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Player 1 has host advantage


They made the game bro so they should know. As @16bit said earlier, colt (NRS) said it was random sometime ago. Based on that im not gonna believe anything until there is solid evidence to prove otherwise.
You're right, they should know. They should've known their frame data too but they didn't and they don't. I have more faith in somberness than I do in NRS. I see your point but naturally but I'm going to take his word for it and assume evidence is coming soon.


" Bros before Hoes"
You're right, they should know. They should've known their frame data too but they didn't and they don't. I have more faith in somberness than I do in NRS. I see your point but naturally but I'm going to take his word for it and assume evidence is coming soon.
They know their frame data but did not release it. Somberness just went through the trouble for us to find what the values were. No developer releases their frame data as far as I know. Not tekken or street fighter at least. Personally i don't care about this P1-P2 stuff because if you or I "suck" we would still lose anyway.


Changing the subjetc; are there a rule in the game to decide who is the winner when both players have the same amount of life left and the time runs out? I was watching the matchs to end in draws while I read the forum and it seens random, is that correct?
It happened to me a few times, where both players let the game sit from the beginning so neither player lost health. Player 1 won every round when I started watching.

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They know their frame data but did not release it. Somberness just went through the trouble for us to find what the values were. No developer releases their frame data as far as I know. Not tekken or street fighter at least. Personally i don't care about this P1-P2 stuff because if you or I "suck" we would still lose anyway.
SCV had full frame data including block and hit advantages in its guide book.


Tourney id: Gfc_alekS
So this is official: P1 has an edge.

Just imagine the situation when you lose d.3 on d.3 versus Cyrax because of this BS: you just lost either 70% of your life bar to his combo or potentially your whole life because of command throw shenanigans (save breaker). Oh wait there is better: Cage on P1: basically you lost if he touches you with f.3? Of course I'm exaggerating a bit, but still.

I'd like to know how it's dealt at next (US) major: coin flip, constant side switching, RPS? Either way I'll hog P1 at any cost at the next tourney I'm attending.
lol. I think if I were somberness and I found this I would have just not said anything. Now everytime I get beat out of something I'm going to be salty.

I don't blame him for posting it, just saying that this can really have an astronomical effect on the game.
I disagree. If somberness didn't bring this to attention how would we know what we need in the next installment? Now we know for sure a trade feature is needed. I for one was never a fan of random advantage.


This doesn't seem as bad as the input bug is... I know i've gotten far more standing 4s because of the that bug than trades i've lost. I mean, this blows but I can't help but still play this game.

This is going to really suck when the rest of the fighting game community finds out. The haters are going to come down hard for this one. (rightly so)


Makes women fap
I just realized in every tournament, every casual and every match EVER played that Cyrax has ALWAYS been used on the P1 side........ i guess he needs it after all..

Purple Haze

Dojo Trainee
list of tournaments player 2 has won:FR,summer jam,seasons beatings,mlg,power up,NRC i believe 16 bit was player 2. and there are more.yea this is a big deal lol.#wgii #yolo

ps if you dont want to lose the trade use cage.
But isn't this the final round where they were player 2?

What about all the previous rounds that got them to the Grand Final?


Funny thing. I entered training mode to check this with Jade. I was pressing the buttons on both controllers. As P1 I always hit P2 doing the same normal, BESIDES 3, which would hit as P2 if done at distance, in-close P1 would win the trade. But P1 having advantage overall seems legit.


False Information Police Officer
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
Guide book made by who? I remember a review by Aris on this and IIRC it wasn't namco. Anyway no worries bro. I just think people are over reacting about this whole thing.
As far as how the guides get frame data, on wakeup SRK two of the authors of the MVC3 guide were guests. They said they were given a developer copy of the game that allowed them to play the game frame by frame so they could mine the frame data, and allowed an option to show the hitboxes. Who knows if this is what they did for SFxT and SCV but its becoming standard to have frame data in guides.


Goro Lives 
I'm going to be completely honest when I say this thread shouldn't have been posted until more and solid evidence had been found. A good deal of the replies are complains and excuses trying poorly to justify or explain past performance.

If priority really is decided randomly, doing 100 tries/tests and getting P1 to win the trade everytime is like getting all heads in 100 coin flips. Neither state one result has a bigger chance of ocurring than the other.


Is everyone going to hop on bandwagon of riding NRS' dick and repeat what other people have been saying to seem relevant?


Someone earlier in the thread said that this very well could have been in the video game since the release, and that we have dealt with it unknowningly. NRS has been known to read these boards.
Unless of course making noise is the only way to get this done, I think rather than stress these guys out, we can continue to do what we've always been doing, and dealing with it.

I sure hope someone misquotes me as assuming that I think that having these errors is okay, it's not.
did you say when they meet at the same time? okay so there is no problem at all since the chance of two attacks meeting at the same time are astronomical. we have nothing to worry about
do they teach simple code at your schools? if they do take up a class


False Information Police Officer
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
Two people, pressing a button within 1/60th of a second at the same time isn't astronomical odds. Especially when they have been training to press it at that exact timing. That isn't even counting hitboxes colliding with each other.

If you ever played a game fighting game that has trades, you would see it actually occurs quite often.

MKK hanzo

how can this have anything to do with the input bug? it happens on both player sides doing any down command, whether it connects with the opponent or not.
Just a random thought. Maybe while the game is randomly skipping player priorities some inputs may be lost into oblivion. Idk.

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