Fixed.mk2. serious FUCKING business.

Fixed.mk2. serious FUCKING business.
Thanks man, I appreciate it. But the Almighty Toby Wan-Kenobi aka Sir-Jabs-a-Lot made it for me.Off topic: Tim your sig is awesome (I meant to say this ages ago but forgot to mention it)
You might as well not play the game at all.I'll usually leave for the following reasons:
1. Takes forever to pick character, or takes forever to continue
2. Jax multi GP.. If you can't win on your own merit and you have to resort to this glitch, gtfo.
3. Liu's multi-bike kick. See #2.
I'll tolerate scorp's double-spear, but it's also very lame.
You might as well not play the game at all.
Why's Scorpion's "double-spear" lame? It's not like it takes lots of energy away or anything..I'll usually leave for the following reasons:
1. Takes forever to pick character, or takes forever to continue
2. Jax multi GP.. If you can't win on your own merit and you have to resort to this glitch, gtfo.
3. Liu's multi-bike kick. See #2.
I'll tolerate scorp's double-spear, but it's also very lame.
I hope you're being sarcastic. The vast majority of players don't use it, and I don't see why competitive players feel like they need to use it.You might as well not play the game at all.
Not. at. All.I hope you're being sarcastic.
Fixed.The vast majority of players can't do it
How do you know it wasnt put in on purpose?I don't see why competitive players feel like they need to use it.
I just see it as a glitch that should be fixed.
eh, if you want to question my skill at the game, I'm pretty sure there's only one way to settle it.Its in the game, so either play it or dont. Either way, complaining about it makes you sound awfully bad at this game.
it's what makes us competitive, we know how to utilize advanced tactics.. it's advanced tactics like these that elevate the gameplay to higher altitudes. it's the noobs that can't adapt to new tactics that are complaining about "glitches," top players know how to MGP and also know how to adjust their style to combat it..I hope you're being sarcastic. The vast majority of players don't use it, and I don't see why competitive players feel like they need to use it.
I just see it as a glitch that should be fixed.
First's not a glitch. It's in mk3, umk3, mkT as well (AKA EVERY SINGLE MK GAME where a move's execution is soley dependent on the charge of a button)I hope you're being sarcastic. The vast majority of players don't use it, and I don't see why competitive players feel like they need to use it.
I just see it as a glitch that should be fixed.
Word.First's not a glitch. It's in mk3, umk3, mkT as well (AKA EVERY SINGLE MK GAME where a move's execution is soley dependent on the charge of a button)
Secondly...good players will prevail regardless of that shit
Agreedi just left thejoker since he kept doing friendships. for some reason that get's to me. i don't like that it does but as soon as i can tell they're not fighting to the fullest of they're capabilies it bothers me. people fight extremely cheaply when they're trying to do friendships/babalities and it just rubs me the wrong way.
COUGH ' richbru27 and nayric' COUGHi just left thejoker since he kept doing friendships. for some reason that get's to me. i don't like that it does but as soon as i can tell they're not fighting to the fullest of they're capabilies it bothers me. people fight extremely cheaply when they're trying to do friendships/babalities and it just rubs me the wrong way.
This is one of the dumbest statements in the thread. I don't know how many times people drop on me when they go to some tactic and I mimic it and beat them with it. People get mad and quit because they can't beat that tactic, so they use it because they don't believe that other people can beat it either.And if you used the same fighting style as me then i wouldnt have quit on you now would i.
Yeah, but there's a big difference between saying good game and then leaving between matches, and talking trash and leaving in the middle of a beating. Kudos to you for playing against people better than you.There is something you have to understand....most people don't play everyday on this like you guys do. Of course you are gonna blow people away, you just have that experience with natural talent.
I'll admit, I played Yungnicca last week and he blew me away 4 straight. I left because Yung was too good for my skill level. There is definitely different tier levels of players.
Yung, next time i stumble upon your name online I will hang for alot longer. The only way to get better is to practice against some of the best.