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UMK3 and MKII Summer Jam in Philadelphia, PA August 14th and 15th


I expected something like this out of you Matt. I personally like the idea. However I see 1 small problem with your logic though, correct me if I am wrong. As I look at the following results:

Road to Evo 2010
1. Joe “iloveu” Ciaramelli
2. Shock

ECT2 UMK3 Results
1. Joe "iloveu" Ciaramelli
2. Simon "AC1984" a.k.a. "AnalCunt"
3. Shock

1. Joe
2. Shock

Winter Brawl
1: Shock
2: AC 1984
3: Rich
4: JusDave
5: Chinua
5: Summoning
7: Comeback Kyle
7: iloveyou

You did win this one, however with a huge asterisk next to your name because.

"Unfortunately there was a bit of confusion and Joe iloveu
was DQed from Winners Bracket due to being unable to play because of
other tournaments demanding he stay."

Now unless I am missing something, I believe your above post should read:

To me it looks like you are having problems decisively beating your own crew. The only time in recent history that you have beat the dude Joe was cause the dude got DQ'd, Just sayiiinnnn! Holla!!

But I am down with your logic, I think its pretty cool, but lets outline this right now. Give me this list of "Your Crew" right now, lay it out, who do I have to beat to get to you? :rolleyes: Give me the list from bottom to top.
We will play Sunday as well, "You can also stop with the Hightail, and Tuck your tail and run comments I will be there on Sunday as well win or lose", however I was under the assumption that we were going to play some "Fun" matches on Saturday, is this now called off? Let's get down some concrete plans, give me your "Crew" tier list that I have to beat to get to Joe's "AfterShock" lol, and I will be down 100%.

ToxicSaibot voice "LOOKS LIKE SOMEONE HAS SHOCK's NUMBER!!" One of your "crew" members happens to be smashing you out for the most part, LOL. I think what you should have really said is that I need to get through Joe's Crew, which includes you before I fight the final boss (joe).



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Who is Katana?

1-9-2010 New Castle Playtrade from Long Island NY

1. Shock
2. Joe iloveu
3. "Summ0ning"
4. 9.95
5. SweetJohnnyCage
5. MKVids
7. Alex Rosario
7. Tazer
9. r0kzztar
9. Mike Tyminski
9. Dark Rob
9. Viral
13. Berto
13. Bisonopolis
13. Gerson "ger" Casillas
13. Tom D.
17. Andy Reyfish
17. Big Dick Willy
17. Hatian Sensation
17. Manny G.
17. Matt F.
17. Steve N

5-2-09 East Coast Throwdown from Morristown, NJ - UMK3

1. Shock
2. Julian
3. Summoning
4. 9.95
5. Joe iloveu
7. Jeron
7. Al D
9. Darren
9. KalDragon
11. John C
11. Blackula
14. Styroteqe
14. Outlaw X
14. Life

4-26-08 Castle Fight Night 8 from Long Island, NY - UMK3 Top 3

1. Shock
2. Joe
3. LI Maverick

10-06-07 - ECCXII from Dunellen, NJ - UMK3

1. Shock
2. Joe
3. Summoning
4. DarkViru5
5. Phi
6. Rob
7. BustaUppa
8. Steve
9. JusDave
10. Guy
11. Steve H

2-24-07 - Breakdown from Dunellen, NJ - UMK3

1. Shock
2. Rob Sigley
3. Frankiebonez
3. Mike
5. Phi
5. Summoning
7. Red Gouki
8. Guy
9. Vinny

12-3-06 - NEC7 from Philadelphia, PA - UMK3

1. Shock
2. Julian Robinson
3. RushedDown
4. Mike
5. Jeron
6. Kyle
7. Sean
8. Louis
9. BustaUppa
10. Amir

5-27-06 - ECCXI from Dunellen, NJ - UMK3

1. Shock
2. Tom Brady
3. Phi
4. Julian Robinson
5. Norman
6. BustaUppa
7. VDO
7. Jeron
7. RushedDown
10. NKI
10. DreemerNJ
12. SCI (sub)
14. RSigley (had to leave)
14. Steve (had to leave)

1-7-06 - Clash from Dunellen, NJ - UMK3

1. Shock
2. Tom Brady
3. Rob Sigley
4. Phi
5. BustaUppa

12-4-05 - NEC6 from Philadelphia, PA - UMK3

1. Shock
2. Prophet
3. DreemerNJ
4. Julian Robinson
5. Kyle

5-28-05 - ECCX from Dunellen, NJ - UMK3

1. Moe30W
2. Lex
3. Shock
4. Prophet
5. Thrower
6. Phi
7. Julian Robinson
8. Red Gouki
9. Rob Sigley

Looks like my Crew is logically getting better as time goes on. I can't say the same for either of you yet. Simon, I hope they bring more than what I saw at NEC, and what we all see from their awesome netplay match ups. If not, we can assume Sans Power's bomb dismantling skills are on par with MacGruber.


AC, like I've said in the past. You are a student, you were taught how to play UMK3 by someone else. Every time I watch your videos, I can't help but think what I'm watching is unoriginal. Sure, your Kabal is pretty damn good, but you're not an original player. I tell it like it is, I think I'll beat Shock, but he's an original player. I will never let you live it down if I beat you AC, ever. I will post the video of me owning you on every MK forum, because to me I'll never respect you as a top tier player. You're always going to be a student in my eyes, living in DED's shadow.

Shock, you've made our point even clearer. That's exactly what I meant, you've gotten as good as you have in 15+ years. You haven't changed it up, you haven't gotten any better, you're past your prime now. I like to call that the Goku Syndrome. yeah, you were good at one point, but everybody else has evolved into better competitors, while you stuck to your guns. The only thing that'll beat me is MAYBE your experience, but as far as skills and talent is concerned. I passed you on the MK curve years ago, remember that.

You better own us both at the tournament, I don't need to go through your crew to get to you. I need to get through you to get to your crew because next to them, you're a mediocre player now.

Tells 'em like I sees 'em.


Elder God
and i guess, neither of us is a top player, because everyone is learning something from somebody else


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Sans, you have had the benefit of years of everyone else learning the game, and sharing what they know with others, so in essence, you aren't an original player either. All of this knowledge has become available to more and more players and helped create a more informed and skilled player base. It doesn't change the fact that neither of you has any idea how far you are from the top. You're going to find out in a few days.

IIRC, at NEC, Bass beat two players in the tournament who only play at the tournaments for fun. In fact, the last time VDO played in a tournament I can remember, was in 2006. He probably hadn't touched the game in 3 1/2 years. What's funny is, while Bass did very well in his first match against VDO (minutes after he woke up from the nap he was taking during MvC2), he lost the next match to VDO, and while I'm at it, I should point out that VDO uses Shang Tsung! Vs Kabal! Bass you could have easily lost to a guy who doesn't even play the game anymore. Jeron use to play MKII competitively, and UMK3 has never been his game but he enjoys playing at tournaments to support the scene. You bragged about beating them. Then Bass lost to Summoning. He won one round, was sent to losers, then he lost to Rich. As soon as he encountered serious players, it was all over. How does he expect to beat anyone better than Summoning, when Summoning beat him, and didn't use his own preferred stick?


Sans, you have had the benefit of years of everyone else learning the game, and sharing what they know with others, so in essence, you aren't an original player either. All of this knowledge has become available to more and more players and helped create a more informed and skilled player base. It doesn't change the fact that neither of you has any idea how far you are from the top. You're going to find out in a few days.
When I was younger I use to play my friends all the time and I'd beat them really bad in MK-MKA. I didn't learn about this website until I got UMK3 on XBL, when a friend of mine told me about it. I've never sat through and read all your guy's little character guides. I'm not going to sit here and lie and say I haven't used a combo you guys have created. At the same time though, my style of playing doesn't revolve around anticipating inf's or doing all these mindless zoning tactics. My PLAYING STYLE is something I developed through playing (AND YOU WOULD KNOW THIS IF YOU ACCEPTED MY CHALLENGES), Not mindlessly using tactics someone says "YOU DO IT NOW!".

There is a major difference and you know what I mean by him being a student of MK. Nobody sat there and taught me how to develop my playing style, people have showed me things. How I play, my style of play is something I developed and do on my own. Nobody told me how to play the game, they just showed me little combos that quite honestly I don't like to use. The only inf I sat down EVER learned was Strykers. Other then that, I could care less about all that shit, I just play the game the way I learned to by myself.


Wtf do you think i did....went to umk3 kinder garden???? Nobody ever sat down with me to show me stuff as well....I was fortunate enough to play the best in business(Shock,ded_,Marvin,etc.) and the benefit of that was watching them, not asking them. You call me a student??? well, yes i am a student and I'm proud of that... As far as style and skills, bro you have nothing new,original and fresh to show me....don't try to scare me with that mind-fuck thing that you'll bring a game nobody ever saw before. i dont mind if you put my loses online....but remember one thing...we'll do the same to you and all of us are gonna piss on your grave....


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When I was a teenager I use to beat my friends really bad in UMK3 but I also would beat random people all around the state of NJ.

No one anticipates infinites.

Zoning tactics are going to own you.

There's nothing little about the character guides.

Your style doesn't revolve around anything but jumping.

Simon has learned from some of the best and developed his own strategies, I should know, I play him in person all the time.

I don't accept online challenges.

You will lose in person.

School will be in session.


When I was a teenager I use to beat my friends really bad in UMK3 but I also would beat random people all around the state of NJ.

No one anticipates infinites.

Zoning tactics are going to own you.

There's nothing little about the character guides.

Your style doesn't revolve around anything but jumping.

Simon has learned from some of the best and developed his own strategies, I should know, I play him in person all the time.

I don't accept online challenges.

You will lose in person.

School will be in session.
A lot of people anticipate infinites, again something EVEN "you" don't know

Your zoning tactics are weak

Your style is old and washed up

You don't accept online challenges because you die a little inside every time somebody owns you.

You have to remember the pressure is on you Champ and by Champ I mean placing between 3 and 4 place at the last couple of tournaments. Even some past tournaments, LOL. I want you to think however you want about how I play, remember this competition is riding on YOU. Not me, the majority of the people who are going to the tournament are there to see YOU beat me and IGB. Don't drop the ball Shock because believe me, after I play a match or two with you. You'll think about switching games with Joe and trying Street Fighter tournaments out. I'm going to own you with the most basic shit while you try to impress the crowd with your 60% combos. You make more mistakes in matches than I have ever seen.

It's riding on you, don't let everybody down in Philly. You're supposed to be a role model for all of these people who are apart of your crew..

Fu-fu-fu-Fuck no you ain't biiiiiiiiiiiiitch!


And AC aka The Student, your matches will be on YouTube broadcasted by the people in your crew, LOL :D


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My style is constantly changing, evolving, and mutating, on the fly, in every match. You can't adapt.

You cannot anticipate an infinite. That's not the right word. Learn the property of causality and try that sentence again, because if you're not going to use context clues, I can't help you.

The only time I have ever placed below 3rd in a UMK3 tournament was in 2001 on a machine where the sticks didn't work all the time. My average tournament placement is between 1 and 2. Yours is 0.

You guys will either earn respect, or be banished from the entire MK community once and for all.

Every single thing you do in a match is a potential mistake, as you don't understand the concepts of safe baiting, character placement, or critical points. You just do things and hope they work. It's actually, the exact opposite of what you say your style is. Highly unsuccessful against even decent players.

I didn't see an answer as to why Bass placed 5th except his initial (I never played on MAME excuse). The real reason is, he never had offline experience. Maybe he'll do better this time, but I doubt it.

AC's matches will be posted by himself, win or loss, because he's a true competitor, not someone who edits out 50+ losses in a set and only posts the 2 or 3 he wins.


A-a-a-a....don't come up with the stupid bullshit that its all on Shock. There are actually whole bunch of players that are waiting your pathetic demise. The fact that you are banned from CMK doesnt mean that people forgot you...They didn't...and they are gonna be on the stream watching your "A-game." My predictions for now is that you two will 100% hit the bucket after you face Shock....after I saw your A-game vs Gokuren, now i have the confidence to believe that you are nothing special. See ya in 4 days....Rust in peace in advance.


My style is constantly changing, evolving, and mutating, on the fly, in every match. You can't adapt.

You cannot anticipate an infinite. That's not the right word. Learn the property of causality and try that sentence again, because if you're not going to use context clues, I can't help you.

The only time I have ever placed below 3rd in a UMK3 tournament was in 2001 on a machine where the sticks didn't work all the time. My average tournament placement is between 1 and 2. Yours is 0.

You guys will either earn respect, or be banished from the entire MK community once and for all.

Every single thing you do in a match is a potential mistake, as you don't understand the concepts of safe baiting, character placement, or critical points. You just do things and hope they works. It's actually, the exact opposite of what you say your style is. Highly unsuccessful against even decent players.

I didn't see an answer as to why Bass placed 5th except his initial (I never played on MAME excuse). The real reason is, he never had offline experience. Maybe he'll do better this time, but I doubt it.

AC's matches will be posted by himself, win or loss, because he's a true competitor, not someone who edits out 50+ losses in a set and only posts the 2 or 3 he wins.
I've never been to a tournament in my entire life, you again twist things to further yourself in argument. I don't even think YOU understand what you say sometimes. I've never edited a MK match ever, I've never even posted an MK match on YouTube. Again Shock, you may have dictionary in your head, but you're an extremely ignorant person. I don't care if I'm banished from the MK community, if you haven't noticed I could care less whether you guys ban me or not. Have you guys gotten the clue yet? Especially someone so "brilliant" as you. You started a conflict you can't finish or win, you said we'd lose or not show up. You started the fire yourself and now you've gotta put it out.

I'm not going to talk for IGB, he has a voice and he can speak for himself. unlike you I let people do that. You just assume things, just like the fact you're assuming we're going to lose or not show up. Again, I don't care about the zoning techniques, safe baiting, flame-baiting, or masturbating. Whatever you guys want to call it now, none of that shit is going to matter when I'm pummeling you, all that's going to matter is how much an ass-clown you're going to look like if I win. That's that, you hate losing and you're going to hate it even more Sunday.


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I love that for the first time in a while, a loud mouth is going to actually show up and get put down. It's the only reason you've gotten this far. Can't wait.


A-a-a-a....don't come up with the stupid bullshit that its all on Shock. There are actually whole bunch of players that are waiting your pathetic demise. The fact that you are banned from CMK doesnt mean that people forgot you...They didn't...and they are gonna be on the stream watching your "A-game." My predictions for now is that you two will 100% hit the bucket after you face Shock....after I saw your A-game vs Gokuren, now i have the confidence to believe that you are nothing special. See ya in 4 days....Rust in peace in advance.
Believe me, I know non ones forgotten about me or IGB. You guys need to change your MK forums to the SANSP&IGBfanclub.com, because 80% of the shit that's on your guy's websites is about us. The other 20% is flame-baiting tactics on UMK3, LOL. Just remember my A game vs Gokuren, please oh please be prepared for that A game.

btw, hop off Shock's piece already, LOL.


I love that for the first time in a while, a loud mouth is going to actually show up and get put down. It's the only reason you've gotten this far. Can't wait.
LOL, remember who the loud mouth was too. The words you'll either lose or not show up came out of your mouth. I think this post might be very ironic Shock, very ironic. Just make sure you don't delete all your posts on this thread if we beat you on Sunday... LMAO


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Don't forget to stick around Sunday, because there will be several more players coming to beat you guys who won't be there there Saturday.


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What's more exciting is how after you guys lose, you will say it was all a joke, and that you only wanted to make things exciting.