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Match-up Discussion Johnny Cage: Official Matchup Discussion


Curbolicous MU chart (Only 1 bad MU)

Baraka: 6-4
Cyber Sub-Zero: 6-4
Cyrax: 6-4
Ermac: 5-5
Freddy: 5-5
Jade: 6-4
Jax: 6-4
Kabal: 3-7
Kano: 6-4
Kenshi: 5-5
Kitana: 5-5
Kung Lao: 5-5
Liu Kang: 5-5
Mileena- 6-4
Nightwolf: 6-4
Noob: 5-5
Quan Chi: 6-4
Raiden: 6-4
Rain: 5-5
Reptile: 5-5
Scorpion: 6-4
Sektor: 6-4
Shang: 6-4
Sheeva: 6-4
Sindel: 6-4
Skarlet: 5-5
Smoke: 6-4
Sonya: 5-5
Stryker: 6-4
Sub-Zero: 5-5
Total: 165

id have to agree with all except for sonya i feel like that is 4.5-5.5 / 4-6 just because the cage momentarily has to njp to try and punish for this shenanigans


LOL Very true. 8-2 cage jax is pretty crazy. I think Curbo was telling me its not that bad and its 6-4. Scorpion could be 7-3. I think scorpion fucking sucks honestly.


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
Wouldn't this be more accurate considering that's what most of the Jax, Scorpion, etc. top players say?
Well if we are going by what top players say then numbers like Kenshi and Sub-Zero would be different.

8-2 is ridiculous, that is not possible in this game. Thats like saying the matchup is worse then Jade v Kenshi


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
I can accept those numbers Except for Sonya(4.5-5.5), Kenshi(4-6), Sub-Zero(4.5-5.5), and Kabal (4-6)...

Playpal & Dizzy what do you guys think of this chart?


csz 5-5 (but i'd like more MU exp)
cyrax 5-5
kabal 4-6
kenshi 4-6
shang 5-5 (arguably worse)
sindel 5-5

All the other ones I'd change by maybe .5. Raiden arguably 5-5.


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
Baraka: 6-4
Cyber Sub-Zero: 5-5
Cyrax: 5-5
Ermac: 5-5
Freddy: 5-5
Jade: 6-4
Jax: 6-4
Kabal: 4-6
Kano: 6-4
Kenshi: 4-6
Kitana: 5-5
Kung Lao: 5-5
Liu Kang: 5-5
Mileena- 6-4
Nightwolf: 6-4
Noob: 5-5
Quan Chi: 6-4
Raiden: 5-5
Rain: 5-5
Reptile: 5-5
Scorpion: 6-4
Sektor: 5.5-4.5
Shang: 5-5
Sheeva: 6-4
Sindel: 5-5
Skarlet: 5-5
Smoke: 6-4
Sonya: 4.5-5.5
Stryker: 5.5-4.5
Sub-Zero: 4.5-5.5
Total: 158

This is a mixture of mine and many other players.


Mr. Mileena says Cage-Sindel is 6-4 in his favor, and I think Showtime would agree as well. I also think Sektor and Shang are even. Sub has a slight advantage, and Freddy may as well. I used to think Reptile could be in his favor but now it's sort of like the Kung Lao matchup for me. Kenshi should 5.5-4.5 or 6-4 for Kenshi. Everything else I agree with or would just modify slightly.


I cannot live in a world where sonya beats cage. That MU is 5-5 and probably the best 5-5 out there. They both have their tools.

Mr. Mileena

I used to think sonya and cage was 6-4, then 5-5, but going offline, it is 4-6 Sindel. His pressure is just too much for her to handle, and cartwheel being -7 on block doesn't help either.

It's bad for sindel. Her zoning is great but his pressure just dominates her


This matchup is the hardest mother freaking thing ever. I can not for the life of me beat my friend's Sub Zero. My friend plays a VERY aggressive Sub Zero. The thing is, when I try to mount a counter offense, he has that god damn safe ice clone and I am back to square one. He can advance whenever and however he wants, knowing damn well that I cannot mount my own offense because of that ice clone. Even dashing forward and low poking him on wakeup I would be frozen.... Online scrubs are easy to play against. I am very patient with them, but when my friends all up in my face with Sub, I lose my patience and try to attack and I fail horribly. How do you guys play this? Are there any good Cage v Sub matches out there that I can watch?


Truth is I do not play this match if I'm Cage but assuming you are a Cage main then here is what I think might work. It might sound weird but I think Cage can lame Sub Zero out. All it takes is one force ball for the life lead and then Sub Zero has to chase you. When Sub has to chase, you are at advantage already. Just be in position when he will whiff attacks or he goes for a random slide etc. and then punish. Once you're in there is not much he can do. Do not jump (unless you like ice clones) and react to every ice clone with a force ball. You can bait ice clones by dashing in and it is inevitable that Sub will put a clone out.


I usually lame out all the other Sub Zero's online and its usually an easy win for me, but my friend plays Sub Zero so differently that it forces me to change up my style. I cannot lame him out with a life lead. Hes aggressive as hell with Sub Zero, and because of the ice clone, I cannot counter, jumping or not. Even poking he will catch me with an ice clone (stupid mechanics) with a d1 or d4. I notice that f3 works on Sub Zero sometimes, causing the ice clone to break, but that doesnt seem to happen too often to be reliable.


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
learn his pattern and learn to block the ice clone/Timing on it...that's all I can say.

Patience is key. When Sub-Zero is knocked down w/o reset...if he always does a clone wakeup try dashing over him before he gets up and hit 44, this will move cage's hit box over the clone making it not appear and you will hit him with the attack.


Fear the Skulls
learn his pattern and learn to block the ice clone/Timing on it...that's all I can say.

Patience is key. When Sub-Zero is knocked down w/o reset...if he always does a clone wakeup try dashing over him before he gets up and hit 44, this will move cage's hit box over the clone making it not appear and you will hit him with the attack.
thanks for the advice cause this match up was killing me too