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Games that the majority think is God's gift, but you think it's actually trash


I Break Hearts, Not Combos
-SSF4 AE2012 I still like it I just acknowledge it's not god's gift to Sf fans
-Fable 3 just way too easy
-Metal Gear Solid 2 Guns of the Patriots I hated Raiden, and disliked the villains
-Halo: Reach, ODST, 3
-Gears of War 3 the first two were cool. Nice story, great characters, ok multiplayer
-Mass Effect It was a good game in itself, but I it's easy to see why Bioware made traveling in the Citadel much easier, and why the took out the driving missions. When you have gone through the entire series.
-Any DBZ game after Dragonball Z: Budokai 3 for Ps2 every single one after that was dumb. Burst limit was better but still dumb.
This one hurt me deep down inside.....
Super Mario Kart for the SNES all I need is a feather and a dream
Unless you're talking about the worse-than-MK netcode, this is probably the best fighter out there.

Yes my jimmies are slightly rustled.

...but in all seriousness explain pls?


EX Ovi should launch
I agree on the first 3 but not the last.
That game was great. Spooked my butt off and had a good story.
Read title of thread :)

Shit game, poor effects, really didn't find the "survival horror" element to it, it was more like a puzzle game with bad lighting and piss poor attempts at making you jump.

Edit: The corridor with the "splashing effect of death" really ground my gears. How the fuck can that make someone scared is like fucking vice city where if you try and swim you die. cmon now.


Online Punching Bag
I can't believe I'm saying this, but probably FF...

I fell in love with the franchise after playing FF7. 7 was probably my fav game of all time. I did just about everything you could possibly do in that game. Played it for YEARS. Never really got boring. Just tedious at times from all the leveling up.

But looking back on it now, it was really the only good FF I played. lol All the others that came after were all flawed and some were worse than others. When the whole SE stuff happened, seemed like the series just got worse... Out of all the FF's, there's only truely been 2 or 3 really good ones.
You were going in the wrong direction, FF1-6 were all pretty cool, especially part 6 in Japan or FF3 in north america,
you fight this maniac who is the advisor to a king that is taking over kingdoms and causing war, poisoning villages, hes a real asshole named Kefka, he offs the king, then blows up the world more or less after going through numerous areas assembling a very large cast of unique characters and a big battle. You'd think the game would be over but it's not. After the world is scorched and half destroyed in a big explosion after the battle with him, you wake up alone on a beach, you have lost all your allies and don't even know where Kefka is now. Kefka pretty much rules the world now and it's your job to stop him. You see alot of the old towns, half destroyed, run into people you met before in the destroyed world and reform your group. Probably one of the best RPG stories ever IMO.
I personally liked 9 and 10 as well


Easily the Metal Gear Solid games. Great storylines to all those games. Amazing characters and just a hell of a great atmosphere that Konami did to represent each one, however, I'll leave the stealth gameplay to games that are actually good at doing it like Hitman and Splinter Cell.

Modern Warfare 3. I liked Black Ops and dabbled in Modern Warfare 2 but 3 was just so bad. The only good thing about the game was the return of the modern guns. Horrible spawn system, shit maps and just boring.

Devil May Cry, but I only say that cause I'm a Ninja Gaiden fan. I am however playing through the DMC HD collection right now and I honestly cannot see how DMC1 was enjoyable with this horrible controller layout.

Final Fantasy 7. There are plenty of reasons why people think this is one of the worst in the series so I won't really dabble too much into it because quite frankly, I'd feel like an ass for telling you guys something you already know.

There are plenty more but these are the ones that jump straight into my head.


Chrono Trigger is one game. I'll give you the benefit and include Chrono Cross. Its still only 2 games. Also the Chrono series can be still included as "one of the best". as quoted.

Honestly I think Persona, and Final Fantasy are the top 5 RPG series.

Btw did I mention League of Legends. Game is so stupid competitively.
BTW, am I the only person who laughed at this sentence? No offense of course.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
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Calling something trash is calling something of low quality. That if a game is trash means that compared to its competition that it lacks things that make it a high quality game. Therefore you are stating a fact not an opinion.
What are you talking about, lol? You can call something trash for whatever reasons you want. It doesn't have to be low quality to be called trash. You're arguing semantics though, so essentially you're arguing just to argue.

Lol stop, trash bitch. :REO


kung lao swag walker
Unless you're talking about the worse-than-MK netcode, this is probably the best fighter out there.

Yes my jimmies are slightly rustled.

...but in all seriousness explain pls?
Nah Kof13 isn't the best fighter out. If anything P4 is in my opinion. Like if I even had to list the best fighters out it would be
P4 - ok game execution based, easy to get into, actually pretty balanced as far as characters go
SSF4 AE 2012- Obvious top tier characters, Srk is way too good due to Fadc, easy to get into fundamental based game
KOF13- Obvious top tier characters, team synergy necessary, execution based game, touch of death combos
Tekken Tag 2- Damage is a bit ridiculous, tag assualts greatly extend already damaging combos, stance characters can set-up invisible mix-ups on tag ins, fundamental/gimmick based game,
MK9- obvious top tier characters, questionable balance, glitchy, fundamental/gimmick based game, heavy mix-up, touch of death combos, requires intermediate knowledge of each the characters gameplan to play efficiently
Blazblu Continuum Shift Extend- Obvious top tiers, touch of death combos, questionable balance, damage is uneven for half the cast.
Skull Girls- Only three real playable characters, unbalanced,
that's just my feelings though


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Super Mario 64 (Sunshine is way better)
Ocarina of Time (Wind Waker is way better)
Fallout 3 (Shit)
Mario Kart 64 (Double Dash is way better)
Super Smash Bros Brawl (Melee is way better)
Half life 2 (Not so much trash, but just... okay)

Get at me.
I have never agreed more with anything else in my entire life...not even my own list of games...except FFVIII that game really can suck it hard.
Super Mario 64 (Sunshine is way better)
Ocarina of Time (Wind Waker is way better)
Fallout 3 (Shit)
Mario Kart 64 (Double Dash is way better)
Super Smash Bros Brawl (Melee is way better)
Half life 2 (Not so much trash, but just... okay)

Get at me.
Agree with Sunshine, better setting, and story, characters.


A prop on the stage of life.
Yea, I'm not inclined to argue with people over their opinions, because I like most of the games listed here. And there's no reason to quote anyone and tell them that they're wrong because you can't change someone's opinion like that, you need to have a better argument. And RagingNight I disagreed with the two sentences I quoted, and I don't really think I need to argue it.