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It came from the Shadows! - Noob Saibot General Discussion Thread

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
Characters i use or have used:

Noob Saibot
Quan Chi

While i havent picked any of them up to accomodate Noob, they are fun to use ^-^

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
i can use pretty much everyone in the cast except skarlet by use i mean i know combos and 1 or 2 tricks but i want someone who i can properly learn everything with and covers noobs bad matchups


Dojo Trainee
Stack, i think you have one of the best noobs on xbl. A bit of rushdown & zoning, you should stick to him until you have an idea of who gives you the most trouble. (probably raiden, smoke, lao) Mileena would also be a good choice for these, just watch out for Lao.

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
Stack, i think you have one of the best noobs on xbl. A bit of rushdown & zoning, you should stick to him until you have an idea of who gives you the most trouble. (probably raiden, smoke, lao) Mileena would also be a good choice for these, just watch out for Lao.
my worst matchups are sub zero, good smokes , good raidens, good mileenas and probably kitana but wit kitana i feel im just being outplayed i always make stupid decisions v kitana
thx for de props btw ;)
edit/ how could i forget reptile:mad:


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
Cage doesn't do well against Kabal though.... so he might not be a good secondary. Whoever is good against Raiden, Reptile and Kabal would be a good choice imo.


Head Cage
Upmissiles on wakeup. My techrolls can be sometimes anticipated.

...thats about it honestly ^-^' shame, i know.
Anyone can avoid upmissles with a well times teleslam or a footsie game. If your footsies are bad then you need to work on them when fighting against sektor. Now I can understand why your having a tough time.


Noob Saibot is BACK!
I'm currently using Noob as my main with Rain to back him up. It seems like where Noob is lacking (midscreen combos, putting enemy on their feet after a combo, armor, etc.), any potential problems anyone can see with this line-up?


Noob Saibot is BACK!
Okay, so this is more for me than anything (I tend to be able to call upon information better when I've written it down, so why not here), but just some basic info about pressuring with Noob and how I like to go about it.

Obviously you'll have to mix these up, be as random as possible but still remain safe.

b+1 - Great for closing distance when pressuring for a +3 on hit and neutral on block. When I'm pressuring I typically follow this up with an upknee which connects on block, whiffs on hit unfortunately :\ I'll typically use b+1 after a f+3,3xxupknee on block or 1+2 because it puts you perfect distance to connect with this move and compensates for its slow start up.

b+1,2,1 - Decent to mix up after you've poked with b+1 a few times since they may not be expecting it. ALWAYS follow this with upknee as it connects on either hit or block. Be careful when using this combo, you can only hit confirm the third hit, and recovery on b+1,2 is dreadful if blocked so use this sparingly as a cross up attempt will hurt a lot.

1 - Fantastic pressure tool, comes out quickly. I typically follow with upknee which connects on hit or block.

1,2 - Great pressure tool, closes distance well and has great pushback on block. Following this with upknee is totally dependent on the situation. Since you'll be neutral on block regardless I suggest only following with upknee if you connect your first hit. Because it ends the string before the upknee they can block and give you a +4 advantage again.

f+4 - Personally, I love this move for pressure. After a blocked 1,2 or f+3,3xxupknee it can totally catch an opponent off guard since most people aren't used to seeing it too often and it has very solid range on it. Always follow with an upknee which connects on hit or block. I don't recommend following up with the second hit (3) ever considering they can simply duck it and get a full punish.

f+3,3 - My personal favorite tool. I'll typically follow this with an upknee 90% of the time, but every so often I'll cut it off there to continue pressure. If you do happen to catch an opponent with this in the corner and follow with upknee you can pick them up with d+1xxupknee for a 35% combo.

f+3,3,3 - Another incredible pressure combo. You can hit confirm the third hit so my strategy is usually: If they block the first hit, upknee after second, if you catch them with the first hit follow with 3,3xxfront portal. After I immediately dash back putting the portal slightly in front of me. This cuts potential counter pressure and gives you a safe place to begin zoning. This puts good distance between your opponent and yourself so use that to your advantage. The one time I use a different strategy is against Raiden, in which case don't dash backwards after the portal so if they teleport they'll land right on it.

Hope this was useful to someone out there. Keep up that Noob pressure!

EDIT: Honorable mention: b+2 seems like it has great potential giving +5 advantage on hit, unfortunately I haven't been able to work this into my routine. If anyone finds a solid way to pressure with this I'd love to hear it!


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
I think Noob has great mix ups because of the reach of his grab (best throw in the game imo) and also his high/low projectiles. If my opponent is low on life and I get a block string going, I love to do a b12 xx Ex slide or a b2 xx Ex slide because they will ALWAYS be blocking high for that overhead in those strings.

My personal favorite pressuring tools of his are f33 and b1.


Head Cage
I think Noob has great mix ups because of the reach of his grab (best throw in the game imo) and also his high/low projectiles. If my opponent is low on life and I get a block string going, I love to do a b12 xx Ex slide or a b2 xx Ex slide because they will ALWAYS be blocking high for that overhead in those strings.

My personal favorite pressuring tools of his are f33 and b1.
Noobs mixups are ok at best. His b1 and b2 combo strings r way to slow to be a viable mixup option

b1=21 frames startup
b2= 18 frames startyup
OKAY!!!! Noob saibot community I have a question to ask of all of u!?
Altaire Flawedzilla Sage Leviathan Wemfs fr stack M_TRICKZz iroku
I'm trying to condense the Noob Saibot thread a bit more and I was curious if any of you even look at bradys guide at all?

Everything i tht guide is covered in Dr's guide. Very basic guide tbh. Its a waste of a stick now so I figured I should get rid of it.
I'm late but throw it out! Dr's guide is way superior. Was on SfxTk guys but the hype for that game has gone down sooooooo fast I just didn't feel it so I'm bad on my MK9 and am still praying that one that one day they'll be a tourney in NJ and I'll just take it home for sure then xD


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
Is it possible for Noob to get more than 35% with 1 bar off a naked portal (no tackle/slide into it)? I know a naked portal will never catch anybody. I just wanna make sure that 35% (with 1 bar) is the maximum amount of damage you can net after a portal.

blackhole, NJP, B+2, 12, 12~:ex upknee, teleslam -- 35%


yea, but doesn't d3 whiff on some low starting strings?
A 6 frame d1 would be nice for ex.
>Scorpio enh telle +10 on block. scorpio low starting string is 17( i think) and the only 7 frame move we got(d3) whiffs... unless there's something i could do and im missing it but each time that focker gets meter its a free 50/50....

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
Is it possible for Noob to get more than 35% with 1 bar off a naked portal (no tackle/slide into it)? I know a naked portal will never catch anybody. I just wanna make sure that 35% (with 1 bar) is the maximum amount of damage you can net after a portal.

blackhole, NJP, B+2, 12, 12~:ex upknee, teleslam -- 35%
have u tried b121 behind portal f33 ex upknee dash dash f33 12 ex upknee teleslam:cool: