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Your Top 5 Vid Games/Series you're good in & Top 5 you are horrible in.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Ok, well figured this would be an interesting topic to discuss. Here in this thread you'll be asked to post the top 5 games and/series in general that you're good in as well as 5 games you're worst in that you feel you just suck flat out.

Here's mine so you get an idea of how you can layout your posts:

Top Series in general:

1. Mortal Kombat series, I enjoy playing all of them at high level and just love them all but I do have my better MK's compared to others(like we all do)have always played MK since I was little back in the arcades and something instantly drew me to it.

2. Split Second-There will be a second game made sometime but this series is awesome, the best newest arcade sim racer in years since Burnout 3. You have to work your rank down from 99-1, and took me a month+ but I'm 1 currently and really enjoy it. I love fast paced arcade racers and most of the time come in top 3 in a race usually. :)

3. Super Mario Baseball Series-There's two games, very oldschool mechanics like if you're into old baseball styled games but yet offers the tools you need to play it more competitively (without items) from faster dashing to diving catches to contact to power hitting. It's all there with your favorite Mario Universe characters. I only wish this game was online seriously...

4. Burnout Series-The first 4 games I loved, played online too(first two weren't but 3 and 4 were) and was very competitive, Burnout 3 especially almost as good as I am in Split Second...it's close I think.

5. All Star Baseball and Dr. Mario series for a tie...very close with these two games, I'd say around the same level. Definitely my best Puzzle game, All Star I'd say comparable to Mario Baseball and I love that game(sadly it died with Acclaim ASB series :(
My Top 5 video games overall ever:

1. Mortal Kombat: Deception-May have only been online but was easily one of the hottest MK games online in general, I played it on xbox and there was not one player I couldn't take out or haven't ;) I can't say that about some other MK games(like UMK3 where still a few give me a really tough time) Although I used Dairou a lot my main boy was Ermac, and I was king with him. Good times, good times.

2.MKDC-Although the online was horrendous, it was fun for a while. On xbox I played, I did very well with it and enjoyed killing with Raiden and Scorp. Mainly Raiden though. I would have used more characters but with such a limited roster having DC's guys in there I only used two guys but used them effectively regardless.

3. UMK3-Fun, fun, fun!!! lol Always loved this MK and knew how to play being an oldschool buff but since the online versions came to be I've gotten far, far better over the past few years especially. I really learned a lot from some other guys and this is a game that you truely do get better in by both losing and winning as well as having tight matches. Although most UMK3 players use similar characters(ie kabal, smoke etc) I do my best to be unique and pick characters that nobody else likes such as Sektor, Cyrax to name a few offhand. I can use other people but these two are my bread and butter personally. I can play this game all day(any MK game but especially this game) I do well most of the time and find only the players from MKE and classic are really formadible players and not scrubs like everyone else in this game.

4. Split Second-Newer game been out now a few months but I ROCK in it lol, definitely one of my best racing games I've ever played, if not my best overall. I've always been fond of arcade, fast paced racers but SS is just so much fun and the best arcade racer since Burnout 3. I'll gladly take the arcade racer since Cruis N USA/ World Days over the realistic racer like Forza or GT.

5. Wii Bowling/ Dr. Mario -These games are very close I consider myself in, so far only the crazy Japanese players online wii have been able to beat me in Dr. Mario here and there(no where else so far) As for Wii Sports, I'm probably better in Wii Bowling then Dr. M since I have bowled tons of perfect games, and beat everyone I play so far. I only wish it was online...I used to bowl for real so I have to say it's very realistic in some ways...(no you see Sony and M$ copying with Move and Kinect lol as both will have a bowling game similar to Wii Bowling soon)

Honorable mentions- MKA, All Star Baseball, MK4, Donkey Kong Country, Psi-Ops:The MindGate Conspiracy, TMNT:Turtles in Time, NHL Hitz, Tetris Attack, Bust-A-Move, Quake 2 and 4 and Perfect Dark, Super Mario Brothers World and Super Mario Brothers Wii.

Worst games/Series in general:

1. Virtual Fighter Series-Always tried lol but never could play it lol, so I just played for fun. The Mechanics are far too technical and takes like a hundred times more time to put in as oppose to MK, SF or something in order to get good in as far as I'm concerned lol

2. COD Series-I do a little better WAW as oppose to others like say Modern Warfare 2 or COD4 for example. I do like stabbing people in COD2 though lol but consider myself just a casual player who usually gets wrecked most of the time lol.

3. Goldeneye-Yes, believe it or not I was one of those kids who enjoyed the game but sucked royally lol...to this day I get owned vs. my current best friends I've known past 10+years or longer like I lost to my childhood friends(one of which is still one I keep touch with and play vid games with) Perfect Dark I did far better lol.

3. Wii Boxing-lol by far my worst wii game ever so far lol. I just can't do well in this game, don't ask me why I just can't play this game well remotely...lol

4.Madden series-Any Madden game much less football game I am just horrible in lol, no matter what.

5. Halo 3-I get destroyed in all of them although I did "alright" in Halo 2 as I've actually come in second and a few rare times first, the rest I've gotten destroyed however...Halo 3 I just owned bad lol and didn't like as much as Halo 2 honestly, but hopefully Reach I'll do better in lol.

So post yours guys, feel free to elaborate and have fun! :)

We're all good, bad and ugly at something lol.:)


Very cool thread idea.

Top 5 Fav. Game Series, Positive
1. Mortal Kombat
2. Resident Evil come to mind quickly
3. Mario, Super NES days...
4. Gran Turismo, hands down BEST driving game
5. Rock Band/Guitar Hero, alot of late nights playing in a "band" with my fiance'... lol. Too bad XBOX sucks and has RROD's :(.... all of our shit... LOST. :rant:


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Top 5 Games:

Rush'n Attack - This old arcade game I've been playing since I was in diapers lol. My highest score in that game is up there as one of the best in the world.
Urban Champion - I could easily set this game's world record if I had proper recording material.
MKA - Lol, I played the game religiously for 2 years straight. Don't ask why, though. By the time I stopped, though, I was pretty good.
SSFIV - I'm not super good, but I'm better than a lot, lol.
DDR/ITG - Again, not super good, but better than a lot. I can do easier 10-footers (not consistently), which is far from bad, tbh.

Bottom 5 Games:
Gears of War - I absolutely blow in this game, lol.
Madden - Again, I absolutely suck lol.
Call of Duty - I barely play it, but shooters are definitely my worst genre. That and sports.
NBA Live - One more sports title I'm horrid at.
Halo - Notice I'm bad in probably America's most popular games? :p
2) Arkham Asylum
3) Perfect Dark
4) Candystand.com Billiards (Dontay knows whats up)
5) Killer Instinct 2


1) Contra 3
2) Ninja Gaiden 2
3) Candystand.com Bowling
4) MK2
5) Street Fighter 3

Shark Tank

I don't actually play these games

Monster Hunter
Resistance 1
Demons Souls or Final Fight

(insert any other fighting game here)
Little Big Planet
Killzone 1
Poke'mon yellow :p



1)Killzone 2. I'm god
2)Hawx 2
3)Resistance 2


1)Uncharted 2
3)Red Dead Redemption


Good, not pro:

1) Mortal Kombat
2) Blazblue
3) Final Fantasy
4) Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi series
5) Smash bros Brawl -easy ass game lol

1) Marvel series -God Marvel vs capcom 2 is like the hardest game to get good it, I'd say that would be a fact
2)Quake world - Play this game online and look at how many frags you get, for me its usually 0-3
3)Guilty Gear series -I haven't even played this against someone good yet I just know I am going to get owned badly in it
4)Street Fighter 2 series -Reversals just seem impossible to me...
5)Pokemon -I am waaaaaay too impatient to grind for hours just to get to 100 with all those EVs though I could probably be pretty good at the game if I tried

Nice thread MKF =)


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Thanks, I disagree respectfully thought with you on MVC being the hardest to get good at lol after playing VF and Tekken, they get my vote on that one lol

But nice list man.


Tekken is definitly not as hard as MVC2 or VF4, if it was it wouldn't really see much play. But I can see where your coming from with VF and MVC, VF being extremely deep and MVC being extremely hard to keep up with. I think even Justin Wong said something about VF having to be your only game if you want to be top in it and he plays Tekken.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
VF would easily be the single hardest fighting game to get GOOD at.

Tekken is eh, just bang on your face on controller = wins.


2. Tekken 5/6
3. MW2
4. Super Smash Bros 64
5. Mario Kart :)

1. SF4
2. MK2
3. Soul Calibur 4
4. RE5 (Versus)
5. Super Mario Bros (I always fall off ledges)


VF would easily be the single hardest fighting game to get GOOD at.

Tekken is eh, just bang on your face on controller = wins.

I guess in casuals you could do that but when it comes to tournaments.. Meh

online eddy ftw


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Tekken is definitly not as hard as MVC2 or VF4, if it was it wouldn't really see much play. But I can see where your coming from with VF and MVC, VF being extremely deep and MVC being extremely hard to keep up with. I think even Justin Wong said something about VF having to be your only game if you want to be top in it and he plays Tekken.
I beg to differ here, MVC may take time but nothing as much as VF ....overall thing that nobody ever talks about is Tekken got just about all their mechanics from VF anyway but Tekken happens to be more popular. Tekken may be debatable but VF is the most technical, difficult fighter ever made IMO there's so many nooks and crannies to master, remember and implement it's just mind boggling...

(VF)It's also known as the most technical fighter out there well above SF, MK, SC, MVC, Smash Brothers etc...it's not even close dude. But Tim's right, the learning curve and time it takes for VF is ridiculous....compared to any other fighter I've played like ever lol that's why it's hardly played by people here anyway because nobody wants to invest that amount of time just to be "decent" at a fighting game, and it's not fun or nearly as accessible as SF or MK.


Which is pretty much what I said (unless I wasn't being that clear, if so, I apologize), VF is very deep, more deep then MVC, I am just saying MVC2 is just hard for a normal human mind to keep up with thats all lol


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
VF being the most technical fighter is such a huge misconception, it's not even funny.

VF simply has a higher entrance barrier compared to Tekken games not TTT. Both games are hard to play, period...and it's actually arguable which one is harder/more technical.

VF has a lot of shit, but so does Tekken.

I'm not going to get into Marvel's difficulty.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
I'm good at:

1. UMK3
3. SSF4
4. Tekken (all but 4 which doesn't really exist and never happened)
5. Time Attack games (Cloning Clyde, Tekken Time Attack, other games where you find shortcuts or the fastest way to win or get the high score)

Games I suck at:

1-5+. FPS games (Halo, CoD, everything else) I couldn't hit you if you were standing right in front of me. Put a real gun in my hand though and we'll see what's up lol


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Which is pretty much what I said (unless I wasn't being that clear, if so, I apologize), VF is very deep, more deep then MVC, I am just saying MVC2 is just hard for a normal human mind to keep up with thats all lol
Yeah it's all good, I thought you said MVC is harder to play/master then VF is....that's why I was about to say, what? lol But yeah, I think for the normal/casual player most fighters will be hard for someone, UMK3, MVC, SF, SC etc. or I should say understand before worrying about even getting good, games like SF and MK may also take some time to get used to but with those games I like the saying "Easy to play, hard to master"

I have friends that play them casually and they have a rough time with any of those games lol

With VF it's more like "Hard to Master and Hard To play" lol know what I mean?

But I'm sure MK9 will probably have a steeper learning curve then most MK games generally speaking from what we're seeing but nothing too difficult.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
I'm good at all games except for racing games. Racing games bore me so I don't mind sucking at them. Aside from Mario Kart that is.


Blue Blurs for Life!
About racing games - I'm with Juggernaut on that. The only video games of the racing genre I ever enjoyed were those related to the Mario Kart series. Others just...make me go all, "Meh." Typical old "race to the finish line" thing gets old after a while. Least with Mario Kart, you get really creative strings added to that. And hey, who doesn't love Mario?

But I digress. Let's see...I'd have to say the top five games/series I - in my humble opinion with no egotism included - happen to excel at would be:

1. (Series) The Legend of Zelda - I picked up this series since twelve years ago. First game was Ocarina of Time for the Nintendo 64, which is now obsolete in this day and age. I fell in love with the series since, and have become adept at solving the dungeon puzzles and holding my own against many creatures. I'll even be blunt and say I almost NEVER get defeated and thrown to the Game Over screen...in fact, that hasn't happened for years now, no matter what Zelda game I play. I just flow easily with the gameplay and can adapt to things very fast. And of course, I never tire of the increasingly creative twists they throw into the Zelda series year after year. To this day, it continues to burn bright in my heart.

2. (Series) Mario Bros. - I'll admit, this series is actually quite easy for me to play through as far as the gameplay goes. Although it isn't the same for others. And this is kinda a family heirloom that was instilled into me from the time I was a child, as my parents originally played this years ago (bear in mind, the Mario series is close to being thirty years old now). Still, while the gameplay seems easy, the story is still fun to live through and I've never stopped enjoying Mario's adventures.

3. (Series) Sonic the Hedgehog - I kinda dropped out of playing this series since picking up Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe, but will be getting back to it soon. I was practically born into the video game world with Sonic the Hedgehog at the forefront. His series is one of the BEST I have ever played, in my opinion. Some people may wonder how we can play such fast-paced video games like Sonic the Hedgehog (if you've played some of the stages in this series, you know what I mean). All I have to say to that is it takes the right mind and dedication to adapt to Sonic's style of play. Same can be said for all the other characters.

4. (Single Game) Final Fantasy VII - This is the only game I have ever played in the Final Fantasy series, but it is AMAZING and I can play it like it's part of my limbs, in a manner of speaking. Seriously, no words can describe this particular game. If you have not played it, you are REALLY missing out. I'm telling you, this is one of the mother games that paved the way for the generation that we live in now regarding games for the Playstation.

5. (Single Game) Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe - Like many others, I'll agree the online mode is terrible (although there ARE still people we can have excellent connections with when fighting them) and some of the characters are purely unbalanced. However, that has never stopped me from enjoying this game to my heart's content. I draw high fascination from learning how all the characters function...Hell, I can use eleven out of the twenty-two characters there now. In that game, I built my reputation as the Scorpion King and managed to hold my own against some of the best Mortal Kombat players out there. Sadly, I have no offline competition at my part of the world, which is a disappointment, but as I always tell people, "It's either this or nothing." And of course, the characters have become so realistic with their unique personalities and I can relate a great deal to some of them, especially Scorpion, and the fighting itself is the best way for me to channel my emotion through the sheer intensity of the kombat. To me, while this may not be the best game since it WAS a rushed project by Midway and Warner Bros., the online experiences I acquired through playing MK vs. DC have changed me drastically and they are times I will never regret living through. This was also the game responsible for my discovery of my passion for the Mortal Kombat series in general, and lemme tell ya, I'm enjoying it loads! I cannot wait for Mortal Kombat 9's arrival!

As for the five games/series I have terrible luck with...I cannot really list any of them here, because I never keep any games I find myself disliking a great deal. So what you see here is what you get. Though like I said at the top of this post, racing games are not my cup of tea. Neither are shooting games, for that matter (except for the Metal Gear Solid series, which I do happen to excel in). Still, rather than say I excel in something, I would prefer to just prove it with action, not words. I don't like being the egostical type, after all.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Interesting list, one thing is for sure though nobody can be good in every, single game ever lol. Just impossible, most are usually great at fighters, racing games or puzzle games or FPS's I've discovered with gamers