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Match-up Discussion Skarlet Match-Up Chart


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
Furthermore, there's no evidence for 95% of these matchup numbers.
Surprise, there's no evidence for 95% of all mu numbers ever posted on tym. The only people who have any right in the first place to post a mu chart is someone who consistently plays with other top players.

Fly is one of those. Are you? Your community tier list is neat sounding but ultimately useless, as you're getting input from tons of people who have never placed well in a tournament and sometimes from people who only play online.

Tier lists in this game are retarded anyway. There aren't enough players in general who play. much less top tier players. On top of that, the top tier players we do have, as in ones who place top 8 consistently, play what...10% of the cast? Point is, there aren't enough master level players of each character to even potentially get them together to figure out a real tier list.

Fly has played in a lot of tournaments. he's a smart player and a good one. Before you start with his placements, look at the players and characters he's had to play against. You trash him for his opinion when he's the one going to tournaments with the best competition in the world using one of the most under explored characters in the game who also happens to be unilaterally agreed upon to be the most difficult to play as well.

Show some fucking respect.


Do not touch me again.
Surprise, there's no evidence for 95% of all mu numbers ever posted on tym. The only people who have any right in the first place to post a mu chart is someone who consistently plays with other top players.

Fly is one of those. Are you? Your community tier list is neat sounding but ultimately useless, as you're getting input from tons of people who have never placed well in a tournament and sometimes from people who only play online.

Tier lists in this game are retarded anyway. There aren't enough players in general who play. much less top tier players. On top of that, the top tier players we do have, as in ones who place top 8 consistently, play what...10% of the cast? Point is, there aren't enough master level players of each character to even potentially get them together to figure out a real tier list.

Fly has played in a lot of tournaments. he's a smart player and a good one. Before you start with his placements, look at the players and characters he's had to play against. You trash him for his opinion when he's the one going to tournaments with the best competition in the world using one of the most under explored characters in the game who also happens to be unilaterally agreed upon to be the most difficult to play as well.

Show some fucking respect.
Before my matchup chart came out, there were 10000 threads here asking which characters were top 5, top 10, top 20, etc. It was a pointless exercise in inefficiency, and since then, the only "top x" threads that come up are troll threads. I've gotten great feedback from top players on most of the numbers except for the Skarlet community. So keep crying about my matchup chart, but that still doesn't change the fact that you all need to get your act together and take a serious look at your character's strengths and weaknesses. Let's not forget that LOTF was a top contributor in my matchup chart thread LOBBYING for Nightwolf to be top 20, saying he goes even with the top 5 and 6-4 against the rest of the cast (oh and 7-3 against the bottom tier, hmm sound familiar?).


The thing with the Skarlet forums is that there are only maybe 5 people who are able to go out to offline tournaments and play her and no one has been able to play her to her fullest potential yet. Skarlet has been known to be the hardest character to learn and play. Right now we can't really do much besides go off of theory and online matches until someone's able to play those specific matchups hundreds of times offline. And even then, we still won't know if those players are playing the matchup right or if they're playing Skarlet to her fullest potential. This is why I didn't make a matchup chart for Skarlet because it would only lead to arguments and that I need to "prove" it offline.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
The thing with the Skarlet forums is that there are only maybe 5 people....
That's being generous.

That's essentially my point, BillStickers - what red said can be applied to most characters in the game. A lot of mu's are pretty unexplored offline in top level arenas, at the very very least this is true for Skarlet.

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Updated Skarlet MU chart (with some opinions of others)

Here is my MU chart based on many many casuals at Raleigh, tournament exp., and a dash of theory and optimism. I still think she is super good.

(Edit: I put the list in descending order of the MU I feel are most difficult)
Slight disadvantage
Kabal 4-6
Kenshi 4-6
Cyrax 4-6 (It would be 6-4 without bomb resets)

Even MU
Freddy 5-5
Kitana 5-5
Ermac 5-5
Cage 5-5
Kung Lao 5-5
Raiden 5-5

Slight advantage

Sonya 6-4Jax 6-4 (It would be 7-3 without corner infinite)
Luis kang 6-4
Mileena 6-4
Rain 6-4
Csub 6-4
Sindel 6-4
Smoke 6-4 (It would be 7-3 without bomb resets)
Shang 6-4 (5-5 on smaller stages)
Quan chi 6-4
Stryker 6-4

Jade 6-4

Large advantage
Scorp 7-3
Sub zero 7-3
Reptile 7-3
Tombstone 7-3
Noob 7-3
Sektor 7-3
Baraka 7-3
Sheeva 7-3

Larger advantage
Kano 8-2

I encourage healthy discussion and am completely open to changing numbers granted we can work it out not just in theory but also in actual matches (enough online or even better offline).
I've started playing Skarlet, I feel she's good really good but people are overestimate her too much I mean she don't that much 7-3 match up. Here is my personnal mu chart.

Scorpion 6-4 (Vortex is risky and Skarlet outpokes him but if he have meter he can get out of skarlet presser with EX spear.
Liu Kang 5-5 I feel this matchup is equal as dagger wont help you because Liu possesse decent zoning and up close he is really good.
Kung Lao 4-6
Sub Zero 6-4
Sindel 7-3 (She can't zone you at all)
Ermac 6-4
Reptile 5-5 I dont understand why this is all in Skarlet favor if she dosent have meter reptile Can pressure her like a madman. His dash helps him to get of of pressure too. I understand she can armor fball but that dosent make it 7-3.
Kitana 5-5
Johnny cage 5-5
Jade 7-3
Mileena 6-4 Skarlet punish HARD Mileena special.
Nightwolf 6-4
Cyrax 4-6 maybe 3-7 those damn reset
Noob Saibot 7-3
Smoke 5-5
Sektor 6-4
Sonya 5-5 EX cartweel escape Skarlet pressure
Jax 6-4
Kano 7-3
Striker 7-3
Shang Tsung 6-4
Baraka 6-4
Kabal 4-6
Raiden 6-4
Rain 6-4
Kenshi 4-6
Cyber Sub Zero 6-4
Quan Chi 6-4
Freddy 5-5
Sheeva 7-3

What do you guys think

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
Let me quote myself...

Here is my MU chart based on many many casuals at Raleigh, tournament exp., and a dash of theory and optimism. I still think she is super good.

Let me quote this fire starter...

I see that the Skarlet propaganda has managed to deceive you. Start thinking for yourself, fool.

Now let me say again for the hundredth time...I was wrong about NW. Jees get off my case

Now again let me quote myself...
Here is my MU chart based on many many casuals at Raleigh, tournament exp., and a dash of theory and optimism. I still think she is super good.

The only person throwing stones here is Dave (the prick that he is), only posting things to slander other characters and players, only posting to tell us how foolish we are, and only posting to talk about how good he THINKS his Freddy is. Im just tired of it. Skarlet is a much better character than NW. This list is not concrete in any way...let me quote myself again.

I encourage healthy discussion and am completely open to changing numbers granted we can work it out not just in theory but also in actual matches (enough online or even better offline).

Maybe you guys missed this post but it was THE FIRST ONE!!

so unless you have anything productive AND constructive to say...FUCK OFF.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
Before my matchup chart came out, there were 10000 threads here asking which characters were top 5, top 10, top 20, etc. It was a pointless exercise in inefficiency, and since then, the only "top x" threads that come up are troll threads. I've gotten great feedback from top players on most of the numbers except for the Skarlet community. So keep crying about my matchup chart, but that still doesn't change the fact that you all need to get your act together and take a serious look at your character's strengths and weaknesses. Let's not forget that LOTF was a top contributor in my matchup chart thread LOBBYING for Nightwolf to be top 20, saying he goes even with the top 5 and 6-4 against the rest of the cast (oh and 7-3 against the bottom tier, hmm sound familiar?).
you make top 20 sound like its really fucking good. lol You are miss quoting me in so many ways. i said he goes 5-5 ONLY with lao. and I split a series with PL and still admitted it was 4-6.

you done yet dude?
I've started playing Skarlet, I feel she's good really good but people are overestimate her too much I mean she don't that much 7-3 match up. Here is my personnal mu chart.

Scorpion 6-4 (Vortex is risky and Skarlet outpokes him but if he have meter he can get out of skarlet presser with EX spear.
Liu Kang 5-5 I feel this matchup is equal as dagger wont help you because Liu possesse decent zoning and up close he is really good.
Kung Lao 4-6
Sub Zero 6-4
Sindel 7-3 (She can't zone you at all)
Ermac 6-4
Reptile 5-5 I dont understand why this is all in Skarlet favor if she dosent have meter reptile Can pressure her like a madman. His dash helps him to get of of pressure too. I understand she can armor fball but that dosent make it 7-3.
Kitana 5-5
Johnny cage 5-5
Jade 7-3
Mileena 6-4 Skarlet punish HARD Mileena special.
Nightwolf 6-4
Cyrax 4-6 maybe 3-7 those damn reset
Noob Saibot 7-3
Smoke 5-5
Sektor 6-4
Sonya 5-5 EX cartweel escape Skarlet pressure
Jax 6-4
Kano 7-3
Striker 7-3
Shang Tsung 6-4
Baraka 6-4
Kabal 4-6
Raiden 6-4
Rain 6-4
Kenshi 4-6
Cyber Sub Zero 6-4
Quan Chi 6-4
Freddy 5-5
Sheeva 7-3

LOTF is right Can we just stay on the topic !?

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
You have said that Skarlet would dethrone Kabal as the best character in the game. And I am the one who is ignorant?

This forum needs to stop making shit up. There is no evidence that Skarlet beats Sonya, who is a top 5 character in the game.
I said she would be up there with Kabal. I am am guilty of saying she was top 3...(I think she is at 7 right now in my head). Fucking sue me. You have never been wrong about a MU or character placement? why do you feel the need for execution is beyond me. and by the way, I got that MU number from Showtime who has played sonya vs skarlet more than probably anyone.

so please STFU and go away

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
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NetherRealm Studios
I'm too lazy to go through this thread again, was it said why Smoke loses? I don't buy it. Even Young Tommy doesn't complain about her and he loves to scream bad MU.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
I'm too lazy to go through this thread again, was it said why Smoke loses? I don't buy it. Even Young Tommy doesn't complain about her and he loves to scream bad MU.
you didnt miss much...just dave whining.

smoke loses because he cant throw smoke bombs without getting launched or slid on reaction (distance dependant). He is the best smoke and I have no idea if any skarlets have ever played him or ever will but I'm open to suggestions. It seems like smoke has to play rush down and come to her. That is what she wants. Thoughts beyond this? maybe Tommy can share

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
I ran jade vs skarlet with red fox and we determined that it was 6-4 or possibly worse in skarlet favor.

she out footsies jade massively with red dash slide plus empty dash mix ups. its not good at all for her.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
L0rdoftheFLY, I meant to say I never use the ermac butt slam/ts drop against NW's lol. I use NW too for few months now, his ram is very fast and underrated imo lol. How does NW match up against Skarlet?

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True matchup chart for characters that matter.

Kabal- 5-5
Sonya 5-5 ( play showtimes sonya and youll see why)
Freddy 6-4
Noob 5-5
Cage 5-5
Jax 6-4
Kitana 5-5
Mileena 6-4
Kung Lao 4-6
Kenshi 6-4