So many adventures, so many things happening that we couldn't even get the whole thing done. It was just too good. I managed to get every match recorded from Friday till Sunday. I was left with 14 minutes of space of on my hard drive (500 MB), JUST enough time to finish
Tom and
REO's finals. I was so happy that i didn't run out of space for that one. Definitely one of the highlights for me there. Others were playing Shock in UMK and Tom in MKDC/MKDA. My favorite overall matches had to be with
THTB. Every MK game they were just awesome. My particular favorite matches were vs
Tom Brady in Deadly Alliance. That was fucking beautiful.
As it stands i have 19 hours and 45 minutes worth of fights from this weekend. About 3 or 4 hours of me and
Tom in MKDA. MKDC wasnt played at all besides for the tournament, but we have a few hours from that. Not sure which got more recording out of Deception and Armageddon but they were about equal in 6 hours each. I didnt play much MKA because it was the only game i really couldnt get used to again. I was surprised at how fast Deception came back to me. Backdash Canceling is the savior of the 3D MK games (That is a direct quote from Konqrr on my youtube a few months back lol). Anyway, you will see mostly
THTB and
Riu on MKA. Very nice stuff all around, guys.
Shock - You're like a brother to me. We were all like a family there regardless. Between you picking me up from the train station, from going to philly, to taking me home, to buying me dinner, to everything in between, i cannot thank you enough for this. I loved watching you play and it was an honor to get one game in with you there. Can't wait to see you again and also play more. Unbelievable man!
summ0ning - You are one of a kind, Nit. Your reassurance and overall kindness made me very cool calm and relaxed. Im also sorry that we didnt get to play Friday or Saturday. It was just very hard for me to not want to see what those 3D games look like offline. Now that ive seen it, you'll bet i'll be in the UMK room more often. Let me know about those casuals at your place in Marlboro. Was great going through Marlboro and seeing my old town. I'll talk to you on AIM after i finish these exams tonight or tomorrow. Great games vs me in the UMK tournament. Lots of bombs with Cyrax. I want more of that.
SweetJohhnyCage - Sat down with Shock, summ0ning and I for dinner and we all had a good talk. It was great to be able to introduce myself and to have Shock introduce me as a 3D MK legend to you. Anyway, great to meet you, John. Hope to play you in UMK next time.
iloveujoe- Another awesome guy. Sat down with us for dinner as well and got to talk to him and the others about the 3D MK's. I was explaining all about P1/P2 differences mainly. He seemed very interested and very supportive of the whole scene. Was constantly asking if we needed anything etc. great guy. Thanks for meeting you, Joe!
Dan - The car rides were funny. lol. That definitely was not the way we wanted to start off the weekend
But look at it this way, if we didnt get lost for all those hours, then Reo and Tom's Finals in MKDC would of got cut off. So yea, man. Just try and look at things in a positive way, even if some of it didnt work out as planned. We had an amazing time, and getting to watch you play offline vs others and myself was beautiful. Its hard to imagine you not being there for these things every time with us. Sindel vs Scorpion <3 I will find them for us and post them after i take these exams later. BTW. my professor extended it till tuesday, so its all good. Thanks for bringing the tube tv and everything else and buying us food and driving us all over the place and everything else man! Again, i say that its hard to imagine you not being there.
Jago - Had no idea who i was when i walked up him, but lucky for me i knew what he looked like. I had no idea what was going on/whether you made it at all. You're lucky you got on that plane. Be more prepared next time. Anyway, it was awesome hanging out with you the whole time there. Every time i would just start walking away from the scene, i would turn around and you would magically appear there. If i went into the hotel room, you would magically pop in there 2 seconds later. You're a funny guy, Justin. Incredible job in MKA. You owned me the very first match with Sub and did the freeze impale to me LMAO. Good shit. Very impressed at how fast you picked up Deadly Alliance. Keep working on it. Thanks for coming out to meet us, man.
THTB - Out of everyone there, this guy reminded me of myself the most. For whatever reason, me and you were just constantly on the same page with each other. From years of you constantly supporting my videos, commenting on them, on youtube, or forums. We've always managed to try and be on the same page with one another. Overall, playing you was my favorite, and it had nothing to do with the fact that we never once played all these years. I cant even use any of those years as a benchmark because you excelled so greatly in those games offline that there is no doubt that with get-togethers like that every once in a while, your game will skyrocket. I watched you from start to finish and god damn, man, it was crazy to know that the ENTIRE TIME you were there with us and even crashed in our room Saturday night. Amazing stuff man. LMAO at how we met. I look over at you and say to myself "Oh cool, its a black guy" turn my head for 2 seconds, realize who you were, turn back and be like "OH SHIT!! AZ!!!" LOL!
Phil - We hit it off beautifully, man. We were constantly on the same page as one another, and i probably enjoyed your company more then anyone there. You have this way of understanding people and relating yourself to them. Watching you work and do everything that you did for us was something that even know now that ive been to a tournament and know what its like, its going to take me a long time to understand how you manage to find the energy to pretty much run the whole thing. Unbelievable. It was great to meet Melissa. She is one of a kind and im so happy for the both of you. Very cool stuff. Great games in UMK. Me and you are gonna have some serious times together, man. Everything we talked about at the end will happen. I told Shock the same thing.
REO- Thanks for checking in on us every once in a while in the hotel rooms. We really wish you could of sat down with us for a few sessions, but me you and Tom will get these casuals going every month. Don't worry. Very nice Nightwolf in UMK. The thing you did great with him is spacing, and when you spaced, you hit the LK HP combo from farther away then anyone i ever seen. Great great shit. Awesome Sareena in MKA ( i was watching you and THTB play ). Without a doubt you would dominate in MKA also. And of course, MKDC. Haha, we never played before actually, i had no idea what to do. Hopefully we will get to play under more casual settings. Anywho, great stuff man. I'll call you as soon as im done with school and find out when Tom is coming to visit his family. Me you and Tom!!!!
Its up to us. Needless to say, REO, you are a gentleman and just as excellent of a person as you are a player. Keep it up, and sorry we didnt get a chance to play MKA.
Juggernaut - Was awesome meeting you and watching you play. When a round went by when you won, it was over before it started. Sick stuff, man. Sorry we didnt get a chance to talk more, but all i wanted everytime i saw you was to tell you how happy i was that you were there and were having a good time. You came a long way to be with us and not having you there in the future with us would be a huge loss. Hope to see you there more often.
AC1984 - Thanks for always checking on me to see how i was doing and talking to me on the side, man. You are such a friend! It was just really hard for me since it was my first tourny. I'm looking forward to sitting down with you and hanging out in more casual settings when theres not so much going on around me. You were as cool and calm as can be though. A very nice guy and i never seen you use Kabal before. I was very impressed at how well you did with him. Thanks for coming in the hotel rooms and hanging with us for a few. Sorry that i didnt do the same. Next time i will. Also, we need to play UMK. I dont think we did while we were at NEC.
Aldagod - Just hearing about you from Nit was all i needed to know. Unbelievable. Was honored to finally face in MKDeception. I'll try and get our matches up over the weekend. Great games in UMK as well. Very cool to meet you. You are an awesome person, right up there with summ0ning. Crazy stuff man. lol.
Storms- Damn, man. Those MKDC matches were insane with you and Tom. You took me the same level as you did with Tom. Im very impressed. Both me and Tom said how we never saw Raiden used like that. UNBELIEVABLE!!! You took my DeathStroke like nothing
That made me very sad LOL. Now, as for you my friend, you are like a brother to me, better yet, you are like a brother to everyone. But just your overall self of confidence and respect for others is nearly unmatched. I cannot thank you enough for giving us a room to play and stay on Saturday. Enjoyed every minute around you. It was just too crazy for me this time to do the interview. We will all be better prepared next time, needless to say. Thank you for bringing the UMK cab, that was HUGE for the community, and i mean huge on another level. I didnt get a chance to say goodbye to you though
No idea how that happened. I helped get the cabinent back outside when you were leaving and thats it. Oh well, till next time, brother. Thanks for all the video footage you captured while we were there.
Tom Brady - You were probably my closest friend there. We really hit it off from start to finish, but we needed more time together. Everytime we talked it was like 2 people who know the same exact things doing the same exact thing. It was kinda scary. You are without a doubt my rival in all the MK games. Everytime we played was just like every time we talked: 2 guys who know the same exact things doing the same exact things BUT in our own way. A way thats going to blow people out of the water when they see our Deadly Alliance matches. Too. Fucking. Good. I had no idea you were that good. Without a doubt, the best i ever faced. Was cool to play you in MKDC Saturday night (the day before the actual MKDC tournament). I turned around and there tons of people watching us. I was like damn, there sure was a lot of hype between the both of us playing each other in MKDC. I was really looking forward to playing you in the tournament, but we never did ;(, Just in general, i would of liked to play you again in MKDC. I didnt record our MKDC matches. Sorry dude. Make sure you are with REO and I for the Offline casuals every month. I'll call you soon. Needless to say, Tom is one of the funniest, coolest guys out there. A word to all people here: Dont judge people by online because once you meet them, you'll end up regretting it. Thanks for staying with us on Saturday night till 5 in the morning, going to sleep, then coming back for more games at 9 am. LMAO! You're a funny guy, Bill.
Arez - Hope everything worked out ok for you, man. It was awesome meeting you and having a smoke or 2 with you. We played a few games in Deception and it was very fun. Sorry we didnt play MKA at all, but i enjoyed watching you play. It was hard for me because once Tom came in and we had Deadly Alliance set up, i just wanted to play him since ive wanted to play him in MKDA for almost 10 years. Thank you for understanding that. You are a cool dude and i enjoyed our company together, espicially with Jago
Hope you enjoyed it, man!! Now lets make these kind of things possible more often!!! Give me a call and let me know how things worked out for you my man! A pleasure! And only wish you could of stayed there longer/been there friday.
Dark Rob - Another awesome member of the family. He's like a brother to me and everyone else. Its kind of scary how we are all like family. I look at the MK community a whole different way now thanks to guys like you. I loved being around you and watching you play and support all that was going on. You made a really good impression on me and its only the begining, Rob. I'll be there for casuals @ Nits every month. Sorry we didnt get a chance to talk much, it was just very hard for me with it being my first tourny etc.
Riu - You were a gentleman from start to finish. We also never played all these years and honestly, you are a lot better of an Offline player then you are Online from what i saw. I'm really going to need your help as well as others from going through matches i recorded. You were probably the only person there whose characters i didnt know, like i know Dan uses sindel, THTB uses reptile, etc. You said so many nice things to me while we were there. Things like "Its like you already know the move im gonna do before i do it" or "Those were some really good matches" when i would get done playing. Sometimes you would be the only one to walk up to me and say that. A gentleman full and through. My friend, hope to see you again next time, and again after that, and again and again and again!
Marv - Great to meet you at the very end, man! Congrats on winning the tournament. It was awesome to see you come up to me and give me a hug etc so i could congratulate you. It was a very special moment. Just to see you do that is why guys like you win tournaments.
Thank you to all for making this one of the greatest weekends of my life. You have to be there to experience it. Reading about it online serves no justice to actually being there and being part of our family. From 2d to 3d, we are all one family, and that was the beauty of it. Come MK9, this community is going to be huge. I hope more guys come out next time, (Tim, Konqrr, Bone, etc). You guys have no idea for whats in store for the future. You simply aren't ready. And if you are not a part of it, it'll blow right past you. So start supporting.
Lastly, i cant believe i was standing next to Red Saleen the entire weekend and he never even told me who he was!!! Frank, man. WTF?? I wanted to meet you and talk with you ;( Matt and Nit told me in the car who you were and even said themselves: "the guy standing next to you the whole time." Damnit, dude. All good though. Thanks for coming out.
To anyone i missed, i will add. I'm sure theres some.
Its going to take me a lot of time to get all the matches up. Its going to be hard to go through because each file is like 3-5 hours long with us just constantly switching controllers. Im gonna start with mine and of course the MKDC tourny. When i get those done i will be able focus on the next person, then the next person, etc. This means im going to watch all 20 hours and plus the editing process will take loads of time, and i mean loads. I can probably get all 20 hours up by 2011.
If theres any particular matches you want me to look for and post for the time being, then please let me know, just like Tom did while i was there when he let me know to post the first finals with him and REO because both guys were really tired by the last set. Let me know, please.
Later, folks.