpick, but not always. Went scorpion vs kabal( i doubt anyone would do that unless they mained scorpion lol), played lao/kabal at evo with liu( ppl call that 6 4 or worse so i'll just say a bad mu), went cage vs pig's kenshi at anaheim(very close fight), went scorpion vs detroits smoke at evo. Played reptile vs king's sonya at evo. I've played tyrants jax with kitana and even went jade/rain on my bros rax. So i'm not just "always counterpick guy", second you can hit crossups with liu's standing 2s. Also cage better not get cross up happy, that's where i make the read with a njp and full combo you, but like i said, we need to play. You got to convince me.
About Sonya I agree that IADK and D4 are her best tools to keep Cage out, and her projectile. But from a practical point of view I think that once Cage gets in he just has to be a little more unreadable than against other characters, especially when he decides to take a risk and go neutral.

With Ermac the way I play the matchup is by not spamming TKP from anywhere other than max range, but rather to make the opponent respect it and get in for a throw mix-up. Still, I think that Ermac can spam TKPs, I just don't do it that much. He will get a nice chunk of meter for breaker while Cage tries to get in. And remember, Ermac's zoning is quite tricky because it's not just projectiles, but pushes, F4s, throws (more than other chars, because it sends you fullscreen), then balls and well-timed aa lifts.
Also I should repeat that Ermac's raw, meterless damage, really helps him a lot.

With Jax I believe he can play footsies, but that's just it. Not sure, but you tell me if Cage doesn't have the upperhand in that aspect. Jax gets fucked from JC's low hitbox.

Also, I forgot to say how happy you made me to put KL losing to JC.

in fact screw it, i'm changing jax to 7-3 lol. Ermac's zoning can work for him, i just feel that up close it just gets way too ugly for him vs cage. If i get a chance, i'll run the match with egp's ermac player seven and if i'm at a tournament with zaf in the future, i'll run it with him. Good points on ermac though. That's the input i'm looking for when discussing mus with ppl
Jax is 6-4 dude. You're telling me its as easy for Cage to beat Kano as it is Jax? GTFO.
idk, i feel when a jax beats a cage, it's just that the player playing jax just completely outplayed the cage. I'm moving left to right on the mu lol, also some 7 3s could be worse then others, but you know what, i'm going to have it 6-4 ONLY bcuz jax has armor so at least he can get out of his pressure.
THIS.... is very good. although i think sub-cage is 5-5
some think sub wins, and others think it is even. You know what, i'm running a ft10 with my bro, i'll let yall know the results haha since we both know each other, it'll make the number accurate. Tom Brady, what is your opinion/input on cage vs sub. And thanks wafflez, I'm looking to make an official cage chart.


I miss you
Jax is 6-4 dude. You're telling me its as easy for Cage to beat Kano as it is Jax? GTFO.
At the highest level I do believe so. Actually, I remember CDJr having a really hard time against REO's JC in Final Round. Johnny Cage low hitbox really helps him a lot.
Just put it in a logical way. Cage is going to play what he's used to, rushing down and F3, while Jax suddenly is deprived from all of his rushdown aspects, and must play defensively, which he's not that much used to. At least Kano is going to be doing what he does.

I heard Tyrant found some stuff to battle what IMO is Jax worst MU, so we'll find out in the future.


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
idk, i feel when a jax beats a cage, it's just that the player playing jax just completely outplayed the cage. I'm moving left to right on the mu lol, also some 7 3s could be worse then others, but you know what, i'm going to have it 6-4 ONLY bcuz jax has armor so at least he can get out of his pressure.
I will agree that if it wasn't for all of the safe armor and the decent projectile, it would suck nuts for Jax.
At the highest level I do believe so. Actually, I remember CDJr having a really hard time against REO's JC in Final Round. Johnny Cage low hitbox really helps him a lot.
Just put it in a logical way. Cage is going to play what he's used to, rushing down and F3, while Jax suddenly is deprived from all of his rushdown aspects, and must play defensively, which he's not that much used to. At least Kano is going to be doing what he does.

I heard Tyrant found some stuff to battle what IMO is Jax worst MU, so we'll find out in the future.
i'm going to leave it 6-4, in fact to help me decide EGP_TYRANT needs to get in here haha.


I will agree that if it wasn't for all of the safe armor and the decent projectile, it would suck nuts for Jax.
PS: Armor isnt safe and a "Decent" projectile means nothing in mk9, so i get 1/27th of a bar and you continue to close in on me or possible even take half my life with a Jip or DJK. No thanks, i'd rather play footsies

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
What about Kitana beating Cage? She controls the MU with her zoning and hella reach advantage in in the footsies game. Cage must take a risk to get in. Once in she has great escape options. A good d+3, d+1~cutter, ass, a great jump in game if she jumps out.


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
PS: Armor isnt safe and a "Decent" projectile means nothing in mk9, so i get 1/27th of a bar and you continue to close in on me or possible even take half my life with a Jip or DJK. No thanks, i'd rather play footsies
ok, seriously think about this.

You're telling me when you pick Kano, with all of those unsafe EVERYTHING including interuptable strings is just as bad as fighting Jax who has Safe armor, decent damage and ok mixups?


ok, seriously think about this.

You're telling me when you pick Kano, with all of those unsafe EVERYTHING including interuptable strings is just as bad as fighting Jax who has Safe armor, decent damage and ok mixups?
no. id say kano cage is 2-8

edit: its not like anyone has even played the kano MU at the highest level so why are we comparing those numbers
What about Kitana beating Cage? She controls the MU with her zoning and hella reach advantage in in the footsies game. Cage must take a risk to get in. Once in she has great escape options. A good d+3, d+1~cutter, ass, a great jump in game if she jumps out.
uh why take risk? when denzell played you/dizzy played you at Dallas, they just patiently worked their way in. You can duck EVERY iaf/ground fan until you have closed the distance. d1 cutter isn't safe, but can work if the opponent isn't rdy for it. If cage blocks a d3, back to f3 pressure. Cage builds alot of meter when he gets in, you got to deal with ex fb setups, and blocked d1 equals full combo punish. F2,1 does have great distance and is a great footsies tool..., but whiff it and cage will be in. You can jump, but that is just kit taking a risk. It's all about positioning, cage doesn't need to jump or throw out a shadow kick to get in. Also if cage gets a lead, she has to come in, which is exactly where cage wants her, close to him. 2 1 can be used for her as well, but better be careful where and when you do it bcuz that can be whiff punished as well. Footsies come into play heavily in this mu and both are superb in that department.