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M2dave Salty Trash Talk & 16bit Pop Off On Smoke Players!


You sound like one of the many noobs in the chatroom who was hating on me last weekend.
Wasn't here sorry, but I still hate you. ;) Not because you are a zoning player, but because you're arrogant, troller, and bald-headed (my biggest fear).

Btw, a player also can play a rushdown freddy just because it is funnier to him than zoning ? Did you never think bout it ?
For most spectators (or noobs as you call them) zoning looks cheap and/or repetitive that's why some people don't wanna go for zoning maybe ? They want gratitude, stuff that zoners doesn't have all the time (even if they deserve it) because a zoning match isn't as entertaining as a close fight match.

I play Rain because he has swag and because he is fun. If I would play for trophies, I'll go 100% kabal. Now I'm asking you, why do you play Freddy whereas kunglao, kabal, are better in the tier list ? I mean, I could say just like you :

A high level player plays to his games' strengths, not his game's weaknesses.​
;) ;) ;)


"I have good taste because I like what I like"
edit: ehh nvm

Not worth it
What did you hope to accomplish in asking me who the best country was... Also if it wasn't worth it you wouldn't have said anything in the first place.

This isn't the first time you've said some shit intentionally to start an argument with me even though I had said nothing about you.... You're so full of shit dude, I swear. It's ridiculous.


All bullshit aside, was anyone else as impressed as I was with consistency with which Wafflez was hitting the d4>d1>SB? Great execution!!

Sent from my jailbroken iPhone using a pirated copy of Tapatalk
heck yeah I was haha, the homie YTW be getting it done, much respect to him getting 3rd at SB:Ascension.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
What did you hope to accomplish in asking me who the best country was... Also if it wasn't worth it you wouldn't have said anything in the first place.

This isn't the first time you've said some shit intentionally to start an argument with me even though I had said nothing about you.... You're so full of shit dude, I swear. It's ridiculous.
I think alot of what u say doesn't make sense

I was getting at that I think it's easier to do well at Canada majors than USA majors

In response to what I originally quoted

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
LOL in back to back sentences...

"Play to win man... play to win!!" ... "Hey, if wafflez wasn't a coward... he'd pick Cage against me."

Then he wouldn't be playing to win, now would he? Playing Cage against zoners is asking for trouble.


"I have good taste because I like what I like"
I think alot of what u say doesn't make sense

I was getting at that I think it's easier to do well at Canada majors than USA majors

In response to what I originally quoted
If that was the only point you were trying to make, why is it that you neglected to quote EVERY other person who shared the same point of view as me?

Regardless, Correct me if i'm wrong, but weren't a lot of the top players from the U.S participating in the major at which xSmokex got 4th? Also (Once again no disrespect to Tommy), Waffles doesn't even win grass root majors.

I think it's ridiculous to say Waffles is better than xSmokex without adequate enough evidence. There is no feasible argument for either of the players that would conclusively grant one of them the title of best Smoke. I personally don't care whether or not you disagree, just keep it to yourself. You didn't see me quoting or trying to disprove people who thought Waffles was better. The only logical reason to quote me would be to argue with me...


Fuck off, I'm not grumpy
We don't base who the best players are based off of why they can't go to tournaments... we base the best players off of their tournament results. xSmokex might be good, but if he isn't going to tournaments then nobody cares. It's sad that he can't go to tournaments... but tough luck. Maybe he's really good. Maybe he is. But who cares? You have to go and you have to win to be considered one of the best with your character. I guess people consider me a good Raiden, but I'll be damned if I try to pump myself up before I make top 8 at a major. So until then... tough luck for me. And yes, it is fair.

I'm sure it was all lighthearted anyways. XSmokeX wasn't called out by 16bit, someone mentioned his name.

And really, if you're the best smoke, then prove it. Until then... tough luck ^^^

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
If that was the only point you were trying to make, why is it that you neglected to quote EVERY other person who shared the same point of view as me?regardless, Correct me if i'm wrong, but weren't a lot of the top players from the U.S participating in the major at which xSmokex got 4th? Also (Once again no disrespect to Tommy), Waffles doesn't even win grass root majors.
I think it's ridiculous to say Waffles is better than xSmokex without adequate enough evidence. There is no feasible argument for either of the players that would conclusively grant one of them the title of best Smoke. I personally don't care whether or not you disagree, just keep it to yourself. You didn't see me quoting or trying to disprove people who thought Waffles was better. The only logical reason to quote me would be to argue with me...
Your post was first I saw while skimming thread

Both will be at Nec , possibly there?

At said major I believe Maxter and Reo were only ones there from NY But could be someone I'm forgetting

My point was I think it's harder to make top 8 at USA majors and mlg events than Canadian majors

that isn't Canada or anyone's fault it's just a ton of top us players never get to make it out to Canada


The Free Meter Police
Exactly my point. Have i ever proclaimed to be the messiah of Smoke like so many others in in this player claim to do? No. Have i whined about people not listing me as the best Smoke? No. So why the hell do some people have the need to publically blow me up, for literally doing dick all, when one of their team mates accomplishes something big? (and to an extent mine, Wafflez is undoubtedly amazing and i always listen to what he has to say, the Smoke community tries to work together) Be happy and celebrate instead of starting drama.

It's like me calling out Han because WinterWarz made top 4 @ Toryuken. Has Han been a dick to me or winter warz? No, Han's a cool dude and i respect his Cyrax play, even if there is potentially better Cyrax players. It's stupid and immature. If 16 Bit's opinion is me not being as good Wafflez that is 100% okay, but did i really deserve a blow up? You do your thing, Tommy will do his thing, and i will do mine. Leave me out of the bullshit next time.

I could care less about the actual blow up, it's his opinion, it's just the way it was done and no logical reason behind it besides "i was hype" which is a shitty excuse for not being able to act mature imo.
No youre definitely right. I was just responding to this dude who is trying to act like you not being able to make it to many tournaments means anything. I dont even know who you are or how you play so please dont take this as me blowing you up.


Coward Character User
No youre definitely right. I was just responding to this dude who is trying to act like you not being able to make it to many tournaments means anything. I dont even know who you are or how you play so please dont take this as me blowing you up.
No i didn't mean to blow you up haha, i was just reading your post and you read my mind with the whole, "Who cares?" statement so i quoted it lol. My bad for the misunderstanding xD


Positive Poster!
1. Tee
2. Hee
3. Players being angry over who pushes buttons better again.
4. Jade owns you all srybai