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1001 Ways to Tell if You Play Too Much MK


Dojo Trainee
233. When you insist to be credit worthy because you have 500000 coins in MK
234. When you start digging on graveyards hoping to find some goodies


234. When you look for excuses to use character quotes like, "You will learn respect!" in arguments.

235. When you're in history class and instead of paying attention, you're planning out a character video guide and good set ups to go over.

236. When you use let's be serious here as a segway to your counterargument.


Brain Dead Bro
237. When you mimic Kenshi yells in the middle of work when you hear a person say something that sounds something near it.
238. When you throw your hat in softball and your cousin refers to you as Kung Lao.


The Best.
244: when you see your girlfriend in a fight, you yell "D4 HER."
245: You attempt an ex roll in a fight hoping your opponent was blocking low


Fundamentals in real life
239.When you make reference of everything that you buy in daily life as DLC!
240.When somebody rejects you a personal favor you tell think their using BREAKER!
241.When you think you can use zoning to escape from your pregnant girl


Fundamentals in real life
239.When you make reference of everything that you buy in daily life as DLC!
240.When somebody rejects you a personal favor you think their using BREAKER!
241.When you think you can use zoning to escape from your pregnant girl.


Twitter: @xxQUANTUM
243. When someone starts getting violent with you your first thought is to clone rather than push back or run
244. You really want to 224 the dumbass in front of you in line....

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
223?? , when your finish a sitting of mk and you collapse on top of the washing basket :cool: