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Be weary of false prophets. Team NY is only team where the word "BEST" can be used

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
Screw Midwest. VSM went ballz deep on them already. If VSM beats them again, GGA will continue proclaiming themselves as the best, undefeated team. I want GGA vs. VSM A-team. $20 per fallen victim.

So proclaims the VSM cheerleader!


Zoning Master
Screw Midwest. VSM went ballz deep on them already. If VSM beats them again, GGA will continue proclaiming themselves as the best, undefeated team. I want GGA vs. VSM A-team. $20 per fallen victim.

So proclaims the VSM cheerleader!
Whether I am part of the battle or not, Midwest versus Valley Stream Monsters must happen before this game abandons the tournament scene.

Let me see whether REO has a set of balls to challenge the very best of the Midwest.


Come On Die Young
Team Midwest: Perfect Legend, 16 Bit, Dizzy, Wafflez, M2dave, Forever King
Team VSM: Maxter, CD, CDjr, REO, Riu48, Insuperable

dont tell me that is not hype
If Midwest loses they'll make the excuse that it wasn't a pure Chicago/GGA team like they did at Final Round. Btw I like how they would need an entire chunk of the country to beat us when we have one city.

Also, Riu48 retired

Dream Team > VSM

That is all.
Maybe you could say that if you didn't have a certain person weighing you down.


I am your god
Ok now that I have sprinkled a little salt in the air. Maxter and Reo prepping to goes balls deep. Hopefully the good ole folks at GGA will make this happen. What a fitting match up this could be. All the making of a classic. Perhaps we could all celebrate afterwards by roasting a pig.


"Heaven Will Fall!"
It's funny that we hear alot about ppl chasing the money but yet the VSM boys won't even do the match if money isn't involved. What happened to ppl just doing it to prove they are the best or is this one of those things were the new generation of "pro" players could care less for honor or respect?


Ok now that I have sprinkled a little salt in the air. Maxter and Reo prepping to goes balls deep. Hopefully the good ole folks at GGA will make this happen. What a fitting match up this could be. All the making of a classic. Perhaps we could all celebrate afterwards by roasting a pig.
Team New York will definitely go Ballz Deep on GGA if they dare to challenge our best warriors


"Heaven Will Fall!"
Team New York will definitely go Ballz Deep on GGA if they dare to challenge our best warriors
I think VSM would go ballz deep (love that) on GGA I just don't want a minor thing like money stopping it from happening as a "stream monster" it would be fucking awsome to see and it's exactly the type of hype MK needs to get back to that 1k viewer mark.


It's funny that we hear alot about ppl chasing the money but yet the VSM boys won't even do the match if money isn't involved. What happened to ppl just doing it to prove they are the best or is this one of those things were the new generation of "pro" players could care less for honor or respect?
Wallet > Respect & Honor (lol make sure u read the next line)

"Sorry guys, we weren't trying our best because there wasn't anything on the line."

K. Put $100. <- this is me saying that btw

"Damn, well guess we have to give it our best now."

Yeah. You sure do, sherlock. <- dis is me again

Putting an end to all loopholes and excuses. Thank you, $$$. Fuck-a casual battle. x2 :D


It's funny that we hear alot about ppl chasing the money but yet the VSM boys won't even do the match if money isn't involved. What happened to ppl just doing it to prove they are the best or is this one of those things were the new generation of "pro" players could care less for honor or respect?

Beacause when people talk and bragg about being the best they must put money on the table if they are so confident that they are going to win, is no about chasing the money its just to know that you will lose something if you don't win.
Wouldn't you put a quarter on that slot machine next to you if you were so confident that quarter will give you a 1,000,000 bucks jackpot?
Ballz Deep on GGA
No disrespect to GGA but this needs to happen, 2 GGA members crushed our mighty CD Jr this time VSM will seek vengeance


I am your god
Paper legend is fapping profusely. Nobody knows! Fapping so loosely, my tingling toes.

Money is not desire, nor for paying my bills, to the victor the spoils, VSM gets the kills

GGA seems to hide, is fact and so true, hot pockets and twinkles, all just for you.

Now MLG thinks I hate, yet really I don't, GGA is winning. 100 they don't

Paper poetry :)


Dojo Trainee
Those days are over. The biggest money match that has happen recently don't even come close to the numbers MvC2 days put out.

Fanatiq did multiple 6 digit money matches. One with Toan and one with somebody else (forgot the name).
Neo Vs Clockwork is the last and probably most famous one in MvC2 days.

The LATEST big money match was MvC3 was Fanatiq vs RayRay for like 2k+ from both sides and ChrisG vs Fchamp which was 5 digits.

The days of large money matches are over. Everything is so E-sports and you have to be politically correct or else you face large reprecussions. Can you imagine what would happen if REO publically called out somebody a "[ban incoming]" or called somebody out hard? lol? Players are out to get that sponsor money, not player's money/dignity. The Arcade scene is dead and the culture it brought is very much dead as well. The FGC nowadays is very different from the past. Its not worse or better, its just different.

Even the OG commentators can't even commentate because they would be on Kotaku so fast it wouldn't be funny. OG know that the shit Dogface and Rockafella wouldn't fly at all at MLG but it brings the most hype.


The closest I can see the Arcade culture in the current FGC is East Coast vs West Coast or World vs U.S. But those are so rare and even then are a lot "nicer" and friendly compared to the past.

edit 2

Also people are trying to hard to be a "heel". There are very few natural heels left in the FGC. Fchamp being one of the more famous ones and even he has toned down a lot.


i Use a modded cyber now
Cleveland has the 2011 and 2012 Evolution champion, with three players from Cleveland in the top 8 for the latter tournament.
im sorry but that doesnt make VSM irrelevant, thats like me calling midwest irrelevant because no one from midwest placed top 8 at columbus and only one made it to top 8 at Raleigh. Vsm made it top 8 both years of Evo.

Carry on