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It came from the Shadows! - Noob Saibot General Discussion Thread


Head Cage
gotta love dat helpless i give up feeling mid way through round one
Reptile gets in way to easy. One wiffed tackle = reptile in your face. What can you really do besides block and wait for his pressure strings to be over. Reptile cripples noob to the point where I give up LOL.

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
so whos de exact opposite of noob it seems all my mains have de same weaknesses!! shitty wake ups no armour who should i go for??


jax ? muahaha

Reptile gets in way to easy. One wiffed tackle = reptile in your face. What can you really do besides block and wait for his pressure strings to be over. Reptile cripples noob to the point where I give up LOL.
true.. reptile and kabal... raiden has gotten a lot better. don't give up hito lol. this is why id like to have better portals... specially the close by portal.


Head Cage
jax ? muahaha

true.. reptile and kabal... raiden has gotten a lot better. don't give up hito lol. this is why id like to have better portals... specially the close by portal.
ever since raiden teleport got nerfed that matchup became manageable at a 4-6. Raiden isnt tht much of a threat anymore.
Hey guys why don't you guys use the Ex Portal reset I created? It's literally the best reset he has in the game right now because the one and only way for the opponent to escape is to perform a wake-up which he literally has like 30 frames to see coming and block so why? The only problem is landing Ex Portal take's skill but if I can trick ppl into sub's slow as B2 it can't be that hard so I approve this message to my Noob brothers all over the world.

Give me your thoughts on anything about this subject plz!


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
Hey guys why don't you guys use the Ex Portal reset I created? It's literally the best reset he has in the game right now because the one and only way for the opponent to escape is to perform a wake-up which he literally has like 30 frames to see coming and block so why? The only problem is landing Ex Portal take's skill but if I can trick ppl into sub's slow as B2 it can't be that hard so I approve this message to my Noob brothers all over the world.

Give me your thoughts on anything about this subject plz!
What reset are you talking about?
Noob Saibot Reset set-up!
First off no comments saying this is the reset people have been doing its not -_-. This is different but harder!
The -EX- Black-Hole reset!
Here's how its down: 1. Land an -Ex- Black hole <------> 2. Wait till they hit the ground and give it one second. <-----> 3. Then immediately perform Black hole(above) and it will always land unless your opponent performs a wake up attack.
Reset Details:
Because -Ex- Black Hole is an UN-tech-able knockdown that gives you enough time to perform another black hole and cross over your enemy without them getting up. And the the thing is if you time another black hole you'll land it 100% of the time xD, even the -EX-version. Now all resets have escapes or they would be considered broken luckily this one is the same as the rest, not broken because there is a way out. For any character to escape they have to perform a wake-up attack because the added frames of invincibility will protect them! That's the main science of this reset but unlike the other reset because you have to perform a reset to escape that basically means free damage for Noob depending on the character!​
Why should I use this:
This is what everyone will be asking and my answer is! The pluses are:
-1.Have you ever landed -EX-black hole and wanted your enemy to fall but you can more damage by following up right, I have but now you can do that!​
-2. Even if your opponent knows they can get out of by doing a simple wake-up attack, answer me this are wake-up attacks safe?, but some people have wake-up attacks that are safe for example: Sonya(cartwheel) and scorpion(leg take-down) These characters can seemingly escape unharmed. But again you have time to do a black hole and jump or dash in any direction before they even can wake-up so that means you can simple dash back on Sonya and Scorpiong or jump them and land a combo if performed correctly!​
-3.This tactic can harm alot of characters that have very unsafe wake-up game like: Ermac, Quan, Rain, Sub, Kenshi, Shang(if you time his soul steal and punish),Sektor, Kabal and etc.​
Cons: -Ex- Black hole is very hard to land! 2.You'll have to be a master at punishing certain moves, so there is some skill needed! Well that's about it hope you guys enjoy.​
And most I've gotten with one meter(being the black hole) after landing this move is about 40% and if a char really doesn't want to do a wake-up you can perform -EX- Black hole over and over again, but with different timing!
If they attempt to jump out!
Don't use 2 meters on this as blake decided too lol, but you guys get the picture right?
If they attempt to wake up!
If all of a characters wake ups are unsafe this can be a huge problem like for Sub.
My Set-up is: Ex Portal-Above portal-NJP-dash-B2-B121xxDisabler (This creates a lot of mind-games or you can end it in b1214xxTeleslam if you just want the damage which adds up to 40% total but I like to keep the mind games going)​
Thanks for reading and give me feedback people and sorry I don't know how to make the Enhanced sign on this site :( And special thanks to blake for providing the videos xD thanx a million​


Head Cage
the problem with ur reset as u stated that its hard to land.

EX Portal starts up in like 50 something frames so punishing things on blocks seems rather unrealistic. This would be more viable if the ex portal bug was gone and we could control where the ex portal would go.

Also what can be done with EX Portal can be done with regular portal except in ways of performing it in a combo to reset the damage.

As great as this find is wasting meter on EX Portal is just....a waste of meter. Like I said this could be viable if we fix EX portals placement bug.


first thing that comes to mind is if you already landed a portal (the ex) why not use it ? simple 1 12 tackle would do and is easy. the second portal would be wasting the ex no ?


Cock Master!!
Question ~ what combo do you guys use to punish a Blocked Mileena telekick..

Noob is slowly becoming my main after sindel. i have no clue how to punish stuff with him yet.. GOD I FUCKING HATE TRAINING MODE!!

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
Question ~ what combo do you guys use to punish a Blocked Mileena telekick..

Noob is slowly becoming my main after sindel. i have no clue how to punish stuff with him yet.. GOD I FUCKING HATE TRAINING MODE!!
-1, 12~Upknee/Tackle/Slide
-1, 12~EXUpknee, Teleslam
-1, 12~Disabler


Head Cage
-1, 12~Upknee/Tackle/Slide
-1, 12~EXUpknee, Teleslam
-1, 12~Disabler
(may start each of those with b2 instead of 1)

Would b2, b1214~Upknee/Tackle/Slide work?
no it would not. She recovers to fast. tbh i just uppercut lol

a blocked spin by mileena has to be punished diff as well. Due to her small htibox you would miss ur normal punsih for blocked moves that have a spin animantion

b1214 teleslam/shadow charge/shadow slide

(I'm not sure if u can do a dash b2 before the punish but if you can tht be cool)

For mileena u must punish her roll like this

b2 [dash] 1,12, disabler/upknee/charge/slide


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
-1, 12~Upknee/Tackle/Slide
-1, 12~EXUpknee, Teleslam
-1, 12~Disabler
(may start each of those with b2 instead of 1)

Would b2, b1214~Upknee/Tackle/Slide work?
Looks like you have a 1 frame window to punish her normal telekick with a b2 into whatever you want. Too narrow of a window if you ask me.

1, 12, xxx would be your best bet, but it looks like you can punish with a f333, xxx as well (though I've never tried it). Could also do a d1, xxx. Whatever floats your boat.

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
i usually uppercut to shadow slide if she tries to tele it usually connects before she disappears
or 1 12 portal BLOCK punish

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
Just for chits and giggles, ive been messing with d1 too.
Someone jumped at me and i was like "I wonder..."

I doubt that you can follow up an AA d1 with anything but a special.


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
Do any of you use standing 1 as an AA?
Im becoming increasingly consistant with it.
Yeah I've been doing it recently. I do 1, 12, ghostball most of the time.

I think it's possible to follow up a d1 AA into 12, special. I've done d1, 12, tackle to my friend who crossed me up, so it should work.

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
Most of the time ill end with Ghostball out of habit.

Has anyone tried AA 2? I havent, but i want to see if it works just as good as AA 1.


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
No I haven't tried the standing 2. I've seen people use it, but to me the standing 1 looks better because of the reach it has.

D4, teleslam is a cool AA to do.