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Tekken Tag Tournament 2 General Discussion


Tekken, SF4: AE, BB: CP, and Persona 4: Arena
Doesn't look like Yoshi got too many changes from this video. Maybe most of his changes are just in some of the frame rates of his move set. I am liking the extension of D+2, 2 B! move. Looks essential for juggling with him.



What I love about this game is that it's gonna be balanced to the point where if you use a low tier character(s), you'll have a hell of an easier time winning against higher tier chars than MK for example. What matters more IMO is team synergy, and having a strong point character that you're comfortable with
That's how SCV is already (Prime example - EVO) and people still think it needs one more patch.


Haven't played Tekken since Tekken 3. Used to like Law, the kickboxer guy and the grapplers in the game, King and Jack.


EX Ovi should launch
Is unknown likely to still have her wolf shadow? If so worth playing her (can change movesets by clicking in the right stick and scroll through the whole casts movesets)

If i do pick this up, which im doubting i will, Its going to be so hard to go from TT1 to TT2 after playing it a LOT quite competetively for a few years now, not sure if i can be bothered to learn more characters or if im just gonna play nina/jin again. Dat top tier mishimas.

If it was 2d i would play raven (he was a boss in SFxT), and if i was going to learn a new character it would be Zafina, i have a thing for gypsy women in fighters!

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Zafina's move set is just nutty. 5 diffrent people couldn't play her the same way if they wanted to

Anna and Nina will probably be very attractive to most players as well.
Honestly, I'm just excited for another game I can build skills from basically the ground up.


EX Ovi should launch
Zafina's move set is just nutty. 5 diffrent people couldn't play her the same way if they wanted to

Anna and Nina will probably be very attractive to most players as well.
Honestly, I'm just excited for another game I can build skills from basically the ground up.
Played nina in tekken 1, played nina/jin in tag, and have been playing both games alot more than MK haha


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Im going on current games, since tag 1 was so good it just went downhill.
So did MK for the longest time after MK Trilogy.

Also don't we have pretty much everyone from PND on board except Phos?
Soon come though, enter: UKJS Wang Tsung.


DR was the best tekken period.
Tekken 3 was the best game of its time but doesnt hold up today.
Ttt1 was the second best tekken.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
DR was the best tekken period.
Tekken 3 was the best game of its time but doesnt hold up today.
Ttt1 was the second best tekken.
The main reason TTT1 is so heralded is due to the level of competition it garnered in its heyday. EVERYONE was playing that game.

Honestly, TTT2 has the potential to be even better, IMO.

Also, on a side note, I used to dislike how damaging shit was in TTT2/TTT2U, until I realized how long matches lasted WITH that damage. :confused: Landing a damn CH launch hurts, but it's so necessary, lol.