I'm stil working on this matchup with CD Sr, there was a point in which i had to change to human sektor because i couldn't do much against him with Rax, these two bro's of mine knowledge of rax makes everything difficult for me, maybe is not the matchup anymore its just they hate rax =(.
CD plays with freddy like he almost plays with kitana, at that mid range where he minds fuck you to jump at him or he will randomly jump at you, he really dont fear cyrax upclose, he also gets leads and its tought to catchup. his strings are not the fastest but they are mostly 0 on block, CD also rush pretty good with him, idk how he does it since i don't know much about the char. i can't cross him up cause freddy has the biggest hitbox on a d1 lol it evens antiairs kicks sometimes, freddy has one of the best d1s with the tallest hitbox on it just in case people didnt know, also his standing one is a killer and lead into high dmg combos, CD used to do 50+ combos with this char on me ending with a vortex and 50/50 situation. CD is a little rusty with freddy but couple of days ago he started training him again for the kenshi matchup, he really frustrated me, i haven't fought him yet since i started improving new techs with rax, but this guy forced me to drop that match, i picked sektor human on him cause nightmare stance is hit by his projectiles, robot cant hit, also i would randomly jump reading a claw coming from the ground to tele uppercut, or instant tu his glove toss or whatever the name is.
i will give you updates of this match when cd becomes good with him again, i think i might be able to get him better this time usiong vortexes and new setups i have for him.