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Tekken Tag Tournament 2 General Discussion


There will be a lot of MK players coming back to MK because they cant cope with Tekken.
Regardless of how hard Tekken is is all subjective, but one things for certain is, that it is much harder to learn than MK and in MK, careless play isn't that detrimental thanks to breakers. Careless play in tekken means no hope.


Also, breaking throws is important but learning the game first is more important. For instance, Moq, who was the best bob in korea in t6br cant break throws worth a damn, yet he just got to rank tekken lord in ttt2, making him the 3rd or 4th highest ranked player in the world. (He's also demoted knee b4). His level of spacing, movement and punishment with AK is ridiculous.



Things like throw breaks are reactable, I can't do that 100% yet but it feels similar to MK especially if you know the throws are coming.
What is the break window? In SC you get 13 frames (I think) and 9 frames for command grabs, and I tech those all day. Just a 50/50 guess on whether you've been grabbed with A/B.
Throws aren't that great in Tekken. Even if you're like me and can't break them on reaction, they still have tiny range and don't track well.


You guys are making me want to get this game. Haven't played Tekken since #3, anyone know how hard TTT2 is to get into??


Death is my business
Impossible to play on pad? Bitch pls

Harry is one guy i'll practice with at TTT2 frequently , you can ask any Tekken player about him he's the best Heihachi player
in EU and probably better than any of the US ones and he plays on pad , just look at his Wavedash.

Be prepared Italy is coming for blood in TTT2.

Btw just got my copy of TTT2 , Bryan/Dragunov....you are not prepared.
I'm trying to learn (or relearn, since I havne't played tekken since T5) hwoarang and baek. Does anyone know there best strings/mixups/safe pokes? I really want to kick my older brothers arse in this game.....friggin steve fox.


so my sweets, how is this game? for those of you who bought it, was it worth it? i am a little burned out on namco fighters, and i prefer 1 vs 1 to tag fighting, but i am curious about this. i have been a tekken fan since its inception and i enjoyed every title (tekken4 a bit less) i have no problem adjusting between it and mk (umvc3 is another story, however) :( my best, and favorites, are heihachi, wang, ganryu, and yoshimitsu, with kazuya, anna, and kuma following behind. here is what i am curious about:

1. is it different enough from previous titles to warrant a $60 purchase?
2. are my favorites all in the game?
3. are jun kazama, kunimitsu, ogre, true ogre, angel, devil kazuya, and devil jin included?
4. is the net code worthy? i can't stand MK's and don't want to have to deal with that issue on any other titles

so what is your verdict?


1. Yes
2. Yes
3. All mentioned are included. kazuya can turn into devil which gives him more moves and options but there is no separate character slot like there is for Jin.
4. Apparently it's incredible.




Will TTT 2 have customable themes?

Tekken 2 had the best soundtracks:

I haven't played Tekken seriously since the days of Tekken 2 and 3.

Wow, Wang is in this game! Love playing "old master" types in fighters, ala Gen, Oro, Wang, Shun..

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
I've played Tekken's... but not to this level. I hope some newer guys can add and level u pwith me . We obviously have some OG tekken guys ... kizzle and 16bit and Slips come to mind... that could def. answer questions here, if we don't bug the absolute dog piss out of them :)

See you all out there.